
姓名:陈恒林 性别:男 所在学院:电气工程学院 单位:应用电子学系 职称:副教授
2011年5月至2012年5月期间受邀在美国Clemson University作访问学者,与Todd H. Hubing教授课题组从事电磁兼容领域的合作研究。
电力电子系统电磁兼容技术,已发表论文二十余篇,是IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 与IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 审稿人,也是国家自然科学基金项目的评议人。获得2010年台达访问学者奖励以及2010年院级先进工作者奖励。
1.Henglin Chen, Zhaoming Qian, "Modeling and Characterization of Parasitic Inductive Coupling Effects on Differential-mode EMI Performance of a Boost Converter", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Nov. 2011, 53(4), pp.1072-1080.
2.Henglin Chen, Chen Chen, Yuancheng Ren, "Modeling and Characterization of Incomplete Shielding Effect of GND on Common-Mode EMI of a Power Converter", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Aug.2011, 53(3), pp.676-683.
3.Henglin Chen, Peipei Meng, Jie Li, Zhaoming Qian, “Series-connected Grounding of Common-mode EMI Filter”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Nov.2010, 52(4), pp.1066-1068.
4.Henglin Chen, Zhaoming Qian, Shaodong Yang, Christian Wolf, “Finite-element Modeling of Saturation Effect Excited by Differential-mode Current in Common-mode Choke”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Mar. 2009, 24(3), pp.873-877.
5.Henglin Chen, Zhaoming Qian, Zhaohui Zeng, Wolf Christian, “Modeling of Parasitic Inductive Couplings in Pi-shaped Common Mode EMI Filter”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Feb.2008, 50(1), pp.71-79.
6.Peipei Meng, Junming Zhang, Henglin Chen, Zhaoming Qian, Yuwen Shen,“Characterizing Noise Source and Coupling Path in Flyback Converter for Common-mode Noise Prediction”, in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC'11), 2011, pp.1704-1709.
7.Peipei Meng, Henglin Chen, Junmin Zhang, Zhaoming Qian, Hao Ma, "High Frequency Modeling for CM Noise Coupling Path of Transformer based on Transmission Line Theory", in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE'11), 2011, pp. 289-294.
8.黄华高,陈玮,陈恒林,钱照明,“Boost变流器传导电磁干扰的近场耦合模型”,浙江大学学报(工学版),2011,45(11): 2031-2037。
9.陈晨,陈恒林,应群民,钱照明,“变流器的磁场耦合对差模干扰影响的实验研究”,电力电子技术,2011,45(11): 12-13, 25。
10.黄华高,陈玮,陈恒林,钱照明,“构造稳定节点的功率变流器共模干扰抑制技术”,电工电能新技术,2011,30(2): 18-20, 88。
11.陈恒林,凌光,黄华高,钱照明,“Boost变流器门极驱动电路的EMI发射及抑制”,电工技术学报,2010,25(5): 98-102。
12.黄华高,陈恒林,孟培培,钱照明,“共模扼流圈饱和效应分析及动态电感计算”,电力电子技术,2010,44(8): 102-104。
13.Guang Ling, Henglin Chen,“EMI Emission from Gate Drive Circuit of Boost Converter”, in Proc. Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC'10), 2010, pp.226-230.
14.Peipei Meng, Henglin Chen, Sheng Zheng, Xinke Wu, Zhaoming Qian, “Optimal Design for the Damping Resistor in RCD-R Snubber to Suppress Common-mode Noise”, in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC'10), 2010, pp.691-695.
1.Peipei Meng, Xinke Wu, Jianyou Yang, Henglin Chen, Zhaoming Qian, “Analysis and Design Considerations for EMI and Losses of RCD Snubber in Flyback Converter”, in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC'10), 2010, pp.642-647.
2.陈恒林,钱照明,Zhaohui Zeng, Wolf Christian,“布局对EMI滤波器性能影响的研究”,电工技术学报,2008,23(8): 7-12。 1.陈恒林,钱照明,“用于电磁干扰分析的共模扼流圈高频模型”,浙江大学学报(工学版),2007,41(11): 1845-1849,1856。
1.钱照明,陈恒林,“电力电子装置电磁兼容研究最新进展”,电工技术学报,2007,22(7): 1-11.
2.陈恒林,陈玮,冯利民,钱照明,“基于阻抗测量的共模扼流圈高频建模”,电工技术学报,2007,22(4): 8-12. 1.Limin Feng, Wei Chen, Henglin Chen, Zhaoming Qian, “Study on the Radiation Emissions of the Digital PCB”, in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC'07), 2007, pp.1209-1211. 1.陈恒林,钱照明,“功率变流器中磁性元件损耗的影响因素”,电力电子技术,2007,41(2): 81-84。
1.陈恒林,陈玮,冯利民,钱照明,“通过改变噪声源阻抗抑制高频共模噪声”,电力电子技术,2006,40(6): 124-125。
1.Limin Feng, Wei Chen, Henglin Chen, Zhaoming Qian, “Study on the Conducted EMI due to Radiated Coupling in SMPS”, in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC'06), 2006, pp.1161-1164.
1.Wei Chen, Limin Feng, Henglin Chen, Zhaoming Qian, “Analysis the Inductive Coupling Effects on the Differential Mode EMI in Power Converter”, in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC’06), 2006, pp.1169-1173.
1.Wei Chen, Limin Feng, Henglin Chen, Zhaoming Qian, “Near Field Coupling Effects on Conducted EMI in Power Converter”, in Proc. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC’06), 2006, pp.400-405.
1.Wei Chen, Limin Feng, Henglin Chen, Zhaoming Qian, “Investigation of the Near Field Coupling Effects on Common-Mode EMI in Power Converter”, in Proc. IEEE Industry Applications Conference (IAS’06), 2006, pp.2587-2592.
1.Henglin Chen, Wei Chen, Limin Feng, Zhaoming Qian, “Modeling and Measurement of the Impedance of Common Mode Noise Source of Switching Converters”, in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC’06), 2006, pp.1165-1168.
1.Henglin Chen, Limin Feng, Wei Chen, Zhaoming Qian, “High Frequency EMI Noise Suppression for Switching Converters by Impedance Control”, in Proc. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC’06), 2006, pp.406-407.
1.Wei Chen, Pingping Chen, Limin Feng, Henglin Chen, Zhaoming Qian, “Frequency Model for Differential-Mode Conducted EMI Prediction in Three-Phase PWM Inverter”, in Proc. IEEE Industry Applications Conference (IAS’06), 2006, pp.2587-2592
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