
基本信息 |
个人简历 |
教育背景: 1987年进入南京师范大学物理系学习. 1991年获得学士学位。 1991年保送为南京师范大学物理系硕士研究生, 导师为陈凌孚教授。 1994年获得硕士学位。 2001年在南京大学物理系攻读在职理论物理博士学位,导师为邢定钰教授。 2004年3月获得南京大学理学博士学位。 工作经历: 1994年在南京师范大学物理系工作至今。 |
教学与教材 |
主要承担过以下课程的教学: 《热学》;《电磁学》;《热力学与统计物理》;《原子物理》;《固体物理》;《大学物理》 |
科研情况 与代表性论文 |
主要研究方向: 主要从事材料的第一性原理的计算模拟研究。 发表论文目录: 2012年: [1].“Surface lattice vibration and electron– phonon interaction in topological insulator Bi2Te3 (111) films from first principles”, Huang G. Q. (黄 桂芹)*,Europ. Phys. Lett., 100, 17001 (2012) [2].“Magnetic behavior of Mn-doped GaN (100) film from first- principles calculations”, Huang G. Q. (黄桂芹)*and Wang J. X.(王吉 霞), J. Appl. Phys. 111, 043907 (2012) [3].“Tunnel conductance in GaN:Mn/AlN /GaN:Mn (0001) junction from first-principles calculations”, Chen G.W. (陈广伟) and Huang G. Q. (黄桂芹) *, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 123711 (2012) [4].“Atomic and electronic structure of Mn- delta doped GaN  (1100)film from first- principles calculations”, Wang J. X. (王吉霞) and Huang G. Q. (黄桂 芹) *,Phys. Status Solidi C, 9, No. 1, 101–104 (2012) [5].“First- principles study on the lattice dynamics of FeSb2, Miao R.D.(苗仁 德) *, Huang G. Q. (黄桂 芹) , Fan C.H., Bai Z., Li Y.B., Wang L., Chen L.A., Song W.G., Xu Q.G., Solid State Commu. 152,231-234 (2012) [6]."Magnetic enhanced electron- phonon coupling and vacancy effect in “111”-type iron pnictides from first- principle calculations”, Li B., Xing Z. W.*, Huang G. Q. (黄桂 芹) , and Liu M., J. Appl. Phys. 111, 033922 (2012) 2011年: [1]Huang G. Q.,"Surface lattice vibration and electron-phonon interaction in Pb (111) ultrathin superconducting films from first principles: both with and without Si substrate", New Journal of Phys. 13, 093023 (2011) [2]王吉霞, 黄桂芹, 陈广伟,"Mn掺杂薄膜第一性原理的研究",南京师大学报(自然科学版),Vol.34, No.2, p34 (2011) 2010年 [1]Huang G. Q., Xing Z. W. and Xing D. Y.,“Spin- phonon coupling and effect of pressure in the superconductor LiFeAs:Lattice dynamics from first- principles calculations”, Phys. Rev. B, 82, 014511 (2010) 2008年: [1]Huang G. Q. ,“Electronic structures, surface phonons, and electron- phonon interactions of Al(100) and Al(111) thin films from density functional perturbation theory” Phys. Rev. B, 78, 214514 (2008) [2]R. Ma, G.Q. Huang, W. Wang , H.B. Shu , S. Liu, M. Liu,"Effect of structure on the superconductivity of CaAlSi and SrAlSi: Density functional calculations",Physica C, 468,2233-2240 (2008) [3]苗仁德,田苗, 黄桂芹,”BaVS3 晶格动力学研究”, 物理学报, 57,3709-3713 (2008) 2007年: [1]G.Q. Huang,, R.D. Miao,“Electronic structure and electron-phonon interaction in YAl2Si2”, Physica B,391,174-178,2007 [2]R. Ma, M Liu, G Q Huang, "Structure effect on the AlB2-like superconductor CaAlSi",International Journal of Modern Physics B 21, 3330-3333,2007 [3]Ma Rong, Huang Gui- qin, Liu Mei,“Structure and superconductivity in the ternary silicide CaAlSi “,Front. Phys. China, 2(2): 204―207,2007 [4]马荣, 黄桂芹, 刘楣,“三元硅化物CaAlSi的结构和超导电性”,物理学报,56,4960-4964,2007 2006年 [1]G.Q. Huang,“Electronic structure and transport properties of semimetal CaAl2Si2”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 29,73–76 (2006) [2]G.Q. Huang, L.F. Chen,“Electron- Phonon Interaction in Disordered CaAl2- xSix Alloy”,Physica C,Volume 443, Issues 1-2, 77-80 (2006) [3]黄桂芹,“ 关于熵的教学思考“,南京师大学报(自然科学版,教学研究专辑),Vol 29, p32,2006. 