姓名:黄理灿 性别:男 出生年月:1962年1月 职称:教授 所在学院:信息电子学院
1982年本科毕业于江西大学(现南昌大学)。1984硕士研究生毕业于 杭州大学(现并入浙江大学)。1984-2000年在多家计算机公司任工程师、高级工程师、总工程师、技术负责人、软件部经理等职。
2000—2004在浙江大学博士研究生学习和工作。2004—2006 在英国Cardiff University 工作(副高级研究员 Senior Research Associate)。为英国EPSRC资助的e-Science核心项目—workflow optimization for e-Science Applications 的主要研究人员。该项目为Cardiff大学领导,英国帝国理工大学以及英国国家实验室Daresbary Lab 参与的课题。主要同事为Cardiff大学的David w. walker 教授和Omer F.Rana教授。英国国家实验室Daresbary Lab 的Robert J. Allan博士,以及帝国理工大学的John Darlington教授。2006.10—迄今 任 浙江理工大学 的网络与分布式计算研究所所长。目前担任The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) 教育技术委员会成员及浙江省企业信息化专家组成员。浙江省企业CIO联盟副理事长、专家顾问委员会委员。
在国际上首次提出了一种新型的P2P网络——语义P2P网络--VIRGO。因提出e-Science虚拟动态分层体系结构和语义P2P网络协议,而被Marquis 世界名人录( 2006)、Marquis 科学与工程名人录( 2006-2007)、 Marquis 亚洲名人录( 2006-2007 )收录, 以及英国剑桥传记中心“2008/2009年度全球2000名杰出科学家”收录。
Workflow Optimisation for e-Science Applications (WOSE) 英国EPSRC 资助的e-Science核心项目。参加单位包括英国帝国理工大学。英国国家实验室 Daresbury Laboratory. (主要成员)。
基于CSCW 多媒体网上合作平台,教育部资助 (主要成员)。
电源、空调监控系统 (技术总负责)。
1.VIRGO-- 国际合作开源项目—2006 – 迄今
2.浙江省“钱江人才计划”项目--- 网络环境下工作流关键任务的优化 2007.10-2010.9 资助金额 65万 (含浙江理工大学)
黄理灿,刘元安,“e_Science,网格及其可扩展性体系结构”,ISBN 7-5635-0942-9,北京邮电大学出版社, 2005
Lican Huang (黄理灿), “Virtual Hierarchical Tree Grid Organizations (VIRGO) ” ,in Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing: Models,Methodologies and Applications,IGI Global,2009 (to appear)
Lican Huang (黄理灿),A.Akram,R.J.Allan,D.W.Walker,O.F.Rana and Y.Huang A Workflow Portal Supporting Multi-Language Interoperation and Optimisation,the Journal Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,2007,Volume 19,Issue 12 ,Pages 1583 - 1595 (SCI、EI收录)
David W. Walker,Lican Huang(黄理灿),Omer F. Rana,and Yan Huang ,“Dynamic Service Selection in Workflows Using Performance Data”, the journal of Scientific Programming,Volume 15,Number 4,2007 ,pp 235-247 (SCI、EI收录)
Lican Huang (黄理灿) A P2P service discovery strategy based on content catalogues ,Data Science Journal Vol(6),2007,pp S492-S499 (EI收录)
Lican Huang(黄理灿), Framework for Mobile Grid Computing by Hybridizing Structural and Un-structural P2P Technologies ,International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications,Vol 2 (4),pp427-432,2007
黄理灿、吴朝晖、潘云鹤,“支持e-Science 的网格体系结构及原型研究 ”,软件学报,2005 16(4),577-586 (EI收录)
Lican Huang(黄理灿),Wu Zhaohui,Pan Yunhe,“Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture-- an overlay network topology for high performance services' discovery”,Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE,2004,5(5): 539-549 (EI收录)
Lican Huang(黄理灿),Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe,“ The Architecture of Centralized Monitoring and Controlling System and Its High-Performance and Interoerability Protocol”,Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE,2004,5(1):22-30 (EI收录)
Lican Huang(黄理灿),Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe,“Distributed Heterogeneous Inspecting System and Its Middleware based Solution”,Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE,2003,4(5): 542-548 (EI收录)
Lican Huang(黄理灿),Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe,“Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture for e-Science Grid”,International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,2003,17(3):329-347 (SCI、EI收录)
Lican Huang(黄理灿),Semantic P2P Network for e-healthcare,?NCM2009,Korea.
Lican Huang(黄理灿),Semantic P2P Network for e-Business,? The 3rd International Conference on
Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2009),Nanchang,China.
Lican Huang(黄理灿),VIRGO_DFS: a Framework of Large Scalable Distributed File System based on Virtual Hierarchical P2P network,IEEE world congress on software Engineering ,2009,Xiamen,China,pp114-118.
