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  2004-2006:香港大学动物学系, 博士后

  “下丘脑-垂体-靶器官”作用通路,是调节动物生长发育的主要途径。李娟博士目前在国家自然科学基金, 国家高科技研究计划(863),转基因新品种培育专项支持下,以家鸡为研究模型,关注“下丘脑-垂体-卵巢”通路,围绕催乳素生成释放机制,卵泡发育机制开展受体功能鉴定与基因网络调控解析。


  1. Huang G, Li Juan*, Fu H, Yan Z, Bu G, He X, Wang Y. Characterization of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1R) gene in chickens: functional analysis, tissue distribution, and identification of its transcript variants. Domestic Animal Endocrinology (on line: DOI:10-1016/ j.domaniend. 2012.01.005), 2012 (* 通迅作者)
  2. Wang Y, Huang G, Li Juan, Meng F, He X. Leung F.C . Characterization of Chicken Secretin (SCT) and Secretin Receptor (SCTR) Genes: A Novel Secretin-like Peptide (SCT-LP) and Secretin Encoded in a Single Gene. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 348: 270-280, 2012

  3. Wang Y, Wang CY, Wu Y, Huang G, Li Juan, Leung F C. Identification of the Receptors for Prolactin-releasing Peptide (PrRP) and Carassius RFamide Peptide (C-RFa) in Chickens. Endocrinology 153, p1-14 (DOI: 10.1210/en.2011-1719), 2012

  4. Wang Y, Li Juan, Kwok AHY, Ge W & Lueng FC. A novel prolactin-like protein (PRL-L) gene in chickens and zebrafish: Cloning and Characterization of its tissue expression. General and Comparative Endocrinology 166: 200-210, 2010

  5. Wang Y, Li Juan, C. Wang CY, Kwok AHY, Zhang X & Leung FC. Characterization of the receptors for chicken GHRH and GHRH-related peptides: Identification of a novel receptor for GHRH and the receptor for GHRH-LP (PRP). Domestic Animal Endocrinology 38: 13-31, 2010

  6. Wang J, Wang Y, Li X, Li Juan* and Leung FC. Cloning, tissue distribution and functional characterization of chicken glucagon receptor. Poultry Science 87:2678-2688, 2008 (*通讯作者)

  7. Li Juan, Wang X, and Leung FC. The intragenomic polymorphism of a partially inverted repeat (PIR) in Gallus gallus domesticus, potential role of inverted repeats in satellite DNAs evolution. Gene 387:118-125, 2007

  8. Wang Y, Li Juan, Wang CY, Kwok AH, and Leung FC. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligands in the chicken ovary: evidence for heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) as a potential oocyte-derived signal to control granulosa cell proliferation and HB-EGF and kit ligand expression. Endocrinology 148:3426-3440, 2007

  9. Wang Y, Li Juan, Wang CY, Kwok AH, and Leung FC. Identification of the endogenous ligands for chicken growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor: evidence for a separate    gene encoding GHRH in submammalian vertebrates. Endocrinology 148:2405-2416, 2007

 10. Wang Y, Wang Z, Li Juan, Wang Y and Leung FC. Database for chicken full-length cDNAs. Physiol Genomics 28:141-145, 2007

  11. Li Juan and Leung FC. A CR1 element is embedded in a novel tandem repeat (HinfI repeat) within the chicken genome. Genome 49:97-103, 2006

  12. Wang CY, Wang Y, Li Juan and Leung FC. Expression profiles of growth hormone-releasing hormone and growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor during chicken embryonic pituitary   development. Poultry Science 85:569-576, 2006

  13. Guan Y, Peris JSM, Zheng B, Poon LLM, Chan KH, Zeng FY, Chan CWM, Chen JD, Chow KYC, Hon CC, Hui KH, Li Juan, Li VYY, Wang Y, Leung SW, Yuen KY, Leung FC. Molecular epidemiology of the novel coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome. Lancet 263:99-104, 2004

  14. Zeng FY, Chan CW., Chen JD, Chow KYC, Hon CC, Hui KH, Li Juan, Li VYY, Wang Y, Leung SW, Yuen KY, Leung FC. The complete genome sequence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus strain HKU-39849. Experimental Biology and Medicine 288:866-873, 2003

  15. Wang X, Li Juan and Leung FC. Partially inverted tandem repeat isolated from pericentric region of chicken chromosome 8. Chromosome Res 10:73-82, 2002
  16. Li Juan, Wang X and Leung FC. Partially inverted repetitive satellite DNA: A potential indicator for genetic homozygosity in chicken. 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production 33:113-115, 2002

  2008, 2011年度四川大学青年骨干教师奖






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