姓名:杨继平 性别:男 出生年月:1976-04-08 职称:教授 学院:电子科学与应用物理学院 研
2005.6 - 2006.9 德国Karlsruhe研究中心客座研究员(在Prof. Kappes 研究所)
2007.6 - 2007.8 德国Karlsruhe大学德国自然科学基金会功能纳米材料研究中心客座教授
2008.6 - 2008.8 德国Karlsruhe大学德国自然科学基金会功能纳米材料研究中心客座教授
2010.7 - 2010.7 德国Erlangen-Nuernberg大学访问教授
2010.7 - 2010.9 德国Karlsruhe大学德国自然科学基金会功能纳米材料研究中心客座教授
2011.9 - 2011.12 德国Karlsruhe大学物理化学所客座教授
2012.7 - 2012.8 德国Karlsruhe大学德国自然科学基金会功能纳米材料研究中心客座教授
1. 2003年10月由教育部“春晖计划”资助回国讲学;
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目(自由申请项目):研究导电低聚噻吩裕富勒烯中激发态能级间相互作用对光致电子转移的影响,课题负责人, 2006-2008,28万;
3. 德国发明专利一项:Verfahren zum Trennen und Bearbeiten von auf einem Halbleitersubstart im Verband hergestellten Halbleiterchips aus AIII – BV – Verbindungshalbleitern unter Verwendung eines Excimer-Lasers(利用飞秒准分子激光器切割和分离半导体集成块的方法),德国专利号197 30 028,批准日期2002.12.12
[25] Phuong Dau Dau, Hong-Tao Liu, Ji-Ping Yang, Marc-Oliver Winghart, Thomas J. A. Wolf, Andreas-Neil Unterreiner, Patrick Weis, Yu-Run Miao, Chuan-Gang Ning, Manfred M. Kappes, and Lai-Sheng Wang, “Resonant tunneling through the repulsive Coulomb barrier of a quadruply charged molecular anion”,Phys. Rev. A 85, (2012) 064503
[24] P. Cheng, J.-P. Yang*, "Ultrafast field-induced decay of singlet excited-state in conjugated polymers", Physica B, 405 