
姓名:孙青原 学科:发育生物学 电话/传真:+86-10-64807050 / 电子邮件:sunqy@ioz.ac.cn,sunq
电话/传真:+86-10-64807050 /
中国科学院动物研究所 计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室 100101
更多信息:受精生物学研究组 个人页面 English
国家杰出青年基金获得者,新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,目前担任国家发育与生殖重大科学研究计划项目(雌性生殖细胞减数分裂的分子基础)首席科学家,第6届国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员。兼任中国动物学会副理事长、细胞与分子显微技术分会理事长和生殖生物学分会秘书长。1994年在东北农业大学获得动物胚胎学理学博士学位,此后在中国科学院动物研究所、以色列巴伊兰大学、美国密苏里大学等从事5年半博士后研究。1998年被破格晋升为研究员。二十多年来,长期从事哺乳动物卵子成熟和受精研究,在卵子减数分裂恢复信号转导通路、纺锤体组装和染色体分离调节方面开展了系列研究工作,相关研究成果已发表SCI收录论文240余篇,影响因子累计超过840,被引用4500多次。出版国内、外专著、译著、科普书9部。由于在哺乳动物卵子研究领域的贡献,2006-2010年间,受邀以第一或通讯作者在领域知名期刊如 Human Reproduction Update、Molecular Endocrinology、Seminars in Cell Developmental Biology、Cell Cycle、Biology of Reproduction、Molecular Human Reproduction、Reproduction 等发表了一系列有关卵子的特邀综述,最近5年担任Biology of Reproduction、Cell Cycle、PLoS ONE等11个SCI期刊及5个国内核心期刊的的副主编或编委。国际会议或境外研究机构特邀报告48次。曾获 “全国优秀博士后”、“中国科学院青年科学家奖”、“中国科学院十大杰出青年”、“国务院政府特出津贴”、“新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选”、“国家留学回国人员成就奖”、“中国青年科技奖”“十一五国家科技计划执行突出贡献奖”等荣誉和国家自然科学二等奖1项、省部级一等奖3项。已培养博士后、研究生59名;目前在读研究生6名,在站博士后7名。
《Biology of Reproduction》(SCI)编委会委员(综述委员会) (2007-2009)
《Biology of Reproduction》(SCI)编委会委员(审稿编辑委员会) (2009—现在)
《Cell Cycle》(SCI)编委员会委员(2007-现在)
《Molecular Reproduction and Development》(SCI)副主编(2007-2008)
《Reproduction,Fertility and Development》(SCI)执行副主编 (2009-现在)
《Journal of Reproduction and Development》(SCI)编委员会委员(2004-现在)
《Asian Journal of Andrology》(SCI)编委员会委员(2004—现在)
《Progress in Natural Science》(SCI)编委员会委员(2004--2009)
《Prog Biophys Biochem》(SCI)编委员会委员(2010—现在)
《Current Zoology》副主编(SCI)(2009—现在)
《The ScientificWorldJournal》编委员会委员(2010—现在)
《Reproductive Biotechnology》副主编(2010—现在)
1999 年 10 月-2001 年 8 月 University of Missouri-Columbia,USA 博士后 (Research associate)
1996 年 10 月-1998 年 4 月 Bar-Ilan University,Israel 博士后
1994 年 8 月-1996 年 8 月 中国科学院动物研究所生殖生物学国家重点实验室 博士后
1991 年 8 月-1994 年 6 月 东北农业大学生物工程系 博士研究生
1985 年 7 月-1988 年 6 月 东北农业大学生物工程系 硕士研究生
1981 年 9 月-1985 年 6 月 山东农业大学畜牧兽医系 本科生
1996年9月-现在 中国科学院动物研究所副研究员(1996)、研究员(1998),博士生导师(2000),生殖生物学中心主任(2002-2006),计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室常务副主任(2002-2006)、主任(2006-2011)
2009年4月-2005年7月 University of Missouri-Columbia,USA 高级研究学者
2008 年 4 月-2008 年 6 月 National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences,Japan,Invited Short-Term JAPS Fellow
2005 年 5 月-2005 年 8 月 University of Missouri-Columbia,USA 高级研究学者
2003 年 3 月-2003 年 4 月 National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences,Japan,Invited Short-Term JAPS Fellow
1996 年 1 月-1996 年 4 月 National Institute of Animal Industry,Japan STA Fellow
1988 年 7 月-1991 年 7 月 山东农业大学畜牧兽医系 助教
•国家自然科学基金重点项目:哺乳动物卵子纺锤体检验点和染色体分离调节研究 (30930065),2010-2014
1.Qi ST,Wang ZB,Ouyang YC,Zhang QH,Hu MW,Huang X,Ge Z,Guo L,Wang YP,Hou Y,Schatten H,Sun QY*.Overexpression of SETβ,a protein localizing to centromeres,causes precocious separation of chromatids during the first meiosis of mouse oocyte.Journal of Cell Science.2013 Feb 26.[Epub ahead of print]
2.Luo YB,Ma JY,Zhang QH,Lin F,Wang ZW,Huang L,Schatten H,Sun QY * (2013) MBTD1 is associated with Pr-Set7 to stabilize H4K20me1 in mouse oocyte meiotic maturation.Cell Cycle (In press)
3.Ge ZJ,Liang XW,Guo L,Liang QX,Luo SM,Wang YP,Wei YC,Han ZM,Schatten H,Sun QY* (2013) Maternal diabetes causes alternations of DNA methylation statuses of some imprinted genes in murine oocytes.Biology of Reproduction (In press).
