翻译基础 短语翻译 1.英译汉 Federal Reserve;Export subsidy; net worth; hard shoulder; Ch
Federal Reserve;Export subsidy; net worth; hard shoulder; China New service; population ageing; default fine; ISO; documentary translation; Skopos theory; ST; antidumping; tax evasion; intellectual property; population ageing
宽松货币政策;养老保险;文化逆差;城镇化;资源配置;居民储蓄存款;扩大内需; 中国创业板;原油价格;蛇年;住房公积金;宽带速度;钱权交易;网络推手;民生
1.英译汉Tyltyl was a fine, tall little fellow, stout and well-setup, with curly black hair which was often in a tangle, for he was fond of a romp. He was a great favourite because of his smiling and good-tempered face and the bright look in his eyes; but, best of all, he had the ways of a bold and fearless little man, which showed the noble qualities of his heart. When, early in the morning, he trotted along the forest-road by the side of his daddy, Tyl the woodcutter, for all his shabby clothes he looked so proud and gallant that every beautiful thing on the earth and in the sky seemed to lie in wait for him to smile upon him as he passed.His little sister was very different, but looked ever so sweet and pretty in her long frock, which Mummy Tyl kept neatly patched for her. She was as fair as her brother was dark; and her large timid eyes were blue as the forget-me-nots in the fields. Anything was enough to frighten her and she would cry at the least thing; but her little child's soul already held the highest womanly qualities: she was loving and gentle and so fondly devoted to her brother that, rather than abandon him, she did not hesitate to undertake a long and dangerous journey in his company.2.汉译英晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业。缘溪行,忘路之远近。忽逢桃花林,夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷,渔人甚异之。复前行,欲穷其林。
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