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  中国科学院动物研究所 生物膜与膜生物工程国家重点实验室 100101
  更多信息:细胞凋亡和癌症生物学研究组 个人页面 English

  在科学院“百人计划”和知识创新工程的支持下陈佺研究员于2000年组建了细胞凋亡和癌症生物学研究组,主要从事线粒体生物学和细胞凋亡机制的研究,同时进行抗癌药物筛选和化学生物学及癌症干细胞等方面的研究。近年来,研究组在国际主流杂志 Nature Cell Biology,Nature Communications,Cancer Research,JBC,FASEB Journal,Oncogene,Clinical Cancer Research,Cell Death and Differentiation和Hepatology 等杂志发表论文60多篇。获得国家专利5项。研究工作得到国内外同行的广泛认可。
  课题组得到国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金,基金委重点项目基金,科技部973项目和科学院重点项目的支持。现任FEBS letters杂志编委和Cell Research等杂志编委会成员。多次主办线粒体和细胞信号转导领域的国际会议,多次应邀参加国内、国际会议并作专题报告;多次任自然科学基金委二审专家,国家自然科学奖评委,973 评审专家,科学院人才和基金项目评审专家。

  1999 - 现在 研究员,中国科学院动物研究所生物膜与膜工程国家重点实验室
  2001- 2011 生物膜与膜生物工程国家重点实验室主任、副主任
  2007- 现在 南开大学 生命科学学院 特聘教授
  1997 - 2002 博士后,美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰医学基金会,勒内研究所肿瘤生物学室
  1994 - 1997 博士后,英国曼彻斯特大学

  1990 - 1993 博士研究生,中国科学院北京动物所生物膜与膜生物工程国家重点实验室 专业方向:细胞生物学;导师:刘树森研究员
  1987 - 1990 硕士研究生,中国科学院昆明动物所,专业方向:细胞生物学;导师:施立明研究员(中科院院士)
  1981 - 1985 学士,湖北大学生物系,中国武汉


  中国生物物理学会常务理事,中国细胞生物学会常务理事,北京细胞生物学会常务理事,天津细胞生物学会理事长。FEBS Letters杂志编委,Cell Research杂志编委会成员

