王延庚,1962年出生于西安,西北大学数学系教授,主要研究方向为拓扑学及动力系统。联系方式: ygwng@nwu.edu
王延庚,1962年出生于西安,西北大学数学系教授,主要研究方向为拓扑学及动力系统。联系方式: ygwng@nwu.edu.cn
1. G. Wei, Y. Wang, Z. Yang. Methods for Constructing Choquet-Capacity Preserving and Ergodic Systems: Examples. International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics, 4(2) (2011):201-220
2. G. Wei, Y. Wang, Hung T. Nguyen, Donald E. Beken. On the upper semicontinuity of Choquet capacities. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 51(2010):429-440.
3. G. Wei, Y. Wang, L. Piatkiewicz. A transitive function on two disjoint squares that preserves neither the dimension nor the category. Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems, 11(2009):301-308
4. L. Liu, Y. Wang, G. Wei. Topological entropy of continuous functions on topological spaces. Chaos,Solitons & Fractals, 39(2009): 417-427.
5. D. Cheng, Y. Wang, G. Wei. The product symbolic dynamical systems. Nonlinear Analysis, 71 (2009) 4758_4768.
6. Y. Wang, G. Wei, W. H. Campbell. Sensitive dependence on initial conditions between dynamical systems and their induced hyperspace dynamical systems. Topology and its Applications, 156(4) (2009): 803-811.
7. Y. Wang, G. Wei. W. H. Campbell, S.Bourquin. A framework of induced hyperspace dynamical systems equipped with the hit-or-miss topology. Chaos,Solitons & Fractals, 41(2009): 1708-1717.
8. G. Wei, Y. Wang. Formulating stochastic convergence of random closed sets on locally compact separable metrizable spaces using metrics of the hit-or-miss topology. International Journal of Intelligent Technology and Applied Statistics 1 (2008): 33-57.
9. Y. Wang, G. Wei. Conditions ensuring that hyperspace dynamical systems contain subsystems topologically (semi-)conjugate to symbolic dynamical systems. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 36(2008):283–289.
10. Y.Wang, G. Wei. Characterizing mixing, weak mixing and transitivity of induced hyperspace dynamical systems. Topology and its Applications, 155(1) (2007): 56-68
11. G. Wei, Y.Wang. On metrization of hit-or-miss topology using Alexandroff compactification. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 46(1)(2007):47-64.
12. Hung T. Nguyen, Y. Wang, G. Wei. On Choquet theorem for random upper semicontinuous functions. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 46(1)(2007):3-16.
13. Y. Wang, G. Wei. Embedding of topological dynamical systems into symbolic dynamical systems: a necessary and sufficient condition. Reports on Mathematical Physics, 57(2006): 457-462.
14. Y. Wang, G. Wei, R. Li. Conditions Ensuring that the Space of k-Lipschitz Maps is Homeomorphic to the Hilbert Cube. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, l.1(D03)(2003):1-10.
15. Y. Wang. The space of maps from a locally compact space to a Banach space. Acta Math.Sinica(new series). 13(3)(1997):333-336.
16. Y. Wang, T. Wang. Characterizing Br spaces, Chinese Annals of Mathematics , 14(3)(1993):302-305.
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