导师姓名 李速明 性别
导师姓名 | 李速明 | |
性别 | 男 | |
年龄 | ||
职称 | 教授 | |
学历(学位) | 博士 | |
所属院系 | 高分子学院 | |
导师类别 | 硕士生指导教师 | |
招生专业 | ||
研究方向 | 1.新型生物降解材料的合成、结构与性能研究。 2.药物缓释体系研究与开发。 3.两亲性共聚物的自组装及其应用研究 4.高分子材料的生物降解。 |
联系方式 | ************* lisuming@hotmail.com | |
个人简历(包括近期科研项目) | ||
教育背景及工作经历 1980. 9 — 1884. 7 成都科技大学高分子材料系,大学本科 1985. 9 — 1986. 7 法国鲁昂大学理学院,材料科学硕士 1986. 9 — 1989. 6 法国鲁昂大学理学院,高分子化学博士 1990. 1 — 1992. 6 法国国家科研中心,博士后 1992. 10 — 1996. 9 法国国家科研中心,二级研究员 1995. 10 — 1996. 9 美国麻省州立大学,访问学者 1996. 10 — 2011.9 法国国家科研中心,一级研究员 2011. 10 — 法国国家科研中心,主任研究员 2011. 4— 青岛科技大学“泰山学者” 获奖及学术兼职 : 1996年获得法国国家科研中心(CNRS.“科研成果铜牌奖(Medaille de bronze)” 1998年获得国家基金委首届“杰出青年科学基金(B类.”, 2004-2010 年担任复旦大学“特聘教授” 欧洲生物材料协会会员 2010年获得法国国家科研中心(CNRS.“杰出贡献奖(Prime d’excellence scientifique.” 25种国际知名学术刊物特约评审(Macromolecules, Biomacromolecules, Macromol. Rapid Comm., Langmuir, J. Biomed. Mater. Res.... 主要研究成果 : SCI论文96篇,专著9篇, SCI引用4775次,H-指数36, 专利4项, 国际国内学术会议报告46次, 大学、科研单位邀请报告34次, 国际学术会议邀请报告10次. 目前承担项目: 1. “可降解高强度聚酯-聚碳酸酯血管支架复合材料制备与性能研究” ,上海市科委国际合作计划项目(10310702400),2010-2012。排名第二,副组长 2. 完全可吸收高强度纤维增强聚酯-聚碳酸酯复合材料制备球囊伸展心血管支架,基金委面上项目(51073041)。2011-2013。负责。 附录 1. 期刊文章 1. S. Li, H. Garreau, M. Vert, "Structure-property relationships in the case of the degradation of massive poly(a-hydroxy acids. in aqueous media. part 1: poly(DL-lactic acid.", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicne, 1990,1,123-130. 2. S. Li, H. Garreau, M. Vert, "Structure-property relationships in the case of the degradation of massive poly(a-hydroxy acids. in aqueous media. part 2: degradation of lactide/glycolide copolymers: PLA37.5GA25 and PLA75GA25", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicne, 1990, 1, 131-139. 3. S. Li, H. Garreau, M. Vert, "Structure-property relationships in the case of the degradation of massive poly(a-hydroxy acids. in aqueous media. part 3: influence of the morphology of poly(L-lactic acid.", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicne, 1990, 1, 198-206. 4. M. Vert, S. Li, H. Garreau, "More about the degradation of LA/GA-derived matrices in aqueous media", Journal of Controlled Release, 1991, 16, 15-26. 5. M. Vert, S. Li, H. Garreau, "New insights on the degradation of bioresorbable polymeric devices based on lactic and glycolic acids", Clinical Materials, 1992, 10, 3-8. 6. M. Thérin, P. Christel, S. Li, H. Garreau, M. Vert, "In vivo degradation of massive poly(a-hydroxy acids.: validation of in vitro findings", Biomaterials, 1992, 13, 594-600. 7. M. Vert, S. Li, G. Spenleauer, Ph. Guérin, "Bioresorbility and biocompatibility of aliphatic polyesters", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicne, 1992, 3, 432-446. 8. S. Li, M. Vert, "Crystalline oligomeric stereocomplex as intermediate compound in racemic poly(DL-lactic acid. degradation", Polymer International, 1994, 33, 37-41. 9. S. Li, M. Vert, "Morphological changes resulting from the hydrolytic degradation of stereocopolymers derived from L- and DL-lactides", Macromolecules, 1994, 27, 3107-3110. 10. M. Vert, J. Mauduit, S. Li, "Biodegradation of PLA/GA polymers: increasing complexity", Biomaterials, 1994, 15, 1209-1213. 11. M. Vert, S. Li, H. Garreau, "Attempts to map the structure and degradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic and glycolic acids", Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, 1994, 6, 639-649. 12. I. Grizzi, H. Garreau, S. Li, M. Vert, "Biodegradation of devices based on poly(DL-lactic acid.: size-dependence", Biomaterials, 1995, 16, 305-311. 