
姓名: 黄德财 性 别: 男 出生年月: 1977-1-1
姓名: 黄德财 | 性 别: 男 | 出生年月: 1977-1-1 | |||||
职称: 副教授 | 办公电话: ************ | 导师类别: 博士生导师 | |||||
电子邮件: hdc@njust.edu.cn | |||||||
工作单位: 理学院 | |||||||
最后学历: 研究生毕业 | 最后学位: 博士 | ||||||
最后毕业学校: 中国科学院物理研究所 | 毕业专业: 070205 凝聚态物理 | 毕业时间: | |||||
◇ 主学科研究方向: | |||||||
二级学科名称(主): 材料物理与化学 博士学科 | 学科代码: 080501 | ||||||
1、颗粒物质动力学性质的实验和计算研究,包括:(1)颗粒流性质;(2)混合与分离相分离;(3)声波的传播。 2、纳米材料物性设计、调控的计算研究,以C元素为基本构成单元的纳米材料(纳米管,富勒烯,石墨烯等)的吸附、电学,磁学性质的设计与应用研究。 |
◇ 学术任职: | |||||||
中国物理学会会员,江苏省物理学会会员 | |||||||
◇ 学术成就: | |||||||
[1]Huang Decai*, Lu Ming, Surajit Sen, Sun Min, Feng Yaodong, and Yang Anna, Spin Brazil-nut effect and its reverse in a rotating double-walled drum, EuroPhys. J. E 36:41-1-6. [2] Huang Decai*, Yoichi Takato, Nathaniel Feldberg, and Surajit Sen, Modulation of wave propagation in a highly nonlinear o-ring granular chain, EuroPhys. Lett. (TBD) [3] Huang Decai*, Lu Ming, Sun Gang, Feng Yaodong, Sun Min, Wu Haiping, and Deng Kaiming, Ring-like spin segregation of binary mixtures in a high-velocity rotating drum, Phys. Rev. E, 85:031305(2012). [4] Huang Decai*, Feng Yaodong, Xie Weimei, Lu Ming, Wu Haiping, Hu Fenglan, and Deng Kaiming, Effect of particle density on the segregation of binary granular system in a rotating drum, Acta Phys. Sin. 61:124501-1-7(2012). [5] Wu Haiping, Chen Dongguo, Huang Decai*, Deng Kaiming, Electronic and magnetic properties SeCoO3: the first priciple study, Acta Phys. Sin. 61:037101-1-6(2012). [6] Huang Decai*, Sun Gang and Lu Kunquan, The influence of granule velocity on gravity-driven granular flow, Phys. Lett. A 375:3375-3381 (2011). [7] Huang Decai*, Lu Ming, Zhao Shengxiang, Computational simulation of mixing and segregation of RDX and AL in revolving drum, J. Comput. Phys. 28:445-450(2011). [8] Huang Decai*, Hu Fenglan, Deng Kaiming, Wu Haiping, The effect of the opening angle on the dilute-dense flow transition in the two-dimensional granular flow, Acta Phys. Sin.59:8249-8254(2010). [9] Huang Decai*, Feedback of the scientific research work on the undergraduate education, J. Nanjing University of Science and Technology 23:107-109(2010). [10] Huang Decai, Sun Gang and Lu Kunquan, A stochastic description of transition between granular flow states, Commun. Theor. Phys. 48:729-733(2007). [11] Decai Huang, Gang Sun, and Kunquan Lu, Relationship between the flow rate and the packing fraction in the choke area of the two-dimensional granular flow. Phys. Rev. E 74: 61306-1-6(2006). [12] Huang Decai, Sun Gang, Hou Meiying, Lu kunquan, The effect of the granule velocity on the dilute -dense flow transition inn granular system. Acta Phys. Sin. 9:4754-4759 (2006). [13] Yongbo Yuan, Kaiming Deng, Yuzhen Liu, Chunmei Tang, Weishi Tan, Decai Huang*, Jinlong Yang, and Xin Wang, A theoretical study of the TiC5 cluster. J. Chem. Phys., 128: 064314-1-4(2008). ) [14] Chunmei Tang, Shiyou Fu, Kaiming Deng, Yongbo Yuan, Weishi Tan, Decai Huang*, Xin Wang, The density functional calculations on the structural stability, electronic properties, and static linear polarizability of the endohedral metallofullerene Ba@C74, J. Mol. Struct.