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  1)儿童铅暴露影响脑发育和功能的细胞分子机制 2)突触稳态的调控机理 3)益智类功能食品的开发和应用 4)食品安全和营养的关键科学问题

  汪惠丽,女,合肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院教授,“黄山青年学者”。从事神经药理学与毒理学、食品安全与营养的教学和研究。美国神经科学学会会员,中国神经毒理学会理事,安徽省神经科学学会理事,安徽省环境诱变剂学会理事。2006年毕业于中国科学技术大学生命科学学院,获理学博士学位。博士毕业后在中国科学技术大学从事博士后研究,主持教育部中国博士后科学基金和中国科学院王宽诚博士后工作奖励基金。并参加了“以安庆镇痛消瘤散为基础的新型透皮抗癌药的开发研究”和“光催化纳米C60引起细胞自噬及对神经退行性疾病治疗的研究”等工作。2006年12月至2007年3月参加中国第二十三次南极科学考察队,赴南极长城站考察。2008年9月至2010年底,在加州大学伯克莱分校(University of California,Berkeley)从事博士后研究工作。2011年1月至12月在斯坦福大学医学院任Research Associate,从事突触稳态调控机理研究。2011年合肥工业大学以“黄山青年学者”人才引进。主持国家科技部973项目中的课题“铅暴露影响脑发育的细胞分子机制”(NO.2012CB525003)。曾作为主要成员参加了国家科技部973项目中的课题“环境铅致神经系统的损伤与修复机制”(No.2002CB512907)、国家自然科学基金重点项目“环境铅致神经系统学习记忆功能损伤与修复机制”(No.30630057)、中国科学院创新项目“铅污染及其作用机理”(No.KZCX3-SW-437)等项目。2006年获教育部自然科学二等奖(环境铅对儿童学习记忆功能的损伤及修复机制研究,排名第4)。已发表论文30余篇,其中SCI论文20余篇,一些论文发表在生物科学领域重要杂志如“Journal of Neuroscience”(featured article);“Environmental Health & Perspectives”;“European Journal of Neuroscience”上。其中,2011年发表在“Journal of Neuroscience”上的“JDecrease in Calcium Concentration Triggers Neuronal Retinoic Acid Synthesis during Homeostatic Synaptic Plasticity”被Faculty of 1000评为“必读”论文。多次参加国际、国内学术会议,先后于2009年在美国冷泉港(Cold Spring Harbor)国际会议中心、2011年在Washington DC国际神经科学年会(Society for Neuroscience)应邀作大会报告,研究成果受到国际同行的高度关注。

  中国科学技术大学精品教材 《神经生物学》(中国科学技术大学出版社,2008)编委
  1.Hui-Li Wang,Zhenjie Zhang,Maik Hintze,Lu Chen.Decrease in Calcium Concentration Triggers Neuronal Retinoic Acid Synthesis during Homeostatic Synaptic Plasticity.Journal of Neuroscience,2011,31 (49):17764-17771 ( featured article,SCI,IF:8.2)
  2.Peter Hastie,Max Ulbrich,Hui-Li Wang,Ehud Isaccoff,Lu Chen.Single-molecule imaging reveals concentration and subtype dependence of TARP—AMPA receptor interactions.(In revision,Proc Natl Acad Sci U S,IF:9.432)
  3.Hui-Li Wang,Xiang-Tao Chen,Bin Yang,Fang-Li Ma,Shu Wang,Ming-Liang Tang,Ming-Gao Hao,Di-Yun Ruan,Case-Control Study of Blood Lead Levels and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Chinese Children,Environmental Health Perspectives,2008,116 (10):1401-1406 (SCI- 1区,环境卫生类Top1 杂志,IF:6.191)
  4.Hui-Li Wang,Xiang-Tao Chen,Le Luo,et al.Reparatory Effects of Nicotine on NMDA Receptor-mediated Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampal CA1 Region of Chronically Lead-exposed Rats.European Journal of Neuroscience,2006,23:1111-1119 (SCI- Ⅱ区,IF:3.82)
  5.Hui-Li Wang,Xiang-Tao Chen,Shu-Ting Yin,Chuan-Yun Wu,Ming-Liang Tang,Di-Yun Ruan,Opposite Effects of α-Lipoic Acid on Antioxidation and Long Term Potentiation in Control and Chronically Lead-exposed Rats,Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology,2008,378:303-310 (IF:2.631))
  6.Chuan-yun Wu,Bing Liu,Hui-li Wang,Di-yun Ruan.Levothyroxine rescues the lead-induced hypothyroidism and impairment of long-term potentiation in hippocampal CA1 region of the developmental rats.Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology,2011,(256):191-197 (IF:4.0)
  7.Hao Sun,Hui-Li Wang,Shu Wang.d-serine relieves chronic lead exposure-impaired long-term potentiation in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus in vitro,Neuroscience Letters 417 (2007) 118–122
  8.Shu Wang,Pu Hu,Hui-Li Wang,Ming Wang,Ju-Tao Chen,Jiu-Lai Tang,Di-Yun Ruan Effects of Cd2+ on AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in rat hippocampal CA1 area,Toxicology Letters,2008,176(3):215-222
  10.Tang M,Xin T,Zeng J,Wang H,Li C,Yin S,Yan D,Deng H,Liu J,Wang M,Chen J,Ruan DY.Unmodified CdSe Quantum Dots Induced Elevation of Cytoplasmic Calcium Levels and Impairment of Functional Properties of Sodium Channels in Rat Primary Cultured Hippocampal Neurons,Environ Health Perspect:2008,116(7):915-922.
