谭继军 最后学位:美国德州大学奥斯汀分校 博士 岗位职称:助教授 博导 公共职务:高等研究院
最后学位:美国德州大学奥斯汀分校 博士
岗位职称:助教授 博导
公共职务:高等研究院副院长. 经济学院院长助理
研究领域:公共经济学. 环境经济学
教学课程:公共经济学. 宏观经济学
电 话:86-************
通讯地址:上海市国定路777号 上海财经大学经济学院
邮 编:200433
1. Ph.D., the University of Texas at Austin, USA, 2006
2. Master of Arts, the University of Virginia , USA, 2001
3. Master of Economics, Beijing University, China, 1998
4. Bachelor of Economics, Shanxi University, China, 1995
1. Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, UT-Austin, USA, 01/2002-Now
2. Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, UVA, USA, 01/2001-06/2001
3. Computer Assistant, Department of Economics, UVA, USA, 08/2000-01/2001
4. Research Assistant, the Darden School of Management, UVA, USA, 08/2000-06/2001
5. Associate Manager, Guosen Securities Corporation, Ltd., Beijing, China, 07/1998-03/1999
6. Teaching Assistant, Guanghua School of Management at Beijing University, China, 1997-1998
7. Researcher, the Bureau of Textile Industry of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan, China, 07/1995-08/1996
1. Antai Fellowship, Beijing University, 1997
2. Excellent Graduation Thesis, Shanxi University, 1995
3. Excellent Student in Social Work, Shanxi University, 1994
4. University Fellowship, Shanxi University, 1993
5. University Fellowship, Shanxi University, 1992
1. How does the Optimal Two-Bracket Income Tax Depend on Wage Inequality ? (2006)
2. The Distributional Effects of a City's Environmental Tax (2006)
3. The Effect of Corporate Income Tax on Organizational Forms (2006)
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