(Theo. Chem.) 867:111-115 (2008). [15] Jiang Yanling, Fu Shiyou, Deng Kaiming, Tang Chunmei, Tan Weishi, Huang Decai*, Liu Yuzhen, Wu Haiping, Density functional study on the structural and electronic properties of fullenrene-barbituric acid and its dimmer, Acta Phys. Sin. 57: 3690-3697 (2008). [16] Bai Yujie, Fu Shiyou, Tang Chunmei, Chen Xuan, Tan Weishi, Liu Yuzhen, Huang Decai*, Density functional calculations on the geometric and electronic structures of the endohedral full -erene H2@C60 and its dimmer, Acta Phys. Sin. 57:3684-3689 (2008). [17] Xiaoxiong Wang, Peng Wang, Decai Huang, and Weishi Tan, Effects of surface modification on the properties of topplogical surface states in Bi2Se3, Phys. Lett. A. 376:768-772 (2012). [18] Haiping Wu, Weishi Tan, Chuanyun Xiao, Decai Huang, Deng Kaiming, and Yan Qian, A theoretical investigation of the special properties of SrFe1-xCOxO3, Solid State Commun. 151:1616-1621(2011). [19] Yuzhen Liu, Chuanyun Xiao, Kaiming Deng, Yongbo Yuan, Xuan Chen, Decai Huang, Qunxiang Li, Are In13M (M=Li, Na, K) magic cluster?- A comparison with Al13M, Chem. Phys. Lett. 484:18-23 (2009). [20] Cao Qingsong, Deng Kaiming, Chen Xuan, Tang Chunmei, Huang Decai, Density functional study on the geometric and electronic properties of MC20F20(M=Li, Na, Be, Mg), Acta Phys. Sin. 58: 1863- 1869(2009). [21] Xun Chen, Kaiming Deng, Yuzhen Liu, Chunmei Tand, Yongbo Yuan, Fenglan Hu, Haiping Wu, Decai Huang, Weishi Tan, Xin Wang, The geometric and magnetic properties of the endohedral plumbaspherene M@Pb12 clusters (M=Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni), Chem. Phys. Lett. 462:275 -279(2008). [22] Hua Yan, Qingfan Shi, Decai Huang, Gang Sun,Dynamics of a viscous ball rolling down on a rigid staircase. Physica A 374: 524-532(2007). [23] Chunmei Tang, Kaiming Deng, Weishi Tan, Yongbo Yuan, Yuzhen Liu, Haiping Wu, Decai Huang, and Fenglan Hu, Jinlong Yang, Xin Wang, Influence of a dichlophenyl group on the geometric structure, electronic properties, and static linear polarizability of La@C74, Phys. Rev. A 76:013201-1-6(2007). |
◇ 目前从事的研究内容、承担和科研项目及经费: | |||||||
1、颗粒物质的流动状态转变及混合与分离的机理研究,负责人,国家自然科学基金青年基金。 2、冲击波在环形颗粒链中传播特性的研究,负责人,国家留学基金。 3、电场对异质硼氮纳米管电性质调控的计算研究,负责人,国家自然科学基金。 4、南京理工大学紫金之星,负责人,南京理工大学。 5、配合物对内掺金属型富勒烯内原子团电性质调控的计算研究,负责人,南京理工大学青年学者基金。 |
◇ 其它情况: | |||||||
2012-2013. Visiting Scholar, Department of Physics, Unversity at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA. 2010-2011. Associate Professor of Physics, Department of Applied Physics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology 2006-2009 Assistant Professor of Physics, Department of Applied Physics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology 2003-2006 Ph. D. (Physics), Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science Dissertation: Studies of granular flow by experiments and computer simulations 2000-2003 M. S. (Physics), Anhui University Dissertation: Theoretical study on mechanism and array optimization of hydrogen storage in carbon nanotubes 1996-2000 B. S. (Physics), Anhui University |
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