13. I. Rashkov, N. Manolova, S. Li, J.L. Espartero, M. Vert, "Synthesis, charactarization and hydrolytic degradation of PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers with short poly(L-lactic acid. chains", Macromolecules, 1996, 29, 50-56. 14. S. Li, I. Rashkov, J.L. Espartero, N. Manolova, M. Vert, "Synthesis, charactarization and hydrolytic degradation of PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers with long poly(L-lactic acid. blocks", Macromolecules, 1996, 29, 57-62. 15. J.L. Espartero, I. Rashkov, S. Li, N. Manolova, M. Vert, "NMR analysis of low molecular weight poly(lactic acid.s", Macromolecules, 1996, 29, 3535-3539. 16. S. Li, M. Vert, "Hydrolytic degradation of coral/poly(DL-lactic acid. bioresorbable material", Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, 1996, 7, 817-827. 17. S. Li, S. Girod-Holland, M. Vert, "Hydrolytic degradation of poly(DL-lactic acid. in the presence of caffeine base", Journal of Controlled Release, 1996, 40, 41-53. 18. S. Li, J.L. Espartero, P. Foch, M. Vert, "Structural characterization and hydrolytic degradation of a Zn metal initiated copolymer of L-lactide and e-caprolactone", Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, 1996, 8, 165-187. 19. A. Torres, S. Roussos, S.Li, M. Vert, "Screening of microorganisms for biodegradation of poly(lactic acid. and lactic acid-containing polymers", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1996, 62, 2393-2397. 20. A. Torres, S. Li, S. Roussos, M. Vert, "Degradation of L- and DL-lactic acid oligomers in the presence of Fusarium moniliforme and Pseudomonas putida", Journal of Environment & Polymer Degradation, 1996, 4, 213-223. 21. A. Torres, S. Li, S. Roussos, M. Vert, "Poly(lactic acid. degradation in soil or under controlled conditions", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 1996, 62, 2295-2302. 22. M. Vert, S. Li, H. Garreau, J. Mauduit, M. Boustta, G. Schwach, R. Engel, J. Coudane, "Complexity of the hydrolytic degradation of aliphatic polyesters", Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie, 1997, 247, 239-253. 23. T. Petrova, N. Manolova, I. Rashkov, S. Li, M. Vert, "Synthesis and characterization of poly(oxyethylene./poly(e-caprolactone. multiblock copolymers", Polymer International, 1998, 45, 419-426. 24. S. Li, H. Garreau, M. Vert, T. Petrova, N. Manolova, I. Rashkov, "Hydrolytic degradation of poly(oxyethylene./poly(e-caprolactone. multiblock copolymers", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 1998, 68, 989-998. 25. S. Li, S. Anjard, I. Rashkov, M. Vert, "Hydrolytic degradation of PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers prepared in the presence of Zn metal or CaH2", Polymer, 1998, 39, 5421-5430. 26. S. Li, S.P. McCarthy, "Further investigations on the hydrolytic degradation of poly(DL-lactide.", Biomaterials, 1999, 20, 35-44. 27. S. Li, S.P. McCarthy, "Influence of crystallinity and stereochemistry on the enzymatic degradation of poly(lactide.s", Macromolecules, 1999, 32, 4454-4456. 28. S. Li, "Hydrolytic degradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic and glycolic acids", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 1999, 48B, 342-353. 29. S. Li, M. Tenon, H. Garreau, C. Braud, M. Vert, "Enzymatic degradation of stereocopolymers derived from L-, DL- and meso-lactides", Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2000, 67, 85-90. 