
姓名:谭志军 性别:男 职称:副教授 学院:数学与计算科学学院 最后学历:博士 主要研究方向:
姓名:谭志军 性别:男 职称:副教授
学院:数学与计算科学学院 最后学历:博士
谭志军,数学与计算科学学院副教授,硕士生导师,中山大学2010年“百人计划”引进人才,广东省引进创新科研团队核心成员。 2003年获湘潭大学数学系计算数学专业理学硕士学位,导师为黄云清教授;2005年11月获香港浸会大学数学系哲学博士学位,导师为汤涛教授; 2005年3月-2005年8月访问北京大学数学系;2005年9月-2010年5月在新加坡-麻省理工学院联盟(Singapore-MIT Alliance)做研究员。
[1] P.G. Jayathilake, B.C. Khoo and Zhijun Tan, Effect of membrane permeability on capsule substrate adhesion: Computation using immersed interface method, Chemical Engineering Science 65, 3567-3578 (2010). (09 SCI impact factor: 2.136)
[2] D.V. Le and Zhijun Tan, Large deformation of liquid capsules enclosed by thin shells immersed in the fluid, Journal of Computational Physics 229, 4097-4116 (2010). (09 SCI impact factor: 2.369)
[3] P.G. Jayathilake, Zhijun Tan, B.C. Khoo and N.E. Wijeysundera, Deformation and osmotic swelling of an elastic membrane capsule in Stokes flows by the immersed interface method, Chemical Engineering Science 65, 1237-1252 (2010). (09 SCI impact factor: 2.136)
[4] Zhijun Tan, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo, An Immersed Interface Method for Stokes Flows with Fixed/Moving Interfaces and Rigid Boundaries, Journal of Computational Physics 228, 6855-6881 (2009). (09 SCI impact factor: 2.369)
[5] Y. Wang, S.H. Song, Zhijun Tan and D.S. Wang , Adaptive Curve Smoothing Based on Level Set Method, Journal of Computational Physics 228, 6333-6348 (2009). (09 SCI impact factor: 2.369)
[6] Zhijun Tan, D.V. Le, Zhilin Li, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo, An Immersed Interface Method for Solving Incompressible Viscous Flows with Piecewise Constant Viscosity Across a Moving Elastic Membrane, Journal of Computational Physics 227, 9955-9983 (2008). (09 SCI impact factor:2.369)
[7] Zhijun Tan, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo, An Adaptive Mesh Redistribution Method for the Incompressible Mixture Flows Using Phase-Field Model, Journal of Computational Physics 225, 1137-1158 (2007). (09 SCI impact factor: 2.369)
[8] Zhijun Tan, Z.-R. Zhang, Y.-Q. Huang and T. Tang, Moving Mesh Methods with Locally Varying Time Steps, Journal of Computational Physics 200, 347-367 (2004). (09 SCI impact factor: 2.369)
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