
姓名:刘益平 性别:男 政治面貌:中国共产党党员 硕导批准时间:2005 指导硕士生总数:14 已获硕士总
姓名:刘益平 性别:男 政治面貌:中国共产党党员
硕导批准时间:2005 指导硕士生总数:14 已获硕士总数:5
博导批准时间:2009 指导博士生总数:2 已获博士总数:0
联系电话:************ 电子信箱:liuyp578@163.com
职称:教授 最高学位:农学博士 所属学院:动物科技学院
1、 Yi-Ping Liu, Gui-Sheng Wu, Yong-Gang Yao, Yong-Wang Miao, Gordon Luikart, Mumtaz Baig, Albano Beja-Pereira, Zhao-Li Ding, Malliya Gounder Palanichamy, Ya-Ping Zhang. Multiple maternal origins of chickens: Out of the Asian jungles. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2006,38 :12–19. SCI收录,2004年影响因子4.213。
2、 Song-Jia Lai, Yi-Ping Liu, Yan-Xing Liu, Xue-Wei Li, Yong-Gang Yao. Genetic diversity and origin of Chinese cattle revealed by mtDNA D-loop sequence variation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2006,38:146–154.(共享第一、通讯作者)SCI收录,2004年影响因子4.213。
3、 Yi-Ping Liu, Qing Zhu, Yong-Gang Yao. Genetic relationship of Chinese and Japanese gamecocks revealed by mtDNA sequence variation: a reappraisal. Biochemical genetics.2006,44(1-2):19-29. SCI收录,2005年影响因子0.886.
4、 Lai, S.J.,S.Y. Chen, Y.P. Liu and Y.G. Yao. Mitochondrial DNA sequence diversity and origin of Chinese domestic yak. Animal Genetics. 2007, 38(1): 77-80. 通讯作者,SCI收录,2006年影响因子1.52.
5、 Zhang, X. L., X. Jiang, Y. P. Liu, H. R. Du and Q. Zhu. Identification of Ava I Polymorphisms in the Third Intron of GH Gene and Their Associations with Abdominal Fat in Chickens. Poultry Science. 2007, 86(6):1079-83. SCI收录,2006年影响因子1.656.
6、 Chen SY, Liu YP, Wang W, Gao CZ, Yao YG, Lai SJ. Dissecting the Matrilineal Components of Tongjiang Cattle from Southwest China. Biochemical Genetics. 2008, 46:206–215. DOI 10.1007/s10528-008-9144-z 通讯作者,SCI收录,2007年影响因子0.863.
7、 Zhang, Z. R., Y. P. Liu, X. Jiang, H. R. Du, Q. Zhu. Study on Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of CAPN1 Gene with Muscle Fiber and Carcass Traits in Quality Chicken Populations. Journal of animal breeding and genetics. 2008, 125:258–264. SCI收录,2007年影响因子1.038.
8、 Da-Qian He, Qing Zhu, Shi-Yi Chen, Hui-Ying Wang, Yi-Ping Liu and Yong-Gang Yao. A homogenous nature of native Chinese duck matrilineal pool. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2008, 8:298. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-8-298. 通讯作者, SCI收录,2007年影响因子4.09.
9、 Yan Zhou, Yi-ping Liu, Li Kang, Xiang-Jun Meng, Liang Li and Qing Zhu. Correlation between Microsatellite Loci and Start Laying Traits and Egg Quality Traits in a Chinese Native Chicken, Gallus gallus. The journal of poultry science. 2008, 45: 241-248. SCI-E收录
10、 Zeng-Rong Zhang, Yi-Ping Liu, Yong-Gang Yao, Xiao-Song Jiang, Hua-Rui Du and Qing Zhu. Identification and association of the single nucleotide polymorphisms in calpain3 (CAPN3) gene with carcass traits in chickens. BMC Genetics. 2009, 10:10. doi:10.1186/1471-2156-10-10. SCI收录,2008年影响因子2.35.
11、 Xiaoyan You, Yiping Liu, Xiaosong Jiang, Huarui Du, Zuohua Liu and Qing Zhu. Relationships between single nucleotide polymorphisms of the H-FABP gene and slaughter and meat quality traits in Chicken. Biochemical genetics. 2009. DOI 10.1007/s10528-009-9249-z. SCI收录, 2008年影响因子0.75.
12、 Xiaoling Zhao, Yi-ping Liu, Xiaosong Jiang, Huarui Du and Qing Zhu. Association of polymorphisms of chicken adipose differentiationrelated protein gene with carcass traits. The journal of poultry science, 2009, 46: 87-94. SCI-E收录.
13、 Yan Wang,Yi Su,Xiaosong Jiang,Yiping Liu,Xiaocheng Li, Zengrong Zhang,Huarui Du,Qing Zhu. Study on Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of MC3R and MC4R Genes with Carcass and Meat Quality Traits in chicken. Journal of Poultry Science. 2009, 46:180-187. SCI-E收录.
14、 Shi-Yi Chen, Da-Qian He, Yi-Ping Liu. Low genetic variability of domestic muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) in China revealed by mitochondrial DNA control region. Biochemical genetics. 2009. 47:734-738. DOI 10.1007/s10528-009-9272-0. 通讯作者,SCI收录, 2008年影响因子0.75.
15、 Shi-Yi Chen, Yi Huang, Qing Zhu, Luca Fontanesi, Yong-Gang Yao, and Yi-Ping Liu. Sequence Characterization of theMC1R Gene in Yak (Poephagus grunniens) Breeds with Different Coat Colors. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2009, Article ID 861046, doi:10.1155/2009/861046. 通讯作者,SCI收录,2008年影响因子2.563.
16、 Y.-P. Liu, S.-X. Cao, S.-Y. Chen, Y.-G. Yao & T.-Z. Genetic diversity of Chinese domestic goat based on the mitochondrial DNA sequence variation Liu. Journal of animal breeding and genetics. 2009, 126:80–89. SCI收录,2008年影响因子1.077.
17、 Xiaoling Zhao,Qing Zhu ,Yan Wang,Zhiqing Yang ,Yiping Liu. Tissue-specific expression of the chicken adipose differentiation-related protein (ADP) gene. Mol Biol Rep. 2009. DOI 10.1007/s11033-009-9836-4. SCI收录,2008年影响因子1. 75.
18、 Yan Zhou, Yiping Liu, Xiaosong Jiang, Huarui Du, Xiaocheng Li and Qing Zhu. Polymorphism of Chicken Myocyte-specific Enhancer-binding Factor 2A Gene and Its Association with Chicken Carcass Traits. Molecular Biology Report. 2010.37:587-594. SCI收录,2008年影响因子1. 75.
19、 Bing Zhou, Shiyi Chen,Qing Zhu, Yong-Gang Yao, and Yiping Liu. Matrilineal components and genetic relationship of Silkies from China and Japan. Journal of Poultry Science. 2010, 47:22-27. SCI-E收录.
20、 Yi Huang,Yan Wang,Daqian He,Yiping Liu. Genetic Diversity of the Melanocortin 4 Receptor (MC4R) Gene and its Association with Slaughter Traits in the Landes Goose Biochemical Genetics. 2010, 48:944-953. DOI 10.1007/s10528-010-9375-7.
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