  11.Mingliang Tang,Ming Wang,Tairan Xing,Jie Zeng,Huili Wang,Di-Yun Ruan.Mechanisms of Unmodified CdSe Quantum Dot-Induced Elevation of Cytoplasmic Calcium Levels in Primary Cultures of Rat Hippocampal Neurons.Biomaterials,2008,29 (33):4383-4391
  12.Shu Wang,Yan Gu,Hui-Li Wang,et al.Inhibitory Effect of Cd2+ on Glycine-induced Chloride Current in Rat Hippocampal Neurons,Brain Research Bulletin,2006,69:680–686
  13.Xiang-Tao Chen,Jun Li,Hui-Li Wang,et al.Immunomodulating Effects of Fractioned Polysaccharides Isolated from Yu-Ping-Feng-Powder in Cyclophosphamide-Treated Mice.American Journal of Chinese Medicine,2006,34 (4):631-641
  14.Chenchen Li ,Xinmei Li ,Weiheng Chen ,Shanshan Yu ,Jutao Chen ,Huili Wang and Diyun Ruan The different roles of cyclinD1-CDK4 in STP and mGluR-LTD during the postnatal development in mice hippocampus area CA1,BMC Developmental Biology,2007,7(1):57
  15.Shan-Shan Yu,Ming Wang,Xin-Mei Li,Wei-Heng Chen,Ju-Tao Chen,Hui-Li Wang and Di-Yun Ruan,Influences of different developmental periods of taurine supplements on synaptic plasticity in hippocampal CA1 area of rats following prenatal and perinatal lead exposure,BMC Developmental Biology,2007,7(1):51
  16.Li Su,Ming Wang,Shu-Ting Yin,Hui-Li Wang,Liang Chen,Li-Guang Sun,Di-Yun Ruan.,The interaction of selenium and mercury in the accumulations and oxidative stress of rat tissues.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.2008,70:483-489
  17.Pu Hu ,Lei Sun ,Zhi-Qiang Zhu ,Shu Wang ,Shan-Shan Yu ,Ping Zhang,Ming Wang,Hui-Li Wang,Li-wen Niu,Mai-kun Teng,Di-Yun Ruan,Crystal structure and electrophysiological characterization of Natratoxin,a novel snake sPLA2 neurotoxin inhibiting A-type K+ currents,PROTEINS:Structure,Function,and Bioinformatics,2008,72(2):673-683
  18.Chenchen Li,Tairan Xing,Mingliang Tang,Wu Yong,Dan Yan,Hongmin Deng,Huili Wang,Ming Wang,Jutao Chen,and Diyun Ruan*,Involvement of cyclinD1/CDK4 and pRb mediated by PI3K/AKT pathway activation in Pb2+-induced neuronal death in cultured hippocampal neurons,Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology,2008,229:351-361
  19.Dan Yan,Lang Wang,Fang-li Ma,Hongmin Deng,Jin Liu,Chenchen Li,Huili Wang,Jutao Chen,Jiu-Lai Tang and Di-Yun Ruan,Developmental exposure to lead causes inherent changes on voltage-gated sodium channels in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons,Neuroscience,2008,153:436-445
  20.Shu Wang,Tai-Ran Xing,Ming-Liang Tang,Wu Yong,Chen-Chen Li,Liang Chen,Hui-Li Wang,Jiu-Lai Tang,Di-Yun Ruan*,Effects of Cd2+ on transient outward and delayed rectifier potassium currents in acutely isolated rat hippocampal CA1 neurons.Naunyn-Schmiedeberg Archives of Pharmacology,2008,377:245-253.