4.Huang L,Wang ZB,Jiang ZZ,Hu MW,Lin F,Zhang QH,Luo YB,Hou Y,Zhao Y,Fan HY,Schatten H,Sun QY*.Specific disruption of Tsc1 in ovarian granulosa cells promotes ovulation and causes progressive accumulation of corpora lutea.PLoS One.2013;8(1):e54052.
5.Yang SW,Gao C,Chen L,Song YL,Zhu JL,Qi ST,Jiang ZZ,Wang ZW,Lin F,Huang H,Xing FQ,Sun QY* Nek9 regulates spindle organization and cell cycle progression during mouse oocyte meiosis and its location in early embryo mitosis.Cell Cycle.2012 Nov 16;11(23).[Epub ahead of print]
6.Ma JY,Li M,Ge ZJ,Luo Y,Ou XH,Song S,Tian D,Yang J,Zhang B,Ou-Yang YC,Hou Y,Liu Z,Schatten H,Sun QY*.Whole transcriptome analysis of the effects of type I diabetes on mouse oocytes.PLoS One.2012;7(7):e41981.
7.Li S,Ou XH,Wei L,Wang ZB,Zhang QH,Ouyang YC,Hou Y,Schatten H,Sun QY*.Septin 7 is required for orderly meiosis in mouse oocytes.Cell Cycle.2012 Sep 1;11(17):3211-8.
8.Yang CR,Wei YC,Ma JY,Qi ST,Luo YB,Zhang QH,Chen L,Wang YP,Hou Y,Schatetn H,Liu ZH,Sun QY* (2012) The G protein coupled receptor 3 is involved in cAMP and cGMP signaling and maintenance of meiotic arrest in porcine oocytes.PLoS ONE 7 :e38807
9.Chen L,Chao SB,Wang ZB,Qi ST,Zhu XL,Yang SW,Yang CR,Zhang QH,Ouyang YC,Hou Y,Schatten H,Sun QY* (2012) Checkpoint kinase 1 is essential for meiotic cell cycle regulation in mouse oocytes.Cell Cycle 2012 May 15;11(10):1948-55.
10.Ma JY,Liang XW,Schatten H,Sun QY* ( 2012 ) Active DNA demethylation in mammalian preimplantation embryos:new insights and new perspectives.Mol Hum Reprod.2012 Jul;18(7):333-40.( Cover paper )
11.Chao SB,Guo l,Ou XH,Luo SM,Wang ZB,Schatetn H,Gao l,Sun QY* (2012) Heated spermatozoa:effects on embryonic development and epigenetics.Human Reproduction 27(4):1016-24.
12.Ou XH,Li S,Wang ZB,Li M,Quan S,Xing F,Chao SB,Chen ZJ,Liang XW,Hou Y,Schatten H,Sun QY*.Maternal insulin resistance causes oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in mouse oocytes.Human Reproduction 2012 Jul;27(7):2130-45.
13.Zhang QH,Qi ST,Wang ZB,Yang CR,Wei YC,Chen L,OuYang YC,Hou Y,Schatetn H,Sun QY* (2012) Localization and function of the Ska complex during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation.Cell Cycle 11:909-916.
14.Zhu XL,Qi ST,Liu J,Chen L,Zhang C,Yang SW,OuYang YC,Hou Y,Schatten H,Sun QY* (2012) Synaptotagmin1 is required for spindle stability and metaphase-anaphase transition in mouse oocytes.Cell Cycle 11:818-826.
