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  王清远博士,四川大学建筑与环境学院教授、博士生导师, 破坏力学与防灾减灾实验室主任; 四川大学低碳技术与经济中心副主任。现任中国力学学会理事, 四川省力学学会副理事长,四川省建筑业协会副会长,四川省土木建筑学会副理事长, 四川大学学术委员会委员。国家杰出青年基金获得者, "新世纪百千万人才工程"国家级人选, 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划人选, 教育部优秀青年教师资助计划人选,国务院政府津贴专家, 四川省学术和技术带头人。教育部长江学者与创新团队计划创新团队带头人,工程力学国家精品课程负责人,四川大学“西南资源环境与灾害防治”国家“985”重大科技创新平台学术带头人。
  1995-1998年,留学法国巴黎中央大学获得博士学位, 1999年在法国巴黎国立工艺与理工学院作博士后研究员,1997-1999年曾任巴黎中国留学生联合会主席和全法国中国留学生联合会主席, 1999-2000年在美国普度大学工学院NSF, NASA项目博士后研究员, 2001-2003年在日本鹿儿岛大学任日本学术振兴会JSPS外国人特别研究员。
  回国后主要从事新型材料与结构力学问题, 超长寿命疲劳断裂,材料环境强度与结构耐久性方面的研究工作。回国后负责承担有国家自然科学基金4项, 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划, 国家杰出青年基金,教育部优秀回国人员基金, 教育部博士点基金,教育部优秀青年教师资助计划, 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,教育部科学技术重大项目,教育部创新团队,四川省杰出青年基金等研究项目。指导出站博士后2名(其中外国人1名), 毕业博士硕士研究生21名。现任《实验力学》副主编,《四川大学学报》(工程), 《四川建筑科学研究》, 《四川建筑》等刊物编委或副主任编委。 共发表论文150余篇, 其中SCI论文37篇,被SCI, EI检索收录论文140余篇次,论文被他人引用700余篇次(单篇最高他引137次,SCI他引约300篇次,SCI引用40次以上论文3篇;10次以上论文10篇, H-Index:10)。超长寿命疲劳问题研究获得2006年教育部自然科学奖一等奖(第一完成人)。出席国外国际会议并作报告30余篇次, 其中曾多次担任大会分会主席。组织国内外学术会议十余次,作为主席将在成都主办2014年VHCF6会议。1995-2005年曾先后在法国, 美国, 日本, 加拿大, 德国, 荷兰, 比利时, 西班牙, 意大利, 奥地利, 瑞典, 韩国, 印度尼西亚,希腊,英国等20多个国家进行研究学习与学术交流访问。
Prof. Wang Qingyuan is currently the Dean of Faculty of Architecture, Civil Eng & Environ Eng of Sichuan University. His research activity is focused on Very High Cycle Fatigue (Alloys, High Strength Steels, and Biometals, Etc), Accelerated Fatigue Testing Method, Mechanical Behavior of Structural Materials and Structures under Fire/Cyclic Loading, Mechanical Behavior and Durability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete, Fatigue Properties and Life Prediction of The Bridge Girder with Corrugated Web, Composite Repairs of damaged Structures. He received his PhD from Ecole Centrale Paris, France, followed by postdoctoral experience in Faculty of Engineering of Purdue University, USA, and JSPS fellow at Kagoshima University, Japan. Prof. Wang has published over 120 technical papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings in the areas of Mechanics, Materials, and Structures. Dr. Wang was Enlisted Scientist for “100 Talents Program” of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003. He received the Excellent Young Teachers Program Award in 2003, New Century Excellent Talents Program Award in 2005, First class Natural Science Award of Research in 2006 from National Ministry of Education, and the special award of Chinese central government in 2008.
  代表论文(限30篇) /30 Key papers:
  1. Zhao X, Ling TC, Kou SC, Wang QY, Poon CS. Use of wastes derived from earthquakes for the production of concrete masonry partition wall blocks, Waste Management, 31(8): 1859-1866, 2011.
  2. Wang ZY, Tizani W, Wang QY. Strength and initial stiffness of a blind-bolt connection based on the T-stub model, Engineering Structures, 32(9):2505-2517, 2010.
  3. Cao XJ, Murakami R, Wang QY, Fatigue properties of Ti-6Al-4V subjected to 0.9% physiological saline solution, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24(15):2518-2523,2010.
  4. Wang QY, Li T, Zeng XG. Gigacycle Fatigue Behavior of High Strength Aluminum Alloys, Procedia Engineering, 2 (1): 65-70, 2010.
  5. Tang TG, Wang QY, Liu HW. Experimental research on distributed fiber sensor for sliding damage monitoring, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 47(1):156-160, 2009.
  6. Chen Q, Kawagoishi N, Oki M, Wang QY. Crack Growth Behavior of Al Alloy 7075-T6 under Ultrasonic Fatigue, J Solid Mechanics & Mater Eng, 2(11):1399-1409, 2008.
  7. HQ Xue, H Tao, F Montembault, QY Wang and C Bathias, Development of a three-point bending fatigue testing methodology at 20kHz frequency, Inter J Fatigue, 29(9-11):2089-2093, 2007.