30. S. Li, X.H. Chen, R.A. Gross, S.P. McCarthy, "Hydrolytic degradation of PCL/PEO copolymers in alkaline media", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicne, 2000, 11, 227-233. 31. L.J. Liu, S. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "Selective enzymatic degradations of poly(L-lactide. and poly(e-caprolactone. blend films", Biomacromolecules, 2000, 1, 350-359. 32. S. Li, A. Girard, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "Enzymatic degradation of PLA stereocopolymers with predominant D-lactyl contents", Polymer Degradation & Stability, 2001, 71, 61-67. 33. I. Molina, S. Li, M. Bueno Martinez and M. Vert, "Protein release from physically crosslinked hydrogels of the PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymer-type", Biomaterials, 2001, 22, 363-369. 34. S. Li, I. Molina, M. Bueno Martinez and M. Vert, "Hydrolytic and enzymatic degradations of physically crosslinked hydrogels prepared from PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicne, 2002, 13, 81-86. 35. W.J. Luo, S. Li, J.Z. Bei, S.G. Wang, "Dependence of morphology on composition of poly(L-lactide./poly(ethylene glycol. multiblock copolymers", Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2002, 13, 233-238. 36. W.J. Luo, S. Li, J.Z. Bei, S.G. Wang, "Synthesis and characterization of poly(L-lactide.-poly(ethylene glycol. multiblock copolymers ", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2002, 84, 1729-1736. 37. W.J. Luo, S. Li, J.Z. Bei, S.G. Wang, "Poly(L-lactide./poly(ethylene glycol. multiblock copolymers : synthesis and properties", Chinese Chemical Letters, 2002, 13, 33-36. 38. S. Li, H. Garreau, B. Pauvert, J. McGrath, A. Toniolo, M. Vert, "Enzymatic degradation of block copolymers prepared from e-caprolactone and poly(ehtylene glycol.", Biomacromolecules, 2002, 3, 525-530. 39. S. Li, L.J. Liu, H. Garreau, M. Vert, “ Lipase-catalysed biodegradation of poly(e-caprolactone. blended with various polylactide-based polymers”, Biomacromolecules, 2003, 4, 372-377. 40. F. He, S. Li, M. Vert, R.X. Zhuo, "Enzyme-catalysed polymerization and degradation of block copolymers prepared from e-caprolactone and poly(ethylene glycol.", Polymer, 2003, 44, 5145-5151. 41. S. Li, "Bioresorbable and thermosensitive hydrogels prepared through stereocomplexation between poly(L-lactide. and poly(D-lactide. blocks attached to poly(ethylene glycol.", Macromolecumlar Bioscience, 2003, 3, 657-661. 42. M.-H. Huang, S. Li, J. Coudane, M. Vert, "Synthesis and characterization of block copolymers of e-caprolactone and DL-lactide initiated by ethylene glycol or poly(ethylene glycol.", Macromolecumlar Chemistry & Physics, 2003, 204, 1994-2001. 43. S. Li, M. Vert, "Synthesis, characterization and stereocomplex-induced gelation of block copolymers prepared by ring opening polymerization of L(D.-lactide in the presence of poly(ethylene glycol.", Macromolecules, 2003, 36, 8008-8014. 44. M.-H. Huang, S. Li, D. W. Hutmacher, J.-T. Schantz, C. A. Vacanti, C. Braud, M. Vert, "Degradation and cell culture studies on block copolymers prepared by ring opening polymerization of e-caprolactone in the presence ofpoly(ethylene glycol.", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part A, 2004, 69A, 417-427. 45. S. Li, M. Pignol, F. Gasc, M. Vert, "Synthesis, characterization and enzymatic degradation of copolymers prepared from e-caprolactone and b-butyrolactone", Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 9798-9803. 46. M.-H. Huang, S. Li, M. Vert, "Hydrolytic degradation of a triblock copolymers prepared by successive polymerization of e-caprolactone and DL-lactide", Polymer, 2004, 45, 8675-8681. 