陆璐,南通大学引进的海外高层次留学人才,重点学科带头人,教授、硕士生导师。哥伦比亚大学医学系博士后,田纳西州大学解剖与神经生物系副教授。美国留学期间,参与了美国田纳西州大学与美国 Jax Lab联合培育的基因重组纯系小鼠——B×D RI小 鼠的培育,是目前世界上最大的基因重组纯系小鼠;与其导师在世界上参与创立了基因表达数量性状上游调控基因位点分析方法,介绍与应用该方法的文章分别发表 在Nature Genetic(影响因子24.5)、Nature Neuroscience(影响因子12)等杂志。并将该方法首次引入我国,在南通大学成功开展相关研究工作:主持国家自然科学基金项目“与紧张焦虑相关 的海马特异性基因表达及其基因网络调节通路研究” 、“与PD相关的基因表达及调节通路的研究 ”、江苏省自然科学基金重点项目“应用系统生物学探讨AD相关的基因及其调节通路”等多项自然科学基金项目。多年来一直从事于神经生物学方面的研究,特别 是神经系统数量性状基因调控位点的研究。数十年来发表论文70余篇,其中SCI收录论文40多篇。
1.Complex trait analysis of gene expression uncovers polygenic and pleiotropic networks that modulate nervous system function. Nature Genetics 2005, 37(3):233-42. (第一作者) IF25.797
2.Complex trait analysis of the hippocampus: Mapping and biometric analysis of two novel gene loci with specific effects on hippocampal structure in mice. Journal of Neuroscience, 2001, 21:3503-3514(第一作者)IF8.178
3.Identification of a single QTL, Mptp1, for susceptibility to MPTP-induced substantia nigra pars compacta neuron loss in mice. Molecular Brain Research 2003, 110(2): 279-88.(第一作者)
4.A new set of BXD recombinant inbred lines from advanced intercross populations in mice. BMC Genetics 2004, 5(1):7(第一作者)
5.Genetic dissection of olfactory bulbs of mice: QTLs on four chromosomes modulate bulb size. Behavioral Genetics, 2001, 133:61-77(通讯作者)
6.How replicable are mRNA expression QTLs? Mammalian Genome, 2006, 17(6):643-656. (通讯作者)
7.The genetic structure of recombinant inbred mice: High-resolution consensus maps for complex trait analysis. Genome Biology 2001, 2(11): research 0046.1-0046.18(通讯作者)
8.Genetic architecture of the mouse hippocampus: Identification of gene loci with regional effects. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2003,2:238-252. (通讯作者)
9.The nature and identification of quantitative trait loci: a community’s view. Nature Genetics 2003;4:911-916.
10.The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits. Nature Genetics 2004, 36(11):1133-7
11.Rapid Exploratory Analysis of Gene Expression and Genetic Networks for Brain and Behavior. Nature Neuroscience, 2004, 7(5): 485-486.
12.Genetic control of the mouse cerebellum: identification of quantitative trait loci modulating size and architecture. Journal of Neuroscience, 2001, 21:5099-5109
13.Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling activation of TRBV4 CD8+ T cells during murine herpes virus-induced infectious mononucleosis. Immunogenetics, 2001, 53: 395-400
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