姓名:刘干斌 性别:男 出生年月:1976.1 职称:副教授 所在学院:建筑工程与环境学院
2006.3~ 宁波大学工作
2004.12~2006.2 中科院武汉岩土力学研究所 助理研究员
2002.3~2004.11 浙江大学 攻读博士学位
2002.1~1999.9 河南理工大学 攻读硕士学位
1998.8~1999.8 大冶有色金属公司工作
1994.9~1998.7 河南理工大学 获学士学位
2.国家自然科学基金项目:爆炸作用下软土的热流固力学响应及耦合机制研究. 2012.1-2015.12 排名第2
3.宁波市农业与社发领域重大(重点)科研攻关项目: 宁波轨道交通试验段超深基坑支护及安全评价研究(与宁波市轨道交通工程建设指挥部联合), 2009.8~2012.8 排名第3
4.宁波市自然科学基金: 宁波复杂地质条件下人工冻土物理力学特性试验研究. 2010.2-2011.12 排名1
5.上海市隧道工程轨道交通设计研究院项目: 宁波市轨道交通勘察技术指南编制数据处理及专项研究. 2011.4~2013.4
6.宁波市轨道交通工程建设指挥部项目:宁波轨道交通工程岩土工程参数反演分析及三维地层模型专题研究. 2011.1~2012.6
7.宁波市轨道交通工程建设指挥部项目:宁波轨道交通软土工程特性统计分析及相关性专题研究. 2011.1~2012.12
8.宁波城市管理研究中心项目: 宁波地区路面修复工艺标准化规程. 2011.6-2012.6
2.浙江省科技计划面上科研项目: 基于热反射沥青路面结构优化设计及疲劳寿命的Paris-Verhulst模型预测,2008.1-2009.12(已结题)
3.浙江省教育厅项目:列车荷载作用下软黏土的动力特性研究,2008.1 ~2009.12(已结题)
6.宁波市自然科学基金: 软土各向异性试验及列车荷载下轨道-路基动力相互作用. 2007.1-2008.12 (已结题)
7.宁波市建设科技项目:基于载荷试验宁波市桩基承载力计算修正.2010.4~2011.8 (已结题)
[1]Ganbin Liu, Kanghe Xie, Ronghua Ye. Mode of a spherical cavity’s thermo-elastodynamic response in a saturated porous medium for non-torsional loads. Computers and Geotechnics, 2010, 37(3): 381-390 [SCI]
[2]Ganbin Liu, Kanghe Xie, Xiaohu Liu. Dynamic response of a partially sealed tunnel in porous rock under inner water pressure. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2010, 25(4): 407-414[SCI]
[3]Liu Ganbin, Xie Kanghe. Three Dimensional Vibration Transmission of a Plate on a Layer of Porous Medium Due to a Moving Load. Transport in Porous Media,2010 [SCI]
[4]Ganbin Liu, Kanghe Xie, Rongyue Zheng. Thermo-elastodynamic response of a spherical cavity in saturated poroelastic medium, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2010, 34(8): 2203-2222 [EI/SCI]
[5]Ganbin Liu, Xiaohu Liu, Ronghua Ye. The relaxation effects of a saturated porous media using the generalized thermoviscoelasticity theory. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2010 [SCI]
[6]Zheng Lu, Hailin Yao, Ganbin Liu. Thermomechanical response of a poroelastic half-space soil medium subjected to time harmonic loads. Computers and Geotechnics, 2010, 37(3): 343-350 [SCI]
[7]Liu Ganbin, Bu Zhanyu, Liu Xiaohu. The Temperature Distribution of a Two Dimensional Thermo Elastic Material with Voids. Heat Transfer – Asian Research. 2010
[8] Liu Ganbin, Kai Qianzheng. Dynamic Property of Mucky Soil of Subgrade under Cyclic Load. ASCE-GeoShanghai 2010 [EI]
[9] Zhou Ye, Liu Ganbin, Zheng Rongyue. Dynamic response of railway track rested on transversely isotropic poroelastic media. ASCE-GeoShanghai 2010 [EI]
[10]Liu Ganbin, Kai Qianzheng. Mechanism of temperature crack in asphalt pavement and prediction of fatigue life. IEEE- WETC2010. [EI]
[11]Qianzheng KAI, Ganbin LIU, Rong Hu. Heat Reflectivity Properties of Asphalt Mixtures Modified with Nano A/B-SBS-I: Laboratory Investigation. ASCE-ICCTP 2010[EI]
[12]Ganbin LIU, Qianzheng KAI, Ronghua YE. Heat Reflectivity Properties of Asphalt Mixtures Modified with Nano A/SBS-II: Prediction of Temperature in Asphalt Pavement. ASCE-ICCTP 2010[EI]
[13] Ye Junneng, Liu Ganbin. Application of AHP Model in Decision of Urban Mass Transit Network Scheme. International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009), No: 04-05-029[EI]
[14]Liu GanBin Xie Kanghe, Zheng Rongyue. Model of nonlinear coupled thermo-hydro- elastodynamics response for a saturated poroelastic medium. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences. 2009 [SCI/EI]
[15]Liu Ganbin, et al. Application and Construction of Geothermal Pump Technology in Energy Efficiency. 2009 APPEE Conference Proceedings, 2009,Vol1, P222-225 [EI]
[16]Liu Ganbin, Ye Junneng. Thermo-hydro-elastodynamic Response Model of a Cavity in Porous Medium. International Forum on Porous Flow and Applications, 2009 [ISTP]
[17]Kang-He Xie, Meng-Meng Lu, Gan-Bin Liu. Equal strain consolidation for stone columns reinforced foundation. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2009, 33(15): 1721-1735 [SCI/EI]
[18]G.B. Liu, X. F. Shi and P.C. Wang. In situ determination of the short-term mechanical behaviors of soft clay with the pressuremeter. GeoShanghai International Conference. 2006 [EI]
[19]Liu Ganbin, Xie Kang-he. Transient response of a spherical cavity with a partially sealed shell embedded in viscoelastic saturated soil. J. of Zhejiang Univ. Sci. 2005, 3: 188-195 [EI]
[20]Liu G.B., Xie K.H., Shi Z.Y., Ying H.W. Transient response of a cylinder cavity in P-VTI medium. The 11# ICSDEE Proceeding, Berkely, U.S., 2005, 272-276
[21]Liu Ganbin, Xie Kanghe. Yao Hailin. Scattering of elastic wave by a partially sealed cylindrical shell embedded in poroelastic medium. Int. J. Num. and Analy. Meth. Geom. 2005, 29(11): 1109-1126 [SCI/EI]
[22]Xie Kanghe. Liu Ganbin. Shi Zuyuan. Dynamic response of a circular tunnel in viscoelastic saturated soil. Soil dynamic & earthquake engineering. 2004, 24(12): 1003-1011 [SCI, EI]
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