  1999 获美国癌症研究学会(AACR-AFLAC)癌症研究青年学者奖。


  Du L,Rao G,Wang H,Li B,Tian W,Cui JT,He L,Laffin B,Tian X,Hao C,Liu H,Sun X,Zhu Y,Tang DG,Mehrpour M,Lu Y*,Chen Q*.(2013)CD44-positive cancer stem cells expressing cellular prion protein contribute to metastatic capacity in colorectal cancer,Cancer Research,in press
  Liu Y,Cheng H,Zhou Y,Zhu Y,Bian R,Chen Y,Li C,Ma Q,Zheng Q,Zhang Y,Jin H,Wang X,Chen Q*,Zhu D* (2013)Myostatin induces mitochondrial metabolic alteration and typical apoptosis in cancer cells,Cell Death and Disease,in press.
  Rao G,Wang H,Li B,Huang L,Xue D,Wang X,Jin H,Wang J,Zhu Y,Lu Y,Du L*,Chen Q*,(2013)Reciprocal Interactions between Tumor-Associated Macrophages and CD44-Positive Cancer Cells via Osteopontin/CD44 Promote Tumorigenicity in Colorectal Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research.2013,Feb.15,19(4):785-97
  Lei Liu,Du Feng,Guo Chen,Ming Chen,Qiaoxia Zheng,Pingping Song,Qi Ma,Chongzhuo Zhu,Rui Wang,Wanjun Qi,Lei Huang,Peng Xue,Baowei Li,Xiaohui Wang,Haijing Jin,Jun Wang,Fuquan Yang,Pingsheng Liu,Yushan Zhu,Senfang Sui & Quan Chen*,(2012)Mitochondrial outer-membrane protein FUNDC1 mediates hypoxia-induced mitophagy in mammalian cells,Nature Cell Biology,2012,Feb 14 (2):177-185
  Lixia Zhao,Feng He,Haiyang Liu,Yushan Zhu1,Weili Tian,Ping Gao,Hongping He,Wen Yue,Xiaobo Lei,Biyun Ni,Xiaohui Wang,Haijing Jin,Xiaojiang Hao,*,Jialing Lin,*,and Quan Chen,*(2012)A natural compound elevates expression of Bim that interacts with Bcl-2 converting the anti-apoptotic protein to a pro-apoptotic Bax-like molecule. Journal of Biological Chemistry,2012 Jan; 287(2):1054-65
  Zhu YS,Li M,Wang XH,Jin HJ,Liu SS,Xu JX*,Chen Q* (2012)Caspase cleavage of cytochrome c1 disrupts mitochondrial function and enhances cytochrome c release,Cell Research,2012,22(1):127-141.
  Ni B,Ma Q,Li B,Zhao L,Liu Y,Zhu Y,and Chen Q* (2012)Phenylarsine Oxide Induces Apoptosis in Bax- and Bak-Deficient Cells Through Upregulation of Bim. Clinical Cancer Research,2012 Jan,18:140-151
  Ma Q,Fang HQ,Shang W,Liu L,Xu ZS,Ye T,Wang XH,Zheng M*,Chen Q* and Cheng HP* (2011)Superoxide flashes:early mitochondrial signals for oxidative stress induced apoptosis Journal of Biological Chemistry,2011 Aug; 286(31):27573-81
  Wang HX,Song PP,Du L,Tian WL,Yue W,Liu M,Li DW,Wang B,Zhu YS,Zhou J*,Chen Q* (2011)Parkin ubiquitinates Drp1 for proteasome-dependent degradation:implication of dysregulated mitochondrial dynamics in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Biological Chemistry,2011 Apr 1; 286(13):11649-58
  Zhang J.,Liu WH,Liu JC,Xiao WM,Liu L,Jiang CS,Sun X,Liu PS,Zhu YS,Zhang CM,and Chen Q* (2010)G protein β2 subunit interacts with mitofusin 1 to regulate mitochondrial fusion. Nature Communications,1,101-110
  Zhao L,Zhu YS* Wang DM,Chen M,Gao P,Xiao WM,Rao GH Wang XH,Jin J,Xu L,Sui N,* and Chen Q* (2010)Morphine induces Beclin 1- and ATG5 dependent autophagy in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and in the rat hippocampus. Autophagy ,2010 Apr;6(3):386-94
  Shang YL,Liu Y,Du L,Wang YL,Cheng X,Xiao WM,Wang XH,Jin HJ,Yang X,Liu SS and Chen Q*(2009)Targeted Expression of Uncoupling Protein 2 to Mouse Liver Increases the Susceptibility to LPS/GalN-Induced Acute Liver Injury. Hepatology,50(4):1204-16
  Du L,Wang H,He L,Zhang J,Ni B,Wang X,Jin H,Cahuzac N,Mehrpour M,Lu Y*,Chen Q*(2008)CD44 is of functional importance for colorectal cancer stem cell. Clinical Cancer research,14,6751-6760
  Nie C,Tian C,Zhao L,Petit P,Mehrpour M and Chen Q (2008)Cysteine 62 of Bax is critical for its conformational activation and its pro-apoptotic activity in response to H2O2 -induced apoptosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry,283(22):15359-15369
  Lei XB,Chen YY,DuGH,Yu WY,Wang XH,Qu H,Xia B,He HP,Mao JH,Zong WX,Mehrpour M,Hao XJ and Chen Q*(2006)Bak/Bax activation and mPTP opening independent cytochrome c release and apoptosis induced by gossypol which triggers Bcl-2 conformational change,FASEB J,20:2147-2149
  Liao XD,Liu,JM Du L,Tang AH,Wang SQ,Chen LY*,Chen Q* (2006)Nitric Oxide Signaling in Stretch-induced Apoptosis of Neonatal Rat Cardiomyocytes,FASEB J,20:1883-1885
  Zheng YH.,Tian CH,Wang HG,Chen Q. (2005)Arsenic trioxide induces apoptosis through activation of Bax in hematopoietic cells,Oncogene,24:3339-3347)
  Zheng YH.,Shi R.,Jiang CH.,Tang H.,Chen Q* (2004)The mitochondrial Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel (VDAC)plays an essential rolein Arsenic Trioxide-Induced cytochrome c release and apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells,Oncogene 23:1239-1247








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