2005年 [1]G.Q. Huang, L.F. Chen, M. Liu, D.Y. Xing,“First- principles calculations of pressure effect on the superconducting CaAlSi and SrAlSi”, Phys. Rev. B,71,172506 (2005) [2]G.Q. Huang, M. Liu, L.F. Chen, D.Y. Xing,“Electronic structure and electron–phonon interaction in CaAl2Si2”, J. Phys. Condens, Matter, 17,7151-7157 (2005) [3]黄桂芹, 刘楣,陈凌孚,“KMgF3晶体色心和自陷态激子研究”,物理学报, Vol 54, No 4 (2005) [4]G.Q. Huang, L.F. Chen,“Electron- Phonon interaction in Ternary Silicides MGaSi (M=Ca, Sr and Ba)”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B Vol 19,163 (2005) [5]李庆芳,黄桂芹,”新型超导体MgaSi中声子的非谐性“,南京师大学报,28(2), 42 (2005) 2004年 [1]G.Q. Huang, L.F. Chen, M. Liu, D.Y. Xing, "Electronic Structure and Electron- Phonon Interaction in Ternary Silicides M- AlSi(M=Ca, Sr and Ba", Phys. Rev. B, 69,064509 (2004) [1] ”Electronic structure and electron-phonon interaction in the ternary silicides MAlSi (M=Ca, Sr, and Ba)",PRB,69, 064509,2004 [2] ”First-principles calculations of pressure effects on the superconducting CaAlSi and SrAlSi", PRB, 71, 172506, 2005 [3] " Electronic structures, surface phonons, and electron-phonon interactions of Al(100) and Al(111) thin films", PRB,78, 214514, 2008 [4] "Spin-phonon coupling and effect of pressure in the superconductor LiFeAs: Lattice dynamics from first-principles calculations", PRB,82, 014511, 2010 [5] "Surface lattice vibration and electron-phonon interaction in Pb (111) ultrathin superconducting films from first-principles",New Journal of Physics 13, 093023 (2011) [6] "Magnetic behavior of Mn-doped GaN (100) film from first-principles calculations",J. Appl. Phys. 111, 043907 (2012) [7] "Surface lattice vibration and electron-phonon interaction in topological insulator Bi2Te3 (111) films from first principles", EPL, 100,17001 (2012) [8] "Tunnel conductance in GaN:Mn/AlN/GaN:Mn (0001) junction from firstprinciples calculations", J. Appl. Phys. 112, 123711 (2012) [9] "Surface lattice dynamics and electron–phonon interaction in ultrathin Bi(111) film", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 175004 (2013) [10] "Spin-phononcouplinginthesuperconductorFeTe0.5Se0.5 from first-principlescalculations", Solid StateCommunications 159,45 (2013) |
代表性科研项目 | |||||||||||
获奖情况 |
(1)获南京师范大学第十届优秀教学成果三等奖; (2)荣获南京大学十四届光华奖学金一等奖,及2003年度Motorola奖学金。 (3)本人被评为2006年度江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师 (4)2007年度获南京师范大学第六届“教书育人”奖 |
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