姓名:葛红霞 性别:女 所在学院:理学院 职称:副教授
研究方向:城市交通流理论。攻读博士学位期间,连续两年获上海大学最高荣誉奖学金――“上海大学蔡冠深奖学金”以及“光华一等奖学金”,同时获得 “三好学生”、 “上海市优秀毕业生”等荣誉称号。
2007年主持国家自然科学基金(青年)“面向智能交通系统的交通流建模与密度波分析” (批准号:10602025,2007%2009),完成了浙江省教育厅和宁波市自然基金课题各一项,正在主持宁波市自然基金课题一项,参加了一项国家重大基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2006CB705502)中的一项子课题。
2007年获得浙江省教育厅“高校优秀青年资助计划”,博士论文获得“2007年度上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)”, “2008年全国优秀博士学位论文提名论文”。
[1] Ge, H.X. (葛红霞), Cheng, R.J., Lei, L.,The theoretical analysis of the lattice hydrodynamic models for traffic flow theory,Physica A, 389 (2010) 2825-2834. (SCI)
[2] Ge, H.X., The Korteweg-de Vries soliton in the lattice hydrodynamic model, Physica A, 2009, 388: 1682-1686. (SCI)
[3] Ge, H.X., Traffic anticipation effect in the lattice hydrodynamic model, Traffic and Granular Flow’07, C. Appert-Rolland, F. Chevoir, P. Gondret, S. Lassarre, J.-P. Lebacque, M. Schreckenberg, (Eds.), 2009, Springer, 293-300. ( ISTP)
[4] Ge, H.X., Cheng, R.J., Li, Z.P., Two velocity difference model for a car following theory, Physica A, 2008, 387: 5239–5245. (SCI)
[5] Ge, H.X., Cheng, R.J., The “backward looking” effect in the lattice hydrodynamic model, Physica A, 2008, 387: 6952-6958. (SCI)
[6] Ge, H.X., Dai, S.Q. and Dong, L.Y., The density wave in a new an anisotropic continuum model, Chin.Phys. B, 2008, 17 (01): 23-26. (SCI)
[7] Ge, H.X., Zhu, H.B. and Dong L.Y., Two velocity difference effect in a car following model, MMM-V, 2007, 940. (ISTP)
[8] Ge, H.X., Zhu, H.B. and Dai, S.Q., Effect of looking backward on traffic flow in a cooperative driving car following model, Eur. Phys. J. B, 2006, 54: 503–507. (SCI)
[9] Ge, H.X., Han, X.L., Density viscous continuum traffic flow model, Physica A, 2006, 371(2):667-673. (SCI)
[10] Ge, H.X., Dai, S.Q. and Dong, L.Y., An extended car following model based on intelligent transportation system application, Physica A, 2006, 365(2): 543-548. (SCI)
[11] Ge, H.X., Dai, S.Q., Xue, Y. and Dong, L.Y., Stabilization analysis and modified Korteweg–de Vries equation in a cooperative driving system, Phys. Rev. E, 2005, 71: 066119. (SCI)
[12] Ge, H.X., Cheng, R.J., and Dai, S.Q., KdV and kink-antikink solitons in car following models, Physica A, 2005, 357 (3-4): 466-476. (SCI)
[13] Ge, H.X., Dai, S.Q., Dong, L.Y. and Lei, L., A modified sensitive driving cellular automaton model, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2005, 43: 321-324. (SCI)
[14] 葛红霞,祝会兵,戴世强,基于智能交通驾驶的元胞自动机交通流模型, 物理学报,2005, 54(10): 4621-4626. (SCI)
[15] Ge, H.X., Dai, S.Q., Dong, L.Y. and Xue, Y., Stabilization effect of traffic flow in an extended car-following model based on an intelligent transportation system application, Phys. Rev. E, 2004, 70: 066134. (SCI)
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