
联系电话: ************
电子邮件: yyqu@xmu.edu.cn
曲延云,女,1972年出生,讲师。1991年考入厦门大学数学系,1995年7月获得计算数学专业学士学位。 1995年9月到复旦大学攻读计算数学专业硕士学位,1998年7月硕士毕业后到厦门大学计算机系任教。2006年在西安交通大学获得工学博士学位,主要从事模式识别、机器学习、机器视觉等方面的研究。在《自然科学进展》、《计算机研究与发展》等国内重要核心期刊,以及重要国际会议上发表论文,其中SCI收录3篇,EI和ISTP收录9篇。
Yanyun Qu, born in 1972, is currently a lecturer at Xiamen University. I was awarded a B.Sc. in Computational Mathematics from the School of Mathematical Science, Xiamen University in 1995, a M.Sc. in Computational Mathematics from Fudan University in 1998 and a Ph.D. from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2006. I worked as a researcher and lecturer in the department of Computer Science at Xiamen University since 1998. My research interests largely lie in the areas of pattern recognition, Machine learning, computer vision and related areas. I has published papers in several Chinese core journals such as Progress in Natural Science and Journal of Computer Research and Development, and also some important international conferences. My publications includes three SCI journal papers and nine EI and ISTP journal papers.
I researched in 973 Project(2007CB311005), Creative Research Project(No. 60021302), National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 60205001, No. 60175008), 863 programme (No. 2006AA01Z129), Nature Science Foundation of Fujian Province(No. A0110004), 985 programme in Xiamen University, and 211 project et. al.
(2)Salient Building Detection from a Single Nature Image via Wavelet Decomposition,Wavelet Analysis and Applications--Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis,2007年01月
(3)Building a Sparse Kernel Classifier on Riemannian Manifold,Lecture Notes Computer Science,2006年10月
(4)An Approach for Constructing Sparse Kernel Classifier,Proc. of International Conference of Pattern Recognation,2006,2006年08月
(5)A boosting SVM chain learning for visual informat ion retrieval,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2006年06月
(7)Airport Detection Base on Support Vector Machine from A Single Image,the 5th international conference on Information, communications and Signal Processing,2005年11月
(8)Salient Building Detection in Natural Image using SVM,IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety proceeding,2005年10月
(10)Updating Algorithm For Extracting The Basis Of Karhunen-Loeve Transform In Non-Zero Mean Data,2004 7th International Conference On Signal Processing Proceedings,2004年10月
(11)Sequential Updating Algorithm For Extracting The Basis Of Karhunen-Loeve Transformation,Proceedings of the International Conference of Image Processing 2004,2004年09月
(12)Using Wavelete Transform to Estimate The Eigenfunctions of Karhunen-Loeve Expansion,Proceedings of the International Computer Congress 2004 on Wavelet Analysis and its Applications, and Active Media Technology,2004年05月
(13)Chaotic watermarks recovering without referring to the original image,Proceedings of the International Computer Congress 2004 on Wavelet Analysis and its Applications, and Active Media Technology,2004年05月
(14)Error Analysis for solving vandermonde system with special points, Numerical Mathematics A Journal of Chinese University,2003年05月
(16)A new implementation of EN method,Applied Math. Comput. Volume,1999年02月
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