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  2001年7月毕业于山东师范大学化学系,2006年中国科学院理化技术研究所硕博连读,2006年6月获得理学博士学位; 2006-2009年在香港城市大学材料与科学系超金刚石与先进薄膜中心任高级研究助理。2009年加入苏州大学功能纳米与软物质研究院,副教授,硕士生导师。发表包括J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Adv. Mater等在内的SCI论文30余篇,担任多个国际权威期刊和基金会审稿人。
  E-mail: xjzhang@suda.edu.cn

  有机化学, 材料化学,功能有机半导体材料, 纳米生物医学
  (1) 有机半导体材料的阵列与图案化自组装及其在发光器件、敏感器方面的应用。
  (2) 功能有机纳米材料的光电性质及其纳米器件(场效应晶体管或光开关)的应用研究。
  (3) 纳米药物以及有机纳米材料在生物医学成像与癌症治疗方面的研究。

  本课题组招收硕士、博士研究生,并邀请本科生参加本课题组的研究活动。具体招生方向包括有机化学、物理化学、材料学以及纳米专业、生物专业。欢迎感兴趣的同学来我们课题组参观学习,如有疑问请随时联系*************, xjzhang@suda.edu.cn

  1.       国家自然基金面上项目(51173124),“零维有机微纳晶体组装体的可控制备及其高性能传感器件的研究” 2012.01-2015.12 项目负责人
  2.       国家自然基金重大研究计划培育基金(91027021)“有机纳米结构定向阵列与图案化可控自组装及其高性能光电子器件的研究” 2011.01-2013.12 项目负责人
  3.       国家自然基金青年基金(50903059)“功能有机多面体纳米晶体的可控生长与性质研究” 2010.01-2012.12 项目负责人
  4.       高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20093201120020 ) “高效发光的有机纳米结构的可控制备与性质研究” 2010.01-2012.12 项目负责人
  5.       江苏省高校自然科学(09KJB430009)“有机多面体纳米晶体的可控生长与传感性质研究” 2009.09-2011.12 项目负责人
  6.       科技部“973”纳米重大研究计划项目(2010CB934502),2010.01-2014.12,科研骨干
  7.       科技部“973”纳米重大研究计划项目(2011CB808400),2011.01-2015.12,科研骨干

