
一、基本信息: 姓名:童培庆 职称:教授、博士、博士生导师 职务/兼职:院长 Tel:025-835
E-mail: pqtong@njnu.edu.cn
1982年 中国科学技术大学理学学士
1985年 中科院物理研究所理学硕士
1990年 南京大学理学博士
1995年 加拿大McMaster大学访问学者
1998年 香港浸会大学非线性研究中心访问研究学者
1990年至今 南京师范大学物理科学与技术学院工作
1,固体物理导论 (本科生和硕士生)
2,量子统计中的格林函数方法 (硕士生)
3,固体理论II (博士生)
4,非线性物理简介(部分) (硕、博士生)
1, 准周期系统物理性质
1, L. Gong, and P. Tong, “Localization-delocalization transitions in a two-dimensional quantum percolation model: von Neumann entropy studies” Physical Review B80 (2009) in press
2, L. Gong, and P. Tong, “Fidelity, fidelity susceptibility and von Neumann entropy to characterize the phase diagram of an extended Harper model” Physical Review B78 115114 (2008)
3, L Gong, and P. Tong, “Von Neumann entropy and localization properties of two interacting particles in one-dimensional nonuniform systems” Physical Review B76 (8) 085121 (2007)
4, P. Tong, and X.Liu, “Lee-Yang zeros of periodic and quasiperiodic anisotropic XY chains in
a transverse field” Physical Review Letter 97 017201 (2006)
5, L. Gong, and P. Tong, “von Neumann entropy and localization-delocalization transition of
electron states in quantum small-world networks” Physical Review E74 056103 (2006)
6, L. Tang, and P. Tong, “Zero-temperature criticality in the two-dimensional gauge glass model” Physical Review Letter 94 207204 (2005)
7, L. Gong, and P. Tong, “Mode entanglement of an electron in one-dimensional determined and random potentials” Physical Review A71 042333 (2005)
8, P. Tong, B. Li and B. Hu, “Electron properties of the 1D Frenkel-Kontorova model”
Physical Review Letter 88 046804 (2002)
9, P. Tong, and M. Zhong, “Quantun phase transition of the quasiperiodic anisotropic XY
chain in a transverse magnetic field” Physical Review B65 064421 (2002)
10, Q. Chen, L. Tang, and P. Tong, “Anomalous finite-size effect in superconducting Josephson
junction arrays” Physical Review Letter 87 067001 (2001)
11, B. Hu, B. Li and P. Tong, “Disturbance spreading in incommensurate and quasiperiodic
systems” Physical Review B61 9414 (2000)
12, P. Tong, B. Li and B. Hu, “Wave transmission, phonon localization and heat conduction of a one-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorowa chain” Physical Review B59 8639 (1999)
13, P. Tong “Critical dynamics of nonperiodic Ising chains” Physical Review E56 1371 (1997)
14, P. Tong “Electron energy spectra of one-dimensional nondiagonal nonperiodic lattices”
Physical Review B54 16540 (1996)
15, P. Tong “Structural of electronic energy spectra of one-dimensional nonperiodic lattices”
Physical Reviews B53 1795 (1996)
16, P. Tong “Trace map, Cantor set and properties of a three-component Fibonacci lattice”
Physical Reviews B52 16301 (1995)
17, P. Tong “Localization and mobility edges in one-dimensional deterministic potentials”
Physical Review B50 11318 (1994)
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