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姓名: 邹崇文
职称: 副研究员
电话: 0551--3602085
传真: 0551--5141078
邮箱: czou@ustc.edu.cn

  邹崇文,男,1980年1月出生,2001 年中国科技大学物理系获得学士学位,2006 年中国科技大学国家同步辐射实验室获得博士学位。2006 年7 月至2007 年5 月工作于中科院武汉物理与数学研究所波谱与原子分子物理国家重点实验室。2007 年6 月至2010 年4 月在新西兰奥克兰大学化学与材料工程系任Research Fellow.2010 年5 月由“人才引进”进入中国科大国家同步辐射实验室任副研究员。主要从事同步辐射光电子能谱和X 射线吸收结构方法表征以及半导体氧化物薄膜和纳米材料的制备,微结构和光学特性的研究。在Optics.Lett.,Appl.Phys. Lett.等国际期刊杂志上发表了三十余篇科研论文。同时应美国科学出版社邀请撰写“半导体纳米材料大百科全书”一章,应Taylor & Francis/CRC 出版社邀请撰写“同步辐射研究ZnO 掺杂机理”一章。获得包括中科院院长优秀奖和美国真空学会”Shop Note Award”等在内的各种国内外学术奖励。

  1)C.W.Zou,X.D.Yan,R.Q.Chen,A.Alyamani and W.Gao,Annealing effect on the microstructure and optical properties of ZnO/V2O5 bilayer,Appl.Phys.Lett,98(2011) 111904
  (selected for the March 28,2011 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)
  2)C.W.Zou,X.D.Yan,R.Q.Chen,A.Alyamani and W.Gao,“The annealing effect on the microstructures and phase transformation of ZnO/TiO2 core-shell nanostructure”,Crystal Growth & Design,11 (2011) 367
  3)R.Q.Chen,C.W.Zou,J.M.Bian and W.Gao,‘Microstructure and optical properties of Ag-doped ZnO nanostructures prepared by a wet oxidation doping process’,Nanotechnology,22(2011) 105706 (Front Cover Paper)
  4)C.W.Zou,Y.F.Rao,A.Alyamani,W.Chu,M.J.Chen,D.A.Patterson,E.A. C.Emanuelsson,W.Gao,Heterogeneous lollipop-like V2O5/ZnO array: a promising composite nanostructure for visible light photocatalysis,Langmuir,26(2010)11615
  5)X.Yan,Z.Li,C.W.Zou,R.Q.Chen,Jie Han,Wei Gao,Re-nucleation and Sequential Growth of ZnO Complex Nano/microstructure: From Nano/Microrod to Ball-Shaped Cluster,J.Phys.Chem.C,114 (2010) 1436
  6)C.W.Zou,X.D.Yan,et.al.,Enhanced visible photoluminescence of V2O5 via coupling ZnO/V2O5 composite nanostructures,Optics.Lett.,35(2010) 1145
  7) C.W.Zou,X.D.Yan,D.A.Patterson,E.Patterson,J.M.Bian and W.Gao,Temperature sensitive crystallization of V2O5: from amorphous film to β-V2O5 nanorods,CrystEngComm.12 (2010) 691
  8) C.W.Zou,X.D.Yan,R.Q.Chen,W.Gao and J.Metson,Study of a nitrogen-doped ZnO film with synchrotron radiation,Appl.Phys.Lett.,94(2009) 171903
  9) C.W.Zou,X.D.Yan,R.Q.Chen and W.Gao etc.,Preparation and photoluminescence property of TiO2/ZnO bottlebrush Nanowires structures,Chem. Phys.Lett.,476(2009)84
  10) C.W.Zou,X.D.Yan,R.Q.Chen and W.Gao ,Microstructures and electronic property studies of β-V2O5 nanorods prepared by magnetron sputtering,J.Phys. D: Appl.Phys.42(2009)145402

  1)C.W.Zou and W.Gao,“Vanadium pentoxide semiconductor nanostructures: growth,characterization and applications”,invited review chapter for “Encyclopedia of Semiconductor Nanotechnology”,edited by Prof.Ahmad Umar etc.,to be published by American Scientific Publishers,USA,2011 (Invited review chapter)
  2)C.W.Zou and W.Gao,“Nitrogen-doped ZnO films: synchrotron radiation and related studies”,invited review chapter for “Handbook of Zinc Oxide and Related Materials”,edited by Prof.Z.C.Feng,to be published by Taylor and Francis/CRC Press (Florida,USA & London,UK),2011 (Invited review chapter)







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