姓名:陈明洁 性别:女 职称:副
姓名:陈明洁 | 性别:女 | |
职称:副教授 | 学院:生命科学与技术学院 | |
主要研究方向:分子生物学相关研究 |
传 真:************
1993-2001年 卫生部武汉生物制品研究所任助理研究员
1) 国家自然科学基金:小麦籽粒硬度新型主效等位基因的功能研究 (项目编号30640043)。
2) 湖北省科技厅研究项目:新疆抗盐碱小麦品种基因的转化及选育(项目编号2008BHB002)
3) 湖北省科技厅软科学项目:植物分子设计育种(中欧植物生物技术国际学术研讨会-中欧科技年)
4) 武汉市科技局科技攻关项目:“转优良品质基因小麦的食品与环境安全评价”(项目编号200870834414)
5) 华中科技大学校科学研究基金“小麦籽粒硬度新型主效等位基因的功能研究”(项目编号2006M033B)
1. Mingjie Chen, Mark Wilkinson, Paola Tosi, Guangyuan He, Peter. Shewry. 2005, Novel puroindoline and grain softness protein alleles in Aegilops species with the C, D, S, M and U genomes. Theor Appl Genet. 116(6) : 1159-1166
2. GY He, HD. Jones, R D’Ovidio, S Masci, MJ Chen, J West, B Butow, O Anderson, P Lazzeri, R Fido, P Shewry. Expression of an extended HMW subunit in transgenic wheat and the effect on dough mixing properties, Journal of Cereal Science, 2005, 42: 225-231
3. Mingjie Chen, Hao Wu, Junli Chang, Guangxiao Yang, Guangyuan He. Cloning and Expression Analysis of Puroindoline b Gene in Aegilops ventricosa. 2007 China-EU Science and Technology Year China-EU Plant Biotechnology Symposium. December 12-15, 2007,Wuhan, China.
4. Guangyuan He, Mingjie Chen, Gang Lin, Yuesheng Wang, Jie Luo, Yong Liu, Sanhe Li, Jinrui Zhang and Guangxiao Yang. 2007, Expression of HMW-GS Subunit in Transgenic Wheat and Biosafety Assessment of Transgenic Wheat Lines. ibid.
5. Liting Luo, Mingjie Chen, Jue.Wang, Guangxiao Yang, Kexiu Li, Junli Chang and Guangyuan He. 2007, The Molecular Evolution and Genome Sequence of Grain Hardness Genes in Genera of Triticeae dumort. ibid
6. Liu Yong, Chen Ming-jie, Luo Jie, Huo Hua-lei, Xiong Zhi-yong, Li Ke-xiu, He Guang-yuan. 2004, Analysis of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit composition and puroindoline gene in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Aegilops species. (Abstr. ) International wheat quality conference: From molecular improvement to consumer needs. pp. 52-53. May 29-31, Beijing, China
7. Jinrui Zhang, Qin Xiao, Kexiu Li, Mingjie Chen , et al. 2006, An optimal pooling strategy applied to high-throughput screening for rare marker-free transformants. Biotechnol Lett., 28:1537–1544
8. GY He, JR Zhang, KX Li, ZY Xiong, MJ Chen, et al. 2006, An improved system to establish highly embryogenic haploid cell and protoplast cultures from pollen calluses of maize (Zea mays L.). Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture, DOI 10.1007/s11240- 006-9091-5
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