15.Chen D,Zhang Y,Yi Q,Huang Y,Hou H,Zhang Y,Hao Q,Cooke HJ,Li L,Sun QY,Shi Q (2012)Regulation of Asymmetrical Cytokinesis by cAMP during Meiosis I in Mouse Oocytes.PLoS One.2012;7(1):e29735.
16.Wang ZB,Schatten H,Sun QY* (2011)Why is Chromosome Segregation Error in Oocytes Increased With Maternal Aging? Physiology 26:314-325.(cover paper)
17.Sun QY (2011) Ndc80 complex:New evidence for the existence of spindle assembly checkpoint in mammalian oocyte meiosis.Cell Cycle 15;10(6):877-8.
18.Jiang GJ,Wang K,Miao DQ,Guo L,Hou Y,Schatten H,Sun QY*(2011) Protein profile changes during porcine oocyte aging and effect of caffeine on protein expression patterns.PLoS ONE 6(12)e28996
19.Liang XW,Ge ZJ,Guo L,Luo SM,Han ZM,Schatten H,Sun QY* (2011)Effect of postovulatory oocyte aging on DNA methylation imprinting acquisition in offspring oocytes.Fertil Steril.96:1479-1484.
20.Wei Y,Multi S,Yang CR,Ma J,Zhang QH,Wang ZB,Li M,Wei L,Ge ZJ,Zhang CH,Ouyang YC,Hou Y,Schatten H,Sun QY* (2011) Spindle assembly checkpoint regulates mitotic cell cycle progression during preimplantation embryo development.PLoS ONE 6(6) e21557.
21.Wei Y,Huan Y,Shi Y,Liu Z,Bou G,Luo Y,Zhang L,Yang C,Kong Q,Tian J,Xia P,Sun QY*,Liu Z* (2011) Unfaithful Maintenance of Methylation Imprints Due to Loss of Maternal Nuclear Dnmt1 during Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer.PLoS One.6(5):e20154.
22.Zhang CH,Wang ZB,Quan S,Huang X,Tong JS,Ma JY,Guo L,Wei YC,Ouyang YC,Hou Y,Xing FQ,Sun QY* (2011) GM130,a cis-Golgi protein,regulates meiotic spindle assembly and asymmetric division in mouse oocyte.Cell Cycle 10(11):2230-2236.
(Commented by Sun SC in Cell Cycle; Liu XJ in Cell Cycle)
23.Liang XW,Ge ZJ,Wei L,Guo L,Han ZM,Schatten H,Sun QY* (2011) The effects of postovulatory aging of mouse oocytes on methylation and expression of imprinted genes at mid-term gestation.Mol Hum Reprod.17:562-567.
24.Zhu J,Qi ST,Wang YP,Wang ZB,Ouyang YC,Hou Y,Schatten H,Sun QY*.(2011) Septin1 is required for spindle assembly and chromosome congression in mouse oocytes.Dev Dyn.2011 Oct;240(10):2281-9.
25.Wang H,Zhang JX,Zhao MB,Zhang XL,Sun QY*,Chen DY*.(2011)Production and health assessment of second-generation cloned Holstein cows derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer.Anim Reprod Sci.126:11-18.
26.Schatten H,Sun QY(2011)New insights into the role of centrosomes in mammalian fertilisation and implications for ART.Reproduction.142:793-801.
27.Schatten H,Sun QY (2011) Centrosome dynamics during mammalian oocyte maturation with a focus on meiotic spindle formation.Mol Reprod Dev.78(10-11):757-68
28.Schatten H*,Sun QY* (2010) The role of centrosomes in fertilization,cell division and establishment of asymmetry during embryo development.Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology.21:174-184.(Review article)
29.Gu L,Wang Q*,Sun QY* (2010) Histone modifications during mammalian oocyte maturation:dynamics,regulation,and functions.Cell Cycle 23;9(10):1942-1950.(Review article)
30.Sun QY*,Miao YL,Schatten H* (2009) Towards a new understanding on the regulation of mammalian oocyte meiosis resumption.Cell Cycle 2009 Sep 1;8(17):2741-7.(Review article)
31.Miao YL,Kikuchi K,Sun QY*,Schatten H* (2009)Oocyte aging:implications for developmental potential,and practical significance for assisted reproduction technologies.Human Reproduction Update 15:573-585.(Review article)
32.Schatten H,Sun QY* (2009) The role of centrosomes in mammalian fertilization and its significance for ICSI.Mol Human Reprod 15:531-538.(Review article)
33.Li M,Schatten H,Sun QY* (2009) Androgen receptor’s destiny in mammalian oocytes:a new hypothesis.Molecular Human Reproduction 15:149-154.(Review article)
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