47. P. Dobrzynski, S. Li, J. Kasperczyk, M. Bero, F. Gasc, M. Vert, "Structure property relationships of copolymers obtained by ring-opening polymerization of glycolide and e-caprolactone. Part 1. Synthesis and characterization",Biomacromolecules, 2005, 6, 483-488. 48. S. Li, P. Dobrzynski, J. Kasperczyk, M. Bero, M. Vert, "Structure property relationships of copolymers obtained by ring-opening polymerization of glycolide and e-caprolactone. Part 2. Influence of composition adn chain microstructure on the hydrolytic degradation", Biomacromolecules, 2005, 6, 489-497. 49. M.-H. Huang, J. Coudane, S. Li, M. Vert, "Methylated and pegylated PLA-PCL-PLA block copolymers via the chemical modification of di-hydroxy PCL combined with the ring opening polymerization of lactide", Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2005, 43, 4196-4205. 50. F. Li, S. Li, Michel Vert, “Synthesis and rheological properties of polylactide/poly(ethylene glycol. multiblock copolymers”, Macromolecumlar Bioscience, 2005, 5, 1125-1131. 51. M. E. Hoque, D. W. Hutmacher, W. Feng, S. Li, M. H. Huang, M. Vert, Y. S. Wong, “Direct writing and in vitro characterization of PEG-PCL-PLA scaffolds”, Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, 2005, 16, 1595-1610. 52. F. He, S. Li, H. Garreau, M. Vert, R.X. Zhuo, "Enzyme-catalysed polymerization and degradation of copolyesters of e-caprolactone and g-butyrolactone", Polymer, 2005, 46, 12682-12688. 53. Y. He, Z.Y. Fan, J. Wei, S. Li, "Morphology and melt crystallization of poly(L-lactide. obtained by ring opening polymerization of L-lactide with zinc catalyst", Polymer Engineering and Science, 2006, 10, 1583-1589. 54. M.-H. Huang, S. Li, D. W. Hutmacher, J. Coudane, M. Vert, "Degradation characteristics of poly(e-caprolactone.-based copolymers and blends", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 102, 1681-1687. 55. R. Ogaki, F. Green, S. Li, M. Vert, M.R. Alexander, I.S. Gilmore, M.C. Davies, “G-SIMS of biodegradable homo-polyesters”, Applied Surface Science, 2006, 252, 6797-6800. 56. A. Lafont, S. Li, H. Garreau, F. Cornhill, and M. Vert, “PLA stereocopolymers as sources of bioresorbable stents: Preliminary investigation in rabbit”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2006, 77B : 349-356. 57. Y. He, Z.F. Gao, Y. Xin, Y. Yu, S. Li, Z.Y. Fan, "Crystallization behavior of poly(L-lactide.", Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities (Chinese., 2006, 27, 745-748. 58. T. Wu, Y. He, J. Wei, Z.Y. Fan, S. Li, "Crystallization of polylactide/poly(ethylene glycol. block copolymers ", Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities (Chinese., 2006, 27, 2193-2197. 59. Y. F. Hu, Y. He, J. Wei, Z.Y. Fan, P. Dobrzynski, J. Kasperczyk, M. Bero, S. Li, “Hydrolytic degradation of glycolide/L-lactide/-caprolactone terpolymers initiated by zirconium (IV. acetylacetonate”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007, 103, 2451-2456. 60. F. Li, S. Li, A. El Ghzaoui, H. Nouailhas, R.X. Zhuo, “Synthesis and gelation properties of PEG-PLA-PEG triblock copolymers obtained by coupling monohydroxylated PEG-PLA with adipoyl chloride”, Langmuir, 2007, 23, 2778-2783. 61. L. Yang, Z.X. Zhao, J. Wei, A. El Ghzaoui, S. Li, “Micelles formed by self-assembling of polylactide/poly(ethylene glycol. block copolymers in aqueous solutions”, Journal of Colloidal & Interface Science, 2007, 314, 470-477. 