Lican Huang(黄理灿),A P2P Framework of Virtual Society based on Virtual Hierarchical Tree Grid Organizations(VIRGO),SP2PN2009 in conjunction with NISS2009,Beijing China,IEEE CPS publishing.DOI 10.1109/NISS.2009.189,?? pp1393-1396
Lican Huang(黄理灿),Locating Interested Subsets of Peers for P2PSIP,SP2PN2009 in conjunction with NISS2009,Beijing China,IEEE CPS publishing. DOI 10.1109/NISS.2009.85,pp1408-1413
Lican Huang(黄理灿): Resource Discovery Based on VIRGO P2P Distributed DNS Framework ICCS 2008,LNCS 5103 pp:501-509 (Ei Index )
Lican Huang, VIRGO P2P Based Distributed DNS Framework for IP V6 Network,in the proceedings of NCM2008,CPS publishing (Ei Index )
Lican Huang(黄理灿),Yong Liu,Domain Classification by Granular Computing used in a P2P Approach for Web Service Discovery,to appear in the proceedings of Cyberwords2008 (Ei Index )
Lv,Xiaohua, Huang,Zhenhua, Huang,Lican(黄理灿), Xu,Jianlong, Xue,Yongsheng, “An efficient and flexible approach to maintenance-cost view selection “ IET Conference Publications,n 529 CP,p 790-797,2007,China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies,CIICT 2007(Ei Index )
Lican Huang(黄理灿),Production Rule Based Selection Decision for Dynamic Flexible Workflow the 3rd IEEE International Conference on E-Science and Grid Computing,pp 627-632,2007,India (Ei Index )
Lican Huang(黄理灿),Framework for Workflow Parallel Execution in Grid Environment ,in the Proceedings of ICCS 2007,LNCS 4489,228-235,Bejing,China (Ei Index )
Lican Huang(黄理灿),David W.Walker,Omer F. Rana and Yan Huang,Dynamic Workflow Management Using performance Data,IEEE CCGrid2006 (Ei Index )
Lican Huang(黄理灿),“VIRGO: Virtual Hierarchical Overlay Network for Scalable Grid Computing”,Proc. European Grid Conference (EGC2005),in LNCS 3470,pp911-921,February 14-16,2005,Amsterdam,Netherlands. (SCI index)
Lican Huang(黄理灿),David W. Walker,Omer F. Rana and Yan Huang,“Dynamic Invocation,Optimisation and Interoperation of Service-oriented Workflow”,CCGRID2005 WIP section,Cardiff 2005 (Ei source)
David W. Walker,Omer F. Rana,Yan Huang,and Lican Huang(黄理灿),“Workflow Optimisation for e-Science Applications”,27th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI),Dubrovnik,Croatia,June 2005 (Ei index)
Lican Huang(黄理灿),David W. Walker,Yan Huang,Omer F. Rana ,“Dynamic Web Services Selection for Workflow Optimization”,UK e-Science Programme All Hands Meeting 2005 (AHM2005)
Lican Huang(黄理灿),et.al “ A Scalable Semantic Grid Framework -- VDHA_Grid “,IEEE SMC 2004 (Ei Index)
Lican Huang(黄理灿),Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe “A Scalable and Effective Architecture for Grid Services’ Discovery”. in the proceedings of 1st workshop on Semantics in Peer-to-Peer and Grid Computing at the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference,2003,Budapest,Hungary.
Huang Lican(黄理灿),Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe “VIRTUAL AND DYNAMIC HIERARCHICAL ARCHITECTURE OF E-SCIENCE GRID AND RELATIVE PROTOCOLS”,In the proceedings of UK e-Science Programme All Hands Meeting(Poster),Sheffield,UK,September 2-4,2002,http://www.allhands.org.uk/2002/proceedings/Conference-Digest-AHC-2002.pdf
Internet 标准草案:
Lican Huang Distributed DNS Implementation in IpV6,Internet Draft version 0 (work in progress),Jan 2007
Lican Huang Distributed DNS Implementation in IpV6,Internet Draft version 1 (work in progress),April ,2007
Lican Huang Distributed DNS Implementation in IpV6,Internet Draft version 2 (work in progress),Oct,2007
Lican Huang Distributed DNS Implementation in IpV6,Internet Draft version 3 (work in progress),April,2008
Lican Huang Distributed Universal Resource Name Resolution based on Distributed DNS Internet Draft version 0 (work in progress),Oct,2007
Lican Huang Distributed Universal Resource Name Resolution based on Distributed DNS Internet Draft version 1 (work in progress),March,2008
2电信一等奖, 浙江省邮电管理局于1998授予
3 Marquis 世界名人录 2006 ,2009
4 Marquis 科学及工程名人录 2006-2007
5 Marquis 亚洲名人录 2007
6 IBC 2000 Outstanding Scientists 2008/2009
IASTED 教育技术委员会成员。
浙江省企业CIO联盟副理事长、 专家顾问委员会委员。
The First International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC2010), Hangzhou,China
The First International Workshop on Semantic P2P Networks(SP2PN 2009) ,Beijing,China 。
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