  21.Shu-Ting Yin;Ming-Liang Tang;Li Su;Liang Chen;Pu Hu;Hui-Li Wang;Ming Wang;Effects of Epigallocatechin-3-gallate on lead-induced oxidative damage,Toxicology.2008,249(1):45-54
  22.Pu Hu,Ming Wang,Wei-Heng Chen,Ji Liu,Liang Chen,Shu-Ting Yin,Wu Yong,Ju-Tao Chen,Hui-Li Wang,Jiu-Lai Tang,and Di-Yun Ruan.Protective effects of Quercetin against lead-induced impairment of synaptic plasticity in hippocampal Dentate Gyrus of rats in vivo,Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology,2008,378(1):43-51.
  23.Dan Yan,Lang Wang,Fang-li Ma$ ,Hongmin Deng,Jin Liu,Chenchen Li,Huili Wang,Jutao Chen,Di-Yun Ruan,Developmental exposure to lead causes inherent changes on voltage-gated sodium channels in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons,Neuroscience,2008,153:436-445
  24.Ming-Liang Tang,Le Luo,Da-Miao Zhu,Hui-Li Wang,Yun-Yun Luo,Di-Yun Ruan*,Muscarinic Cholinergic Modulation of Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity in Rat Hippocampus following Chronic Lead Exposure.Naunyn-Schmiedeberg Archives of Pharmacology,Naunyn-Schmiedeberg Archives of Pharmacology,379(1):37-45,-2009
  25.Zhao QH,Zhang Y,Liu Y,Wang HL,Shen YY,Yang WJ,Wen LP.Anticancer effect of realgar nanoparticles on mouse melanoma skin cancer in vivo via transdermal drug delivery.Med Oncol,2009 (DOI 10.1007/s12032-009-9192-1)
  26.Wu Yong,Tai-Ran Xing,ShuWang,Liang Chen,Pu Hu,Chen-ChenLi,Hui-li Wang,Ming Wang,Ju-Tao Chen,Di-Yun Ruan.Protective Effects of Gastrodin on Lead-Induced Synaptic Plasticity Deficits in Rat Hippocampus.Planta Med,2009,75(10):1112-7
  International meetings:
  1.Hui-Li Wang,Zhenjie Zhang,Lu Chen.Calcium regulates neuronal retinoic acid synthesis
  during homeostatic synaptic plasticity.2011.11.SFN (Society for Neuroscience) annual meeting,Washington DC,USA.2.Wang,Hui-Li,Chen,Lu.Single-molecule imaging reveals concentration and subtype dependence of TARP—AMPA receptor interactions.SYNAPSES:FROM MOLECULES TO CIRCUITS & BEHAVIOR,2009,4.Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,New York,USA
  3.Hui-Li Wang.Effect of nicotine on the NMDA-receptor dependent synaptic plasticity in the Hippocampal CA1 Region of Chronically Lead-exposed Rats.首届华人地理学家大会,2005,8 中国北京(北京大学)
  4.WANG Hui-li,RUAN Di-yun.Effects of nicotine and α­­-lipoic acid on lead-induced long-term potentiation impairment.The 4th international congress of Asian society of toxicology (AXIATOX-Ⅳ) 2006,6.Zhuhai,China.5.Diyun Ruan,Huili Wang,Le Luo.Cholinergic modulation of synaptic transmission and plasticity in rat hippocampus following chronic lead exposure.The first international conference on frontiers in biomedical and environmental health sciences from molecular and systems biology to human diseases.2006,6.Wuhan,China.

  2007年,教育部自然科学奖 二等奖(No.2006-102)“环境铅对儿童学习记忆功能的损伤及修复机制研究”,第4作者。
  2006-2008年,作为主要成员参加了国家科技部973项目 “环境铅致神经系统的损伤与修复机制(No.2002CB512907)”、国家自然科学基金重点项目“环境铅致神经系统学习记忆功能损伤与修复机制(No.30630057)”、中国科学院创新项目“铅污染及其作用机理(No:KZCX3-SW-437)”。
  2008.9~2010.12,参加美国国立卫生院NIMH“MECHANISM OF STARGAZIN-REGULATED AMPAR TRAFFICKING(stargazin 调控AMPA受体转运机制)”(项目号:1 R01 MH069792),排名第三。
  2008.9~2010.9 参加美国W.M.Keck Foundation Distinguished Young Scholars in Medical Research研究。
  2008.10~2010.10 参加The David and Lucile Packard Foundation基金会资助项目。
  2011.2~2011.8,参加美国国立卫生院NIMH项目“Synaptic function of retinoic acid study(全反式维甲酸的突触功能研究”)(项目号:1R01 MH091193)。排名第三。
  2009.11~2011.8,参加美国国立卫生院NIMH项目(项目号:1P50MH086403)Conte center 研究,排名第四。







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