62. Y. He, Z.Y. Fan, Y.F. Hu, T. Wu, J. Wei, S. Li, “DSC analysis of isothermal melt crystallization, glass transition and melting behavior of poly(L-lactide. with different molecular weights”, European Polymer Journal, 2007, 43, 4431–4439. 63. Z.X. Zhao, L. Yang, Y.F. Hu, Y. He, J. Wei, S. Li, “Enzymatic degradation of block copolymers obtained by sequential ring opening polymerization of L-lactide and e-caprolactone”, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2007, 92, 1769-1777. 64. Y. He, Y. Xu, T. Wu, J. Wei, Z.Y. Fan, S. Li, “Morphological investigation on melt crystallized polylactide homo- and stereocopolymers by enzymatic degradation with proteinase K”, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: PolymerPhysics, 2008, 46, 959-970. 65. T. Wu, Y. He, Z.Y. Fan, J. Wei, S. Li, “Investigations on the morphology and melt crystallization of poly(L-lactide.-poly(ethylene glycol. diblock copolymers”, Polymer Engineering & Science, 2008, 48, 425-433. 66. Z.X. Zhao, L. Yang, J.J. Hua, J. Wei, S. Gachet, A. El Ghzaoui, S. Li, “Relationship between enzyme adsorption and enzyme-catalyzed degradation of polylactides”, Macromolecumlar Bioscience, 2008, 8, 25-31. 67. J. Kasperczyk, Y.F. Hu, J. Jaworska, P. Dobrzynski, J. Wei, S. Li, “Comparative study on the hydrolytic degradation of glycolide/L-lactide/e-caprolactone terpolymers initiated by zirconium (IV. acetylacetonate or stannous octoate”,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2008, 107, 3258–3266. 68. J. Kasperczyk, S. Li, J. Jaworska, P. Dobrzynski, M. Vert, “Degradation of copolymers obtained by ring-opening polymerization of glycolide and ε-caprolactone: a high resolution NMR and ESI-MS study”, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2008, 93, 990-999. 69. Y. Xu, Y. He, J. Wei, Z.Y. Fan, S. Li, “Morphology and melt crystallization of PCL-PEG diblock copolymers”, Macromolecumlar Chemistry & Physics, 2008, 209, 1836-1844. 70. Y. He, Y. Xu, J. Wei, Z.Y. Fan, S. Li, “Unique crystallization behavior of poly(L-lactide./poly(D-lactide. stereocomplex depending on initial melt states”, Polymer, 2008, 49, 5670-5675. 71. J. Yang, W.G. Li, A.F. Yu, P. Xi, X.A. Huang, S. Li, “Sequence distribution, thermal properties and crystallization studies of poly(trimethylene terephthalate-co-1,4-cyclohexylene dimethylene terephthalate. copolyesters”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2009, 111, 2751-2760. 72. F. Liu, Z.X. Zhao, J. Yang, J. Wei, S. Li, “Enzyme-catalyzed degradation of poly(L-lactide./poly(e-caprolactone. diblock, triblock and four-armed copolymers”, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2009, 94, 227-233. 73. S. Lenglet, S. Li, M. Vert, “Lipase-catalysed degradation of copolymers prepared from e-caprolactone and DL-lactide”, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2009, 94, 688–692. 74. Y.W Chen, N.C. Chen, Z. Qiu, X.L. Luo, S. Li, “Behavior of endothelial cells regulated by a dynamically changed microenvironment of biodegradable PLLA-PC”, Macromolecumlar Bioscience, 2009, 9, 413-420. 75. J.J. Hua, K. Gebarowska, P. Dobrzynski, J. Kasperczyk, J. Wei, S. Li, “Influence of chain microstructure on the hydrolytic degradation of copolymers from 1,3-trimethylene carbonate and L-lactide”, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2009, 47, 3869-3879. 76. L. Yang, X.H. Wu, F. Liu, Y.R. Duan, S. Li, “Novel biodegradable polylactide/poly(ethylene glycol. micelles prepared by direct dissolution method for controlled delivery of anticancer drugs”, Pharmaceutical Research, 2009, 26, 2332-2342. 