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  姓名:刘春 系别:电子商务与信息管理系
  职务/职称:副教授,硕导 研究方向:信息产业管理与政策
  学历:博士 政治面貌:党员
  1.博士论文奖学金 Dissertation Fellowship,宾州州立大学传媒学院, 2006
  2.亚太电信组织(Pacific Telecommunication Council)年会学生论文竞赛第三名 (与林慧斐合作),2006
  3.论文题目:影响中国年轻消费者手机消费的关键要素(Key Factors Affecting Cell Phone Purchase Decisions By Young Chinese Consumers),美国新闻与传媒教育协会(Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication)传媒技术和政策分部年度学生论文竞赛第一名(与吴峰合作)2004
  4.论文题目:中国3G标准之争:现状与展望The Dynamics of the 3G Wireless Standards Competition in China: Current Development and Outlook,Graham奖学金,宾州州立大学研究生院,2003-2004
  5.亚太电信组织(Pacific Telecommunication Council)年会学生论文竞赛第三名 2003,论文题目:中国的移动市场:现状与发展China's Cellular Market: Recent Developments and Outlook
  [1] Liu, C., & Lin, H. (2006). Implementing IPTV in China and Taiwan: Key Challenges. In M. Manglani (Ed.), The Preston Gates Guide to Telecommunications in Asia (pp. 71-83). Hong Kong: Asia Law & Practice.
  [1] Liu, C. (2011). The Myth of Informatization in Rural Areas: The Case of China's Sichuan Province. Government Information Quarterly (SSCI forthcoming).
  [2] Gu, W., Liu, C., & Lin, H. (2005). Confucianism in making educational policies: Lessons from Mainland of China and Taiwan. International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice, 5(4), 95-118.
  [3] 刘春.不对称电信管制政策:山雨欲来风满楼[J]. 通信企业管理(4),2009,69-71.(全国经济类核心期刊,中国通信企业协会会刊)
  [4] 刘春.剖析美国普遍服务政策[J]. 通信企业管理(10),2008,59-61.
  [1] 刘春. 移动牌照:固网运营商的救命稻草?[J].通信世界杂志,2008
  [2] 徐永丽,刘春. Skype步步紧逼,传统运营商是进是退?[J].通信世界杂志,2007
  [3] 张彬,刘春.美国骨干网络互联互通分析:自由与监管结合[J]. 通信世界周刊,2006
  [4] 张彬,刘春.美国本地电话市场的现状与发展展望[J].通信世界周刊,2005
  [5] 张彬,刘春.美国无线宽带接入的新干线:WiFi [J].通信世界周刊,2004
  [1] Liu, C. (2011). Raising the Golden Goose: a Retrospective Analysis of the State’s Role in China Online Game Industry. Paper accepted at the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) annual conference.
  [2] Liu, C., & Jayakar, K. (2011).The Evolution of Telecommunications Policy-making: Comparative Analysis of China and India, Paper presented at the Pacific Telecommunications Council Annual Conference 2011, Honolulu, USA. 15-17 January 2011.
  [3] Liu, C. (2010). Mapping the Future of China’s Telecommunications Regulatory Regime: A Layered Perspective. Paper Accepted at the Telecommunications Policy Research Annual Conference 2010.
  [4] Liu, C. (2010). The Myth of Informatization in Rural Areas: The Case of Sichuan Paper presented at the Pacific Telecommunications Council Annual Conference. Honolulu, USA. 15-19 January, 2010.
  [5] Zhang, A., Lv, T., & Liu, C. (2007). Installing Telephone in Every Village: What is the Next Step? Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of Pacific Telecommunications Council, Honolulu, USA. 14-17 January, 2007.
  [6] Zhang, B., Liu, C., & Taylor, R. (2006). Measuring ICT Access: China’s Universal Access Indicators System (UAIS). Paper presented at the 16th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society. Beijing, China. June 12-16, 2006.
  [7] Lin, H., & Liu, C. (2006). Key Factors Affecting Cell Phone Purchase Decisions by Young Chinese Consumers. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of Pacific Telecommunications Council. Honolulu, USA. Jan 15-18, 2006.
  [8] Liu, C., & Lin, H. (2006). Regulatory Reform Driven by Technology: a case of IPTV. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of Pacific Telecommunications Council. Honolulu, USA. Jan 15-18, 2006.
  [9] Liu, C., & Taylor, R. (2005). IPTV: A comparative study between the United States and China. Paper presented at Innovation and Media: Managing Changes in Technology, Products, and Processes Workshop. Stockholm, Sweden. November 11-12, 2005.
  [10] Hong, Q., & Liu, C. (2005). Convergence of Cable Broadcasting and Telecommunication Network in China: a New Regulatory Regime. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of Pacific Telecommunications Council. Honolulu, USA. Jan 16-19, 2005.
  [11] Wu, F., & Liu, C. (2004). Configuration of China's Telecommunications Regulatory Reform Influenced by the Accession to the WTO. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association. New Orleans, USA. May 27-31, 2004.
  [12] Liu, C., Lin, H., & Gu, W. (2004). Bring Internet to Education: An Empirical Study of Different Policy Initiatives. Paper presented at the AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication) Midwinter Conference 2004. New Brunswick, USA. Feb 27-29, 2004.
  [13] Liu, C. (2003). China's Cellular Market: Recent Developments and Outlook. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Conference of Pacific Telecommunications Council. Honolulu, USA. Jan 19-22, 2005.
  网络营销与策划 本科
  网络经济学 本科
  Information Economics and Management 硕士






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