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  姓名:李辽源   性别:男  职称:主任医师  
  学院:附属第三医院   最后学历:博士







论  著:

1: Gao X*, Pang J*, Li LY*(李辽源), Liu WP, Di JM, Sun QP, Fang YQ, Liu XP, Pu XY, He D, Li MT, Su ZL, Li BY. Expression profiling identifies new function of collapsing response mediator protein 4 as a metastasis-suppressor in prostate cancer. Oncogene. 2010 Aug 12;29(32):4555-66. (*共同第一作者,SCI, IF 7.414)

2: Gao X*, Li LY*(李辽源), Zhou FJ*, Xie KJ, Shao CK, Su ZL, Sun QP, Chen MK, Pang J, Zhou XF, Qiu JG, Wen XQ , Yang M, Bai XZ, Zhang H, Ling L, and Chen Z . ERG rearrangement for predicting subsequent cancer diagnosis in high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and lymph node metastasis. Clin Cancer Res. OnlineFirst 2012;doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-2449. (*共同第一作者,SCI, IF 7.338)

3: Sun QP*, Li LY*(李辽源), Chen Z, Pang J, Yang WJ, Zhou XF, Qiu JG, Su ZL, He D, Gao X. Detection of TMPRSS2-ETS fusions by a multiprobe fluorescence in situ hybridization assay for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer: a pilot study. J Mol Diagn. 2010 Sep;12(5):718-24. (*共同第一作者,SCI, IF:4.219)

4: Li LY(李辽源), Lin Z, Yang M, Gao X, Xia TL, Ding T. Comparison of Penile Size and Erectile Function after High-intensity Focused Ultrasound and Targeted Cryoablation for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Prospective Pilot Study. J Sex Med. 2010 Sep;7(9):3135-42. (SCI, IF 5.393)

5: Li LY(李辽源), Yang M, Zhang HB, Su XK, Xu WF, Chen Y, Shen ZJ, Gao X. Urinary fibronectin as a predictor of a residual tumour load after transurethral resection of bladder transitional cell carcinoma. BJU Int. 2008 Aug 5;102(5):566-71. (SCI)

6: Li LY(李辽源), Yang M, Gao X, Zhang HB, Li JF, Xu WF, Lin Z, Zhou XL. Prospective comparison of five mediators of the systemic response after high-intensity focused ultrasound and targeted cryoablation for localized prostate cancer. BJU Int. 2009 Oct;104(8):1063-7. (SCI)

7: Li LY(李辽源), Gao X, Yang M, Li JF, Zhang HB, Xu WF, Lin Z. Does a smaller tract in percutaneous nephrolithotomy contribute to less invasiveness? A prospective comparative study. Urology. 2010 Jan;75(1):56-61. (SCI)

8: Li LY(李辽源), He YD, Gao X, Yang M, Zhang HB, Xu YY, Xu WF. Preoperative Diagnosis of Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Kidney with Percutaneous Fine Needle Biopsy and Management with Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy. Chin J Clin Oncol, 2008, 5(6):453-5.


专  著: 参编,坎贝尔-沃尔什泌尿外科学中文版(第九版译著),北京大学医学出版社

E-mail liliao10318023@126.com







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