77. M.E. Hoque, W.Y. San, F. Wei, S.M. Li, M.H. Huang, M. Vert, D.W. Hutmacher, “Processing of polycaprolactone and polycaprolactone-based copolymers into 3D scaffolds, and their cellular responses”, Tissue Engineering Part A, 2009, 15, 3013-3024. 78. Y. Zhang, X.H Wu, F. Mo, Y.R. Duan, S.M. Li, ”Novel thymopentin release systems prepared from bioresorbable PLA-PEG-PLA hydrogels”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2010, 386, 15–22. 79. J. Yang, F. Liu, S. Tu, Y.W. Chen, X.L. Luo, Z.Q. Lu, J. Wei, S.M. Li, “Haemo- and cytocompatibility of bioresorbable homo- and copolymers prepared from 1,3-trimethylene carbonate, lactides and e-caprolactone”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2010, 94, 396-407. 80. J. Yang, F. Liu, L. Yang, S.M. Li, “Hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation of poly(trimethylene carbonate-co-D,L-Lactide. random copolymers with shape memory behavior”, European Polymer Journal, 2010, 46, 783-791. 81. Y. Xu, Y. Zhang, Z.Y. Fan, S.M. Li, “Melt crystallization and morphology of poly(ε-caprolactone.-poly(ethylene glycol. diblock copolymers with different compositions and molecular weights”, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 2010, 48, 286-293. 82. H. Nouailhas, F. Li, A. El Ghzaoui, S.M. Li, J. Coudane, “Influence of racemization on tereocomplex-induced gelation of water soluble PLA/PEG block copolymers”, Polymer International, 2010, 59, 1077-1083. 83. Y.F. Liu, L. Wang, Y. He, Z.Y. Fan, S.M. Li, “Non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Poly(L-lactide.”, Polymer International, 2010, 59, 1616-1621. 84. L. Yang, X. Qi, P. Liu, A. El Ghzaoui, S.M. Li, “Aggregation behavior of self-assembling polylactide/poly(ethylene glycol. micelles for sustained drug delivery”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2010, 394, 43-49. 85. L. Yang, A. El Ghzaoui, S.M. Li, “In vitro degradation behavior of poly(lactide.-poly(ethylene glycol. block copolymer micelles as potential drug carrier”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2010, 400, 96-103. 86. H. Nouailhas, A. El Ghzaoui, S.M. Li, J. Coudane, “Stereocomplex-induced gelation properties of polylactide/poly(ethylene glycol. diblock and triblock copolymers”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2011, 122: 1599-1606. 87. X.H. Wu, A. El Ghzaoui, S.M. Li, "Anisotropic self-assembling micelles prepared by direct dissolution of PLA/PEG block copolymers with high PEG fraction", Langmuir 2011, 27, 8000-8008. 88. K. Gębarowska, J. Kasperczyk, P. Dobrzyński, M. Scandola, E. Zini, S.M. Li, “NMR analysis of the chain microstructure of biodegradable terpolymers with shape memory properties”, European Polymer Journal 2011, 47, 1315-1327. 89. K. Jelonek, J. Kasperczyk, S.M. Li, P. Dobrzynski, B. Jarzabek, “Controlled poly(l-lactide-co-trimethylene carbonate. delivery system of cyclosporine A and rapamycine – the effect of copolymer chain microstructure on drug release rate”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2011, 414: 203–209. 90. G. Stoclet, R. Seguela, J.M. Lefebvre, S.M. Li, M, Vert, "Thermal and strain-induced chain ordering in lactic acid stereocopolymers: influence of the composition in stereomers", Macromolecules 2011, 44: 4961-4969. 91. Y.F. Hu, Y.F. Liu, X. Qi, P. Liu, Z.Y. Fan, S.M. Li. "Novel bioresorbable hydrogels prepared from chitosan-graft-polylactide copolymers". Polymer International 2012, 61: 74-81. 