姓名:李淑瑾 职称:教授、硕士生导师 部门:物理化学研究所 联系方式: Tel: 86-512-6
Tel: 86-512-65882230 (Lab)
Email: shujinli@suda.edu.cn
1986年苏州大学本科学士毕业,1989年苏州大学硕士毕业,2006年苏州大学博士毕业,2008苏州大学任教授。2002年以来,主要参 与国家自然科学基金项目二项,主持国家自然基金项目一项,主持校级项目四项,发表论文30多篇。主讲:本科生物理化学、结构化学课程,研究生光谱学与光谱 分析课程,与其他老师一起承担物理化学实验课程。2010年获苏州大学北美校友会杰出成就奖,2011年获苏州大学建行奖教金(教学奖)
研究领域: 主要从事理论计算化学研究,研究化学反应机理和动力学研究,反应物、过渡态和产物热力学性质和结构的研究。光谱研究,溶剂化效应以及分子间相互作用力研究。
1、Ab initio and kinetics study of hydrogen abstraction from 1,1-difluoroethane by hydroxyl radical, Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem),901(2009)38-43.
2、 Theoretical investigation of the kinetics for the hydrogen abstraction reactionof 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) by chlorine radical,J. Li, P.Z. Wu, L.L. Zhang, , Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem),910(2009)88-92.
3、Prediction of aqueous pKa values of hydroxybenzoic acid using hydrogen-bonded complexes with ammonia,J.D. Zhang, Q.Z. Zhu, S.J. Li*, Chemical Physics Letter,475(2009)15-18.
4、Theoretical study of the kinetics for the hydrogen abstraction of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) by hydroxyl radical, *, Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem),869(2008)6-10.
5、Ionic dissociations of chlorosulfonic acid in microsolvated clusters:A density functional theroy and ab initio MO study, , F.M. Tao, R.A .Gu, Science in China Series B:Chemistry,51 (2008) 305-315
6、Ionic dissociation of methanesulfonic acid in small water clusters, S.J. Li*, L.L. Zhang, W. Qin, F.M. Tao, Chemical Physics Letters. 438(2007)190-195
7、Intermolecular structure and properties of the methanesulfonic acid–ammonia system in small water cluster , L.L. Zhang, W. Qin, F.M. Tao, Chemical Physics Letters 447(2007) 33-38
8、Theoretical and experimental studies on he adsorption behavior of thiophenol on gold nanoparticles, S.J. Li* , D.Y. Wu, X.Y. Xu, R.A. Gu, J. Raman Spectrosc. 38(2007) 1436-1443,
9、Theoretical study of proton transfer reactions of halosulfonic acids with ammonia in hydrated clusters, S.J. Li , F.M. Tao, R.A .Gu,Chemical Physics Letters 417(2006) 434-440.
6、Theoretical investigation of ionic dissociations of fluorosulfonic acid in microsolvated clusters ,S.J. Li , F.M. Tao, R.A .Gu, Chemical Physics 323(2006)397-406.
7、Theoretical study on the ionic dissociation of halosulfonic acids in small water clusters Li, SJ S.J. Li , F.M. Tao, R.A .Gu, Chemical Physics Letters 426(2006)1-7.
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