姓名:孙业顺 性别:男 所在学院:理学部 单位:数学系 职称:副研究员(自然科学)
复动力系统和迭代函数系统中的拓扑与几何问题 20061231
复动力系统和迭代函数系统中的拓扑与几何问题 国家自然科学基金项目 2006-12-01
复动力系统和迭代函数系统中的若干问题 20041231
复动力系统和选氏函数系统中的若干问题主管部门科技项目 2004-12-31
The connectedness locus of a family of real biquadratic polynomialsThe connectedness locus of a family of real biquadratic polynomials
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos17<11>, 20071101 Yeshun Sun and Yongcheng Yin
Uniform perfectness of the attractor of bi-Lipschitz IFSUniform perfectness of the attractor of bi-Lipschitz IFS
Science in China: Series A Mathematics49<4>, 20060210 RUAN Huojun, SUN Yeshun & YIN Yongcheng
Uniform perfectness of the attractor of bi-Lipschitz IFS双 Lipschitz 吸引子的一致完全性 36<2>, 20050201 阮火军 孙业顺 尹永成
Uniform perfectness of self-affine setsUniform perfectness of self-affine sets Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.131<10>, 20030430 Feng Xie,Yongcheng Yin,Yeshun Sun
Geometry and dimension of self-similar setsGeometry and dimension of self-similar sets Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B24B<1>, 20030430 Yongcheng Yin,Haiyi Jiang,Yeshun Sun
Buried points and Lakes of Wada ContinuaBuried points and Lakes of Wada Continua Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems9<2>, 20030330 Yeshun Sun,Chung-Chun Yang
The buried components of a Julia setThe buried components of a Julia set Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B17<4>, 20021230 Yeshun Sun,Chung-Chun Yang
Applications of Mane’s theoremApplications of Mane’s theorem RIMS Kokyuroku1269<>, 20020630 Yeshun Sun,Yongcheng Yin
On the connectivity of the Julia set of finitely generated rational semigroupOn the connectivity of the Julia set of finitely generated rational semigroup Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.130<1>, 20010503 Yeshun Sun,Chung-Chun Yang
Hausforff dimension of the chaotic set of the N-shaped mappingHausforff dimension of the chaotic set of the N-shaped mapping 1<>, 20001003 Yeshun Sun,Lifeng Xi,Chung-Chun Yang
Direct product decompositions of topological groups拓扑群的直积分解 Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban29<5>, 19950404 王宝文, 孙业顺
Some topological properties of invariant set of IFSSome topological properties of invariant set of IFS 5<>, 00000000 Yeshun Sun,Yongcheng Yin
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