
邵国松,男,美国阿拉巴马大学博士,教授,新闻学院院长 研究领域:传播法规与政策、传媒经济与管理、政治传
江西都昌人,2000年7月从中国人民大学新闻学院硕士研究生毕业,随即赴美留学,先后获得宾夕法尼亚大学政府管理硕士学位和阿拉巴马大学大众传播学博士学位。在攻读博士之前,在纽约从事新闻传播实践工作,采访过包括希拉里、奥尔布赖特在内的多名国际人物。博士毕业以后,在美国匹兹堡州立大学传播系任教。2011年7月返回祖国,出任南京财经大学新闻学院院长。目前的研究集中在传播法规与政策、传媒经济与管理、政治传播、网络传播等领域。代表性著作《中国网络传播法》(Internet Law in China)即将由英国CHANDOS出版社出版,这是国际上第一本系统研究中国互联网法规与政策的英文专著。在过去三、四年间,发表了近15篇同行评议的英文论文(含SCI,SSCI期刊),以及20多篇国际会议论文。此外还先后发表了30多篇中文文章,两本中文著作(含一本译著,一本合编)。在美学习工作期间,获得了多项荣誉和奖励,也多次担任英文学术期刊和重大国际会议的论文评委。
Shao, G. (2012). Internet Law in China. Cambridge, UK: Chandos Publishing.http://www.woodheadpublishing.com/en/book.aspx?bookID=2359&ChandosTitle=1
Zhang, G., Shao, G., & Bowman, N. (2011). What is most important for my country is not most important for me: Agenda setting effects in China. Communication Research[Corresponding Author].
Shao, G., Xiao, T., Yao, S., & Shen, H. (2011). Guiding public opinion in civic disorders: The Chinese case. Journal of International Communication 17(2), 91-106.
Shao, G. (2010). Examining the effects of board structure of media companies on their performance: A stakeholder perspective. Journal of Media Business Studies 7(3), 1-16[Leading Article].
Shao, G. (2010). Thinking about stakeholders: Compensation arrangements of media companies and their performance. International Journal on Media Management 12(1), 5-19 [Leading Article].
Shao, G. (2010). Venturing through acquisitions or alliances: Examining media companies’ digital strategy. Journal of Media Business Studies 7(1), 21-39.
Song, J., Shao, G., & Wu, J. (2010). Responding to the regulatory, market, and information technology changes: Chinese newspapers in the transitional era. Global Media Journal, 9(16), Article 2.
Shao, G. (2009). Understanding the appeal of user-generated media: A uses and gratifications perspective. Internet Research 19(1), 7-25 [Leading Article].