
姓 名 吴来燕
职 称 讲 师
单 位 中南民族大学资源与环境学院
学科专业 环境科学
研究方向 湖泊生态学
1. LaiyanWu, PingXie, JunChen, DawenZhang, GaodaoLiang, Development and validation of a liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry assay for the simultaneous quantitation of microcystin-RR and its metabolites in fish liver, Journal of Chromatography A, 1217 (2010) 1455–1462.
2. LaiyanWu, JunxiaYu, XiaomeiSun, BuhaiLi, The effect of nickel (II) ions on the growth and bioaccumulation properties of Escherichia coli, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2009, 28(2):234-239.
3.Laiyan Wu, Ping Xie, Qing Wang, Jun Chen, Min Tao, Zhimei Ma, Accumulation and transportation of the hepatotoxic microcystins-LR / -RR and their metabolites in liver, kidney and muscle of wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from Lake Taihu, China, Environmental Pollution, undereview.
4.吴来燕, 孙小梅, 李步海,血竭总黄酮与人血红蛋白结合的同步荧光特性,分析科学学报,2007,23(6),709-712,中文核心期刊
5.吴来燕,谢平,陈隽,徐军。 制定检测水体中异味物质的国家标准方法的迫切性,中国环境科学学会环境标准与基准2010年学术研讨会论文集,453-456.
6. Qing Wang, Yuan Niu, Ping Xie, Jun Chen, Zhimei Ma, Min Tao, Min Qi, Laiyan Wu, Longgen Guo, Factors Affecting Temporal and Spatial Variations of Microcystins in Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu, with Potential Risk of Microcystin Contamination to Human Health, TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2010) 10, 1795–1809 (IF=1.7)
7.Guangyu Li, Jun Chen, Ping Xie, Yan Jiang, Laiyan Wu , Xuezhen Zhang, Protein expression profiling in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos exposed to the microcystin-LR, p Proteomics 2011, 11, 2003–2018
电 话 E-mail wulaiyan@yahoo.com.cn
通讯地址 武汉市洪山区民院路5号(430074)
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