  25.  Y. L. Yang, F. F. An, Z. Liu, X. J. Zhang*, M. J. Zhou, W. Li, X. J. Hao, C. S. Lee, X. H. Zhang, “Ultrabright and ultrastable near-infrared dye nanoparticles for in vitro and in vivo bioimaging” Biomaterials 2012, 33, 7803
  23.  W. Li, Y. L. Yang, C. Wang, Z. Liu, X. J. Zhang*, F. F. An, X. J. Diao, X. J. Hao, X. H. Zhang, “ Carrier-free, functionalized drug nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery” Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 8120.
  24.  Y. P. Zhang, X. D. Wang, Y. M. Wu, J. S. Jie, X. W. Zhang, Y. L. Xing, H. H. Wu, B. Zou, X. J. Zhang*, X. H. Zhang, “Aligned ultralong nanowire arrays and their application i n flexible photodetector devices” J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 14357.
  25.  X. J. Diao, W. Li, J. Yu, X. J. Wang, X. J. Zhang*, Y. L. Yang, F. F. An, Z. Liu, X. H. Zhang, “Carrier-free, water dispersible and highly luminescent dye nanoparticles for targeted cell imaging” Nanoscale 2012, 4, 5373.
  26.   X. J. Diao, J. Yu, Y. L. Xing, X. J. Zhang*, “Controllable Synthesis of 6H-1,4-Diazepine-2,3-Dicarbonitrile Nanocrystals and their Optical Properties” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2012, In press
  26.   J. L. Qin, B. Wang, X. J. Zhang*, X. H. Zhang, “Controlled Formation of Ni(DMG)2 Microrods/Tubes by Manipulating the Kinetics of Chemical Reactions and Their Application in Naked-Eye Sensors” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2012, In press.
  19.  P. Zhao, Z. L. Wang, Y. L. Yang, C. Feng, W. Li, Y. N. Li, Y. P. Zhang, F. Bao, Y. L. Xing, X. J. Zhang*, X. H. Zhang*,“C–H⋯π Interaction Induced Formation of Microtubes with Enhanced Emission” Cryst. Growth Des. 2012, 12, 1227.
  18. P. Zhao, X. W. Zhang, Y. P. Zhang, Y. L. Xing, X. J. Zhang*, X. H. Zhang, J. S. Jie*, “Facile formation of microscale hollow superstructures made of organic nanocrystals and their application as a humidity sensor”, CrystEngComm 2012, 14, 819.
  17.  . Bao, C. Y. Zhang, Z. L. Wang, X. J. Zhang, X. M. Ou, C. S. Lee, J. S. Jie, X. H. Zhang*, “Large-Scale Controllable Patterning Growth of Aligned Organic Nanowires via Evaporation-Induced Self-Assembly”, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 975-980.
  16.  X. J. Zhang*, C. P. Zhao, J. Y. Lv, C. Dong, X. M. Ou, X. H. Zhang*, S-T. Lee, “Crystal Structure Origin for Shape-Dependent Emission of 2,5,8,11-Tetra-tert-butylperylene Micro-/Nanocrystals” Cryst. Growth Des. 2011, 11, 3677–3680.
  15.  J. Yang, Y. Z. Chen, X. J. Zhang*, X. M. Ou, X. H. Zhang*, “Facile and green synthesis of organic single-crystal hollow micro/nanostructures”, Nanotechnology 2011, 22(28), 285606.
  14.  Z. L. Wang, R. R. Bao, X. J. Zhang, X. M. Ou, C. S. Lee, J. C. Chang, X. H. Zhang*, “One-Step Self-Assembly, Alignment, and Patterning of Organic Semiconductor Nanowires by Controlled Evaporation of Confined Microfluids”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50(12), 2811-2815.
  13.  Z. Z. Hu, X. J. Zhang*, C. Xie, C. Y. Wu, X. Z. Zhang, L. Bian,Y. M. Wu, L. Wang, Y. P. Zhang, J. S. Jie*,“Doping dependent crystal structures and optoelectronic properties of n-type CdSe:Ga nanowries”, Nanoscale, 2011, 3, 4798–4803
  12.  J. Y. Lv, PJ. Y. Ko, Y. Zhang, L. J. Liu, X. J. Zhang*, X. H. Zhang, X. H. Sun,
  T. K. Sham “Electronic structure and optical properties of 2,5,8,11-tetra-tert-butylperylene polyhedral crystals from x-ray absorption near-edge structure and x-ray excited optical luminescence studies”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011,98, 243106.
  11. X. J. Zhang, C. Dong, J. A. Zapien, S. Ismathullakhan, Z. H. kang, J. S. Jie, X. H. Zhang, J. C. Chang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “Polyhedral Organic Microcrystals: From Cubes to Rhombic Dodecahedrals” Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed. 2009, 48, 9121. (Highlighted as Inside Cover)
  10. C. Y. Zhang*, X. J. Zhang* (* same contribution), X. H. Zhang, X. M. Ou, W. F. Zhang, J. S. Jie, J. C. Chang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “Facile One-Step Fabrication of Ordered Organic Nanowire Films” Adv. Mater. 2009, 21, 4172. (Highlighted by Nature Photonics)
  9. X. J. Zhang, X. H. Zhang, B. Wang, C. Y. Zhang, J. C. Chang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “One- or Semi-Two-Dimensional Organic Nanocrystals Induced by Directional Supramolecular Interactions” J. Phy. Chem. C 2008, 112, 16264. (Highlighted by Nature China)
  8. X. J. Zhang, J. S. Jie, W. F. Zhang, C. Y. Zhang, L. B. Luo, Z. B. He, X. H. Zhang, W. J. Zhang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “Photoconductivity of a Single Small-Molecular Organic Nanowire” Adv. Mater. 2008, 20, 2427.
  7. X. J. Zhang, Q. S. Li, G. D. Yuan, B. Wang, X. H. Zhang, R. Q. Zhang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “Single-Crystal 9,10-Diphenylanthracene Nanoribbons and Nanorods” Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 6945.
  6. X. J. Zhang, X. H. Zhang, K. Zou, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “Controlled Synthesis of Single Crystalline Nanoribbons, Nanotubes and Nanowires from Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Organic Molecules” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 3527.
  5. X. J. Zhang, X. H. Zhang, X. M. Meng, W. S. Shi, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “Single Crystalline Organic Nanotubes with Rectangular Cross-Sections” Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed. 2007, 46, 1525.
  4. X. J. Zhang, W. G. Ju, X. H. Zhang, X. M. Meng, W. S. Shi, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “A Facile Route to Fabrication of Inorganic-Small Organic Molecule Cable-Like Nanocomposite Arrays” Chem. Comm. 2005, 33, 4202.
  3. X. J. Zhang, X. H. Zhang, W. S. Shi, X. M. Meng, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “Morphology-Controllable Synthesis of Pyrene Nanostructures and Its Morphology Dependence of Optical Properties” J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 18777.
  2. X. H. Zhang*, X. J. Zhang, C. Y. Zhang, Z. L. Wang, J. Yang, “Small Molecular Organic Nanostructures” Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2010 (In Press) (Invited review chapter)
  1.  C. Y. Zhang, X. J. Zhang, X. H. Zhang, X. Fan, J. S. Jie, J. C. Chang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “Facile One-Step Growth and Patterning of Aligned Squaraine Nanowires via Evaporation-Induced Self-assembly” Adv. Mater. 2008, 20, 1716.






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