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郭全贵 男,1971年6月生,1993年毕业于西安交通大学化工系高分子材料专业,1998年在中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所有机化工专业获得工学博士学位。曾获得1998年度中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖和首届刘永龄奖金。2000年至2001年曾在德国马普等离子体物理研究所和日本核融合科学研究所作为访问学者进行过合作研究。2006年1月至4月作为高级访问学者在西班牙CEIT研究中心进行合作研究。现为中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所研究员、中国科学院炭材料重点实验室主任。兼任中国电工技术学会碳-石墨材料专业委员会委员、《新型炭材料》、《炭素》等杂志编委。目前承担着 “863”引导项目、国家基金、国家大科学工程配套研制、国防军工等多项研究项目, 发表研究论文80余篇,申请专利10余项。2004年获得内蒙古自治区科技进步三等奖一项。已培养和正在培养的博士、硕士研究生有7名。




1. Zhaokun Ma, Jingli Shi, Yan Song, Quangui Guo, Gengtai Zhai and LangLiu, Carbon with high thermal conductivity, prepared from ribbon-shaped mesophase pitch-based fibers, CARBON,2006, 44(7) 1298-1301
2. Xiutao Li, Jingli Shi, Guobing Zhang, Hua Zhang, Quangui Guo and Lang Liu, Effect of ZrB2 on the ablation properties of carbon composites, Materials Letters, 2006,60(7) 892-896
3. Jigang Wang, Nan Jiang, Quangui Guo, Lang Liu and Jinren Song, Study on the structural evolution of modified phenol–formaldehyde resin adhesive for the high-temperature bonding of graphite, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2006, 348( 1-2)108-113
4. Juan Zhao, Lang Liu, Quangui Guo, Jingli Shi and Gengtai Zhai, Oxidation protective behavior of SiC/Si-MoSi2 coating for different graphite matrix, Materials Letters, In Press, 2006
5. Xiaoqing Gao, Lang Liu, Quangui Guo, Jingli Shi and Gengtai Zhai, “Fabrication and mechanical/conductive properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) reinforced carbon matrix composites”, Materials Letters, 2005 59(24-25) 3062-3065,
6. Jigang Wang, Quangui Guo, Lang Liu and Jinren Song, “The preparation and performance of high-temperature adhesives for graphite bonding”, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2005, 25( 6) 495-501
7. Qingfeng Tong, Jingli Shi, Yongzhong Song, Quangui Guo and Lang Liu,“The influences of boron on strength and ablation resistance of zirconium-doped graphitised carbons”, Carbon, 2005,43(9) 2013-2015
8. Chunling Liu, Quangui Guo, Jingli Shi, Lang Liu, “A study on crosslinking of phenolic fibers”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2005,90,315-321
9. Qingfeng Tong, Jingli Shi, Yongzhong Song, Quangui Guo and Lang Liu, “Resistance to ablation of pitch-derived ZrC/C composites”, Carbon, 2004, 42,(12-13) 2495-2500
10. Yongzhong Song, Gengtai Zhai, Guisheng Li, Jingli Shi, Quangui Guo and Lang Liu, “Carbon/graphite seal materials prepared from mesocarbon microbeads”, Carbon, 2004,42( 8-9)1427-1433
11. Quangui Guo,J.G.Li, N.Noda, Y.Kubota, J.L.Chen, Zh. J.Liu, L.Liu, J.R.Song, “Selection of candidate doped graphite materials as plasma facing components for HT-7U device.” Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2003, 313-316, 144-148
12. Guangjin Zhang,Quangui Guo,Zhanjun Liu, Lizhong Yao, Lang Liu, Jiangang Li,Junling Chen . “Effects of dopants on properties and microstructure of doped graphite”. Journal of Nuclear aterials, 2002,301, 187-192
13. Jigang Wang, QuanGui Guo, Lang Liu,JinRen Song. “Study on the microstuctural evolution of high temperature adhesives for graphite bonding”. Carbon, 2002, 40(13): 2447-2452
14. Q. G. Guo, J. G. Li, G. T. Zhai, L. Liu, J. R. Song, L. F. Zhang, Y. X. He and J. L. Chen “The primary results of carbon mixed materials for high flux steady state takamak operation in China”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2001,290-293,191-195


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