浙江大学信息与电子工程学系导师介绍:Thomas Honold

姓名:Thomas Honold 性别:男 所在学院:信息与电子工程学系 职称:副教授
姓名:Thomas Honold
1.T. Honold. A Proof of MacWilliams’ Identity. Journal of Geometry, 57:120–122, 1996.
2.F. I. Solov’eva, S. V. Avgustinovich, T. Honold, W. Heise. On the extendability of code isometries. Journal of Geometry, 61(1/2):3–16, 1998.
3.T. Honold and I. Landjev. All Reed-Muller codes are linearly representable over the ring of dual numbers over Z2. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 45(2):700–701, March 1999.
4.T. Honold and A. A. Nechaev. Weighted modules and representations of codes. Problems of Information Transmission, 35(3):205–223, 1999.
5.T. Honold and I. Landjev. Linearly representable codes over chain rings. Abhandlungen aus dem mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg, 69:187–203, 1999.
6.T. Honold and I. Landjev. Linear codes over finite chain rings. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 7(#R11), 2000.
7.I. Landjev and T. Honold. Arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes. Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 11(1):53–70, 2001. Originally published in Diskretnaya Matematika (2001) 13, No. 1, 90–109 (in Russian).
8.T. Honold and I. Landjev. On arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes. Discrete Mathematics, 231:265–278, 2001.
9.T. Honold. Characterization of finite Frobenius rings. Archiv der Mathematik, 76:406–415, 2001.
10.T. Honold and I. Landjev. On maximal arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings of even characteristic. Finite Fields and their Applications, 11(2):292–304, 2005.
11.T. Honold and I. Landjev. Caps in projective Hjelmslev spaces over finite chain rings of nilpotency index 2. Innovations in Incidence Geometry, to appear, Oct. 2006.
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