姓名:齐艳华 性别:女 所在学院:生命科学学院 职称:副教授
Plant molecular biology
1. MiRNA-OsARF-OsIAA调控水稻根系发育分子机制的研究。国家自然科学基金课题(31071392)。2011.1-2013.12.
2. 植物根组织特异表达启动子分离与鉴定, 863项目, N20080271, 2007.10.01-2010.10.31
3. 生长素调控水稻根系发育分子机制, 国家留学基金项目, J20080435, 2008.1.1-2010.12.31
4. 生长素调控水稻根系发育分子机制, 国家自然科学基金项目, J20070571, 2008.1.1-2008.12.31
5. Aux/IAA 和ARF 蛋白家族调控水稻根系发育分子机制的研究,浙江省自然科学基金项目,Y308111,2009.1.1-2010.12.31
1.YanHua Qi†, SuiKang Wang†, ChenJia Shen, SaiNa Zhang, Yue Chen, YanXia Xu, Yu Liu, YunRong Wu, DeAn Jiang.2011.OsARF12, a transcription activator on auxin response gene, regulates root elongation and affects iron accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.).New phytologist (doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03910.x )
2.SuiKang Wang, ChenJia Shen, SaiNa Zhang, YanXia Xu, DeAn Jiang, YanHua Qi.2011.Analysis of subcellular localization of auxin carriers PIN, AUX/LAX and PGP in Sorghum bicolor.Plant signaling and behavior.6(12): (http://www.landesbioscience.com /journals/psb/article/17968)
3.Bai Y, Meng Y, Huang D, Qi Y, Chen M.2011.Origin and evolutionary analysis of the plant-specific TIFY transcription factor family.Genomics.98(2):128-136.
4.Shen C, Wang S, Bai Y,Wu Y, Zhang S, Chen M, Guilfoyle TJ, Wu P, Qi Y.2010.Functional analysis of the structural domain of ARF proteins in rice( Oryza sativa L.) Journal of Experimental Botany.6; 61(14):3971-3981.
5.Shen C, Bai Y, Wang S, Zhang S, Wu Y, Chen M, Jiang D, Qi Y.2010.Expression profile of PIN, AUX⁄ LAX and PGP auxin transporter gene families in Sorghumbicolor under phytohormone and abiotic stress.FEBS Journal.5; 277(14): 2954-69.
6.Wang S, Bai Y, Shen C, Wu Y, Zhang S, Jiang D, Guilfoyle TJ, Chen M, Qi Y.2010.Auxin-related gene families in abiotic stress response in Sorghum bicolor.Funct Integr Genomics.10:533–546.
7.Uddin MI, Qi Y, Yamada S, Shibuya I, Deng XP, Kwak SS, Kaminaka H, Tanaka K.2008, Overexpression of a new rice vacuolar antiporter regulating protein OsARP improves salt tolerance in tobacco.Plant Cell Physiol.(SCI IF: 3.594) 49(6):880-890.
8.Qi Y, Kawano N, Yamauchi Y, Ling J, Li D, Tanaka K.2005.Identification and cloning of a submergence-induced gene OsGGT (glycogenin glucosyltransferace) from rice (Oryza sativa L.) by suppression subtractive hybridization.Planta.221: 437-445.
9.Qi Y, Yamauchi Y, Ling J, Kawano N, Li D, Tanaka K.2005.The submergence-induced gene OsCTP in rice (Oryza sativa L.) is similar to Escherichia coli cation transport protein ChaC.Plant Science.168(1): 15-22.
10.Qi Y, Yamauchi Y, Ling J, Kawano N, Li D, Tanaka K.2004.Cloning of a putative monogalactosyl-diacylglycerol synthase gene from rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants and its expression in response to submergence and other stresses.Planta.219(3): 450-458
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