
姓名:郝建修 职称:教授 所在学院:数理与信息工程学院
指导专业:(0701) 数学(一级)
1.Jianxiu Hao, Two-dimensional bandwidth of graphs, ARS Combinatoria, 74(2005), 77-88. (SCI: 908KR)
2.Jianxiu Hao, The adjoints of DNA graphs, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 37(4)(2005), 333-346. (SCI: 910WN).
3.Jianxiu Hao, Estimate the distance of genome rearrangements by reversals, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 42(1)(2007), 81-91. (SCI: 178TH). IF = 1.05
4.Jianxiu Hao, An algorithm for reversal median problem, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 42(4)(2007), 849-857. (SCI: 215LC). IF = 1.05
5.Jianxiu Hao, Some bounds for PI indices, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 60(1)(2008), 121-134. (SCI: 310FX). IF= 3.500
6.Jianxiu Hao, The PI index of gated amalgam, ARS Combinatoria, 91.Apr.(2009), 135-145.
7.Jianxiu Hao, PI index of some simple pericondensed hexagonal systems, ARS Combinatoria, 92.Jul.(2009), 137-147.
8.Jianxiu Hao, Some graphs with extremal PI index, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 63(2010), 211-216.
9.Jianxiu Hao, The Modified Zagreb Indices about Join and Composition of Graphs, ARS Combinatoria, 95(2010), 417-426.
10.Jianxiu Hao, PI Indices for Some Classes of Bicyclic Graphs, ARS Combinatoria, 96(2010), 3-7.
11.Jianxiu Hao, Some Results about Modified Zagreb Indices, ARS Combinatoria, 96(2010), 193-202.
12.Jianxiu Hao, The Modified Zagreb Indices about Disjunction and Symmetric Difference of Graphs, ARS Combinatoria, 96(2010), 521-531.
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