  8. Wang QY, Zhang H, Sriraman MR, Liu SL. Super Long Life Fatigue Behavior of AE42 and AM60 Magnesium Alloys, Key Engineering Materials, 306-308:181-186, 2006.
  9. ZG. Yang, JM Zhang, SX Li, G.Y Li, Wang QY, WJ Hui and YQ Weng. On the critical inclusion size of high strength steels under ultra-high cycle fatigue, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 427(1-2):167-174, 2006.
  10. Wang QY, Sriraman, M.R.; Kawagoishi, N.; Chen, Q. Fatigue crack growth of bonded composite repairs in gigacycle regime, Inter J Fatigue, 28(10): 1197-1201, 2006.
  11. Wang QY, Kawagoishi, N.; Chen, Q. Fatigue and fracture behaviour of structural Al-alloys up to very long life regimes, Inter J Fatigue, 28(11): 1572-1576, 2006.
  12. Q Chen, N Kawagoishi, Wang QY, N Yan, T.ono, Small crack behavior and fracture of nickel-base superalloy under ultrasonic fatigue, Int. J Fatigue, 2005, 27(10-12): 1227-1232.
  13. Wang XS, Wu BS, Wang QY. SEM online investigation of microcrack characterizatics of concretes at various temperatures, Cement and Concrete Research, 35(7):1385-1390, 2005.
  14. Wang XS, Li SS, Wang QY. Effect of the fabrication process on fatigue performance of U3Si2 fuel plate with sandwich structure, Journal of Nuclear Materials,342(1-3):42-47, 2005.
  15. Wang QY, Kawagoishi N, Chen Q, Fatigue voids in structural Al-alloys under high-frequency cyclic loading, J. Mater. Sci., 39(1): 365-367, 2004.
  16. Wang QY, Bathias C, Fatigue characterization of a spheroidal graphite cast iron under ultrasonic loading, J. Mater. Sci., 39(2):687-689, 2004.
  17. Wang QY, Kawagoishi N, Yan N and Chen Q, Super-long life fatigue behavior of structural aluminium alloys, Key Engineering Materials, 261-3, 1287-94, 2004.
  18. Wang QY, Kawagoishi N, Chen Q, Fatigue life enhancement of defective structures by bonded composite repairs, Structural Eng & Mechanics, 18(3), 277-286, 2004.
  19. Wang QY, Kawagoishi N, Li T and Chen Q Super-Long Life Fatigue in Nitrided High Strength Steels, Key Engineering Materials, 274-6, 217-22, 2004.
  20. Wang QY, Kawagoishi N, Chen Q, Effect of pitting corrosion on the very high cycle life fatigue behavior, Scripta Materialia, 49(7), 711-716, 2003.
  21. Wang QY, Kawagoishi N, Chen Q, and Pidaparti RM, Evaluation of the probability distribution of pitting corrosion fatigue life in aircraft materials, Acta Mech Sinica, 19(3), 247-252, 2003.
  22. Wang QY, Bathias C, Kawagoishi N et al., Effect of inclusion on subsurface crack initiation and gigacycle fatigue strength, Int. J. of Fatigue, 24(12), 1269-1274, 2002.
  23. Wang QY, Pidaparti R.M., Static characteristics and fatigue behavior of composite-repaired aluminum plates, Composite Structures, 56(2), 151-155, 2002.
  24. Wang QY, Pidaparti, R M and Palakal, M, Comparative study of pitting corrosion fatigue in aircraft materials, AIAA Journal, 39(2), 325-330, 2001.
  25. Pidaparti RM, Wang QY and Burr DB, Modeling fatigue damage evolution in bone, Bio-medical Materials & Engineering, 11(2), 69-78, 2001.
  26. Aglan H, Wang QY and Kehoe M, Fatigue behavior of bonded composite repairs, Journal of Adhesion Sci. and Tech., 15(13), 1621-1634, 2001. 
  27. Wang QY, Berard JY, Dubarre A, Baudry G, Bathias C, Gigacycle fatigue of Ferrous Alloys, Fatigue & Fract. Engr. Mat. & Struct., 22(8), 667-672, 1999.
  28. Wang QY, Berard JY, Bathias C. High-cycle fatigue crack initiation and propagation behavior of spring steel wires, Fatigue & Fract. Engng. Mat. & Struct. 22(8), 673-677, 1999.
  29. Wang QY, C. Bathias, S. Rathery, J.Y. Berard. Fatigue of a spheroidal graphite cast iron in the very high cycle range, Science et Génie des Matériaux, Rev Metall. 96(2), 221-226, 1999.
  30. Wang QY. A method for static analysis of variable thickness sandwich plates, Composite Structures, 42(3), 239-243, 1998.  
  Main Research Interests:
  1) Very High Cycle Fatigue (Alloys, High Strength Steels, and Biometals, Etc)
  2) Accelerated Fatigue Testing Method
  3) Mechanical Behavior of Structural Materials and Structures under Fire/Cyclic Loading
  4) Mechanical Behavior and Durability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
  5) Fatigue Properties and Life Prediction of The Bridge Girder with Corrugated Web
  6) Ultra-low Cycle fatigue of Construction Steels and Structures (under Earthquake)
  7) Composite Repairs of damaged Structures






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