姓名:吴铎 职称:教授、硕士生导师 部门:化学工程与工艺研究所 联系方式: +86-(0)51
+86-(0)512-6588 3267
吴铎博士,苏州大 学化工创新重点实验室,2001至2010年先后于中南大学取得冶金材料工程学士学位,工商管理学辅修学位,澳大利亚墨尔本大学生物医学工程学位,澳大利 亚莫纳士大学化学工程博士学位,获“澳大利亚科学研究理事会探索基金”全额奖学金,师从陈晓东院士。2010年5月至2013年3月在澳大利亚莫纳士大学 进行博士后研究工作,曾主要从事两项澳大利亚科学基金项目(ARC Discovery Project)及一项乳品干燥技术研发的横向课题(ARC Linkage Project)的研发工作,至今已在AIChE. J., Soft Matter, Langmuir, Chem. Eng. Sci., Biochem. Eng. J. 等国际学术期刊上发表论文16篇,国际会议论文12篇。
2010年 获国家留学基金委颁发的“国家优秀自费留学生奖” (每年全球∽500位获奖者);并作为2009、2010两年共1000位获奖者中选拔出的31位代表之一,受邀对中国科学院进行了为期两周的访 问;2010年获第11届国际材料学会年会“青年科学家优秀论文奖”;2010年获由科技部和教育部主办的“第五届春晖杯留学人员创新创业大赛”一等 奖;2012年入选教育部“春晖计划学者”。
Winston Duo Wu, Sean Xuqi Lin, and Xiao Dong Chen. Monodisperse Droplets Formation by Newly Designed Glass Nozzles, AIChE Journal. (2011) 57(6), pp.1386-1392.
Winston Duo Wu, Ria Amelia, Na Hao, Cordelia Selomulya, Dongyuan Zhao and Xiao Dong Chen. Assembly of Non-agglomerated Uniform Photoluminecent Microcomposites Using a Novel Micro-Fluidic-Jet-Spray-Dryer, AIChE Journal. (2011) 57(10), pp.2726-2737.
Winston Duo Wu, Wenjie Liu, Cordelia Selomulya and Xiao Dong Chen. On Spray Drying of Uniform Silica-based Microencapsulates for Controlled Release, Soft Matter. (2011) 7, pp. 11416-11424.
Winston Duo Wu, Kamlesh C. Patel, Samuel Rogers and Xiao Dong Chen (2007) Monodisperse Droplet Generators as Potential Atomizers for Spray Drying Technology, Drying Technology, 25:1907-1916.
Wen Jie Liu, Winston Duo Wu, Cordelia Selomulya and Xiao Dong Chen. Spray Drying of Monodispersed Microencapsulates: Implications of Process Parameters on Microstructural Properties and Controlled Release Functionality, Journal of Microencapsulation. (2012)29(7), pp.677-684.
Samuel Rogers, Winston Duo Wu, Sean Xuqi Lin and Xiao Dong Chen. Particle Shrinkage and Morphology of Milk Powder Made with a Monodisperse Spray Dryer, Biochemical Engineering Journal (2012) 62, pp.92-100.
Ria Amelia, Winston Duo Wu, Xiao Dong Chen and Cordelia Selomulya. Assembly of Magnetic Microcomposites from Low pH Precursors Using a Novel Micro-Fluidic-Jet-Spray-Dryer. Chemical Engineering Research and Design (2012) 90, pp.150-157.
Wen Jie Liu, Winston Duo Wu, Cordelia Selomulya and Xiao Dong Chen. On Designing Particulate Carriers for Encapsulation and Controlled Release Applications, Powder Technology. (2013)236, pp.188-196.
Jie Zhong, Shuquan Liang, Juan Zhao, Winston Duo Wu, Wenjie Liu, Huanting Wang, Xiao Dong Chen and Yi-Bing Cheng. Formation of Novel Mesoporous TiC Microspheres through a Sol-Gel and Carbothermal Reduction Process, Journal of The European Ceramic Society. (2012) 32(12), pp.3407-3414.
Wen Jie Liu, Winston Duo Wu, Cordelia Selomulya and Xiao Dong Chen. A Single Step Assembly of Uniform Microparticles for Controlled Release Applications, Soft Matter. (2011) 7, pp.3323-3330.
Wen Jie Liu, Winston Duo Wu, Cordelia Selomulya and Xiao Dong Chen. Facile Spray-drying Assembly of Uniform Microencapsulates with Tunable Core-shell Structures and Controlled Release Properties, Langmuir. (2011) 27(21), pp.12910-12915.
Ria Amelia, Winston Duo Wu, John Cashion, Peite Bao, Rongkun Zheng, Xiao Dong Chen and Cordelia Selomulya. Microfluidic Spray Drying as a Versatile Assembly Route of Functional Particles. Chemical Engineering Science. (2011) 66(22), pp.5531-5540.
Nan Fu, Zihao Zhou, Tyson Byrne Jones, Timothy T.Y. Tan, Winston Duo Wu, Sean Xu Qi Lin, Xiao Dong Chen, Peggy P.Y. Chan. Production of Monodisperse Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Microparticles by Spray Drying for High Antioxidant Activity Retention. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. (2011) 413, pp.155-166.
Wen Jie Liu, Winston Duo Wu, Cordelia Selomulya and Xiao Dong Chen. Uniform Chitosan Microparticles Prepared by a Novel Spray-Drying Technique, International Journal of Chemical Engineering. (2011) pp.1-7.
Samuel Rogers, Winston Duo Wu, Jonathan Saunders and Xiao Dong Chen (2007) Making Spray Freeze-dried Milk Powder in a Laboratory Scale Encapsulator, Drying Technology, 26:404-412.
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