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  姓名: 洪登峰 出生年月: 1980.9
  性别: 男 硕/博导:
  民族: 汉 开设课程: 作物育种学
  职称: 副教授 研究方向: 油菜核不育的遗传和育种
  学位: 农学博士




   1. 2009年,国家科技进步二等奖:“高产优质抗逆杂交油菜品种"华油杂5号、6号和8号"的选育推广”,排名第三
   3. 2007年,湖北省科技进步奖一等奖:“高产优质抗逆杂交油菜新品种华油杂8号的选育和推广应用”,排名第三
   4. 2006年,湖北省科技进步奖一等奖:“高产优质抗逆杂交油菜新品种华油杂6号的选育和推广应用”,排名第三

   1. Zhenghua Xu, Yanzhou Xie, Dengfeng Hong, Pingwu Liu, and Guangsheng Yang. Fine mapping of the epistatic suppressor gene (esp) of a recessive genic male sterility in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). 2009, Genome, 52: 755–760 (通讯作者)
   2. Liwu zhang, Pingwu Liu, Dengfeng Hong and Guangsheng Yang. Genetic analysis of seed number per pod in Brassica napus using augmented North Carolina (NC) Ⅱ. Genes & Genomics 2008, 30: 197-204
   3. He Junping, Ke Liping, Hong Dengfeng, Xie Yanzhou, Wang Guichun, Liu Pingwu, Yang Guangsheng. Fine mapping of a recessive genic male sterility gene (Bnms3) in rapeseed (Brassica. napus) with AFLP- and Arabidopsis-derived PCR markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2008, 117:11-18
   4. Y Z Xie, D F Hong, Z H Xu, P W Liu, G S Yang. Identification of AFLP markers linked to the epistatic suppressor gene of a recessive genic male sterility in rapeseed and conversion to SCAR markers. Plant Breeding, 2008,127:145–149
   5. Hong Dengfeng, Liu Jun, Yang Guangsheng, He Qingbiao. Development and characterization of SCAR markers associated with a dominant genic male sterility in rapeseed. Plant Breeding, 2008, 127:69-73
   6. Guichun Wang, Junping He, Dengfeng Hong, Yanzhou Xie, Zhenghua Xu, Pingwu Liu, Guangsheng Yang. Development of AFLP and SCAR markers linked to a recessive genic male sterile gene (Bnms3) in rapeseed for marker-assisted selection. Korean Journal of Genetics, 2007, 29:481-487
   7. Fan Z X, Lei W X, Hong D F, He J P, Wan L L, Xu Z H, Liu P W, Yang G S. Development and primary genetic analysis of a fertility temperature-sensitive Polima cytoplasmic male sterility restorer in Brassica napus. Plant Breeding, 2007, 126, 297-301
   8. Hong Dengfeng, Wan Lili, Liu Pingwu, Yang Guangsheng, He Qingbiao. AFLP and SCAR markers linked to the suppressor gene (Rf) of a dominant genic male sterility in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Euphytica, 2006, 151:401–409
   9. 洪登峰, 万丽丽, 杨光圣. 侧翼序列克隆方法评价. 分子植物育种, 2006, 4:280-288
   10. Ke L P, Sun Y Q, Hong D F, Liu P W, Yang G S. Identification of AFLP markers linked to one recessive male sterility gene in oilseed rape, Brassica napus. Plant Breeding, 2005, 124:367-370






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