92. Y.R. Han, Z.Y. Fan, Z.Q. Lu, Y. Zhang, S.M. Li. "In vitro degradation of poly(L-lactide.-co-(trimethylene carbonate. copolymers and a composite with poly(L-lactide.-co-(glycolide. fibers as cardiovascular stent material". Macromolecular Materials & Engineering, 2012, 297: 128–135. 93. Y.R. Han, X.Y. Jin, J. Yang, Z.Q. Lu, Y. Zhang, S.M. Li, "Totally bioresorbable composites prepared from poly(L-lactide.-co-(trimethylene carbonate. copolymers and poly(L-lactide.-co-(glycolide. fibers as cardiovascular stent material", Polymer Engineering & Science, in press. 94. F. Liu, J. Yang, Z.Y. Fan, S.M. Li, Janusz Kasperczyk, Piotr Dobrzyński. Enzyme-catalyzed degradation of biodegradable polymers derived from trimethylene carbonate and glycolide by lipases from Candida antarctica and Hog pancreas, Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, in press. 95. Y.W. Chen, J. Chen, Y.J. Liu, X.L. Luo, S.M. Li, "Micelles formed by self-assembling of low molecular weight phosphorylcholine-containing poly(L-lactide.", Polymers for Advanced Technologies, in press. 96. X.H. Wu, A. El Ghzaoui, S.M. Li, "Drug Delivery Carriers Prepared by Self-assembly of Amphiphilic Copolymers with Surfactants", Journal of Colloidal & Interface Science, in press. 2. 专著文章 1. M. Vert, S. Li, H. Garreau, "In vitro evaluation of tailor-made bioresorbable polymers and applications in bone surgery", in The 3rd Japanese-French Biomedical Technologies Symposium, Y. Sakurai, P. Rapischong, T. Kawamura eds., 1989, 76-81. 2. M. Vert, S. Li, H. Garreau, "Recent advances in the understanding of PLA/PGA polymer bioresorption”, in Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Biomaterials, Chester, UK, 1991, 137-138. 3. S. Li, H. Garreau, M. Vert, M. Thérin, P. Christel, "In vivo degradation mechanism of massive aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic and glycolic acids", in Biodegradable Polymers and Plastics, M. Vert, J. Feijen, A. Albertsson, G. Scott, E. Chiellini eds., Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 1992, 262-266. 4. M. Vert, A. Torres, S. Li, S. Roussos, H. Garreau, "The complexity of the biodegradation of poly(2-hydroxy acid.-type aliphatic polyesters", in Biodegradable Plastics and Polymers, Y. Doi, K. Fukuda eds., Elsevier, Pays Bas, 1994, 11-23. 3. 专著章节 1. S. Li, M. Vert, "Biodegradation of aliphatic polyesters", in Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications, G. Scott, D. Gilead eds., Chapman and Hall, Londre, 1995, 43-87. 2. S. Li, M. Vert, "Biodegradable polymers : polyesters ", in Encyclopedia of Controlled Drug Delivery, E. Mathiowitz ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999, 71-93. 3. S. Li, M. Vert, "Biodegradation of aliphatic polyesters", in Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications, 2nd edition, G. Scott, ed., Dordrecht (NL.: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, 71-131. 4. S. Li, "Degradation of biodegradable aliphatic polyesters ", in Scaffolding in Tissue Engineering, P.X. Ma, J. Elisseeff eds., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, 2006, 335-352. 5. S. Li, “In-vitro physicochemical test methods to evaluate the bioresorbability of polymeric biomaterials”, in Degradation Rate of Bioresorbable Materials: Prediction and Evaluation, F. Buchanan ed., Woodhead Publishing Ltd,Cambridge, 2008, 117-144. 4. 专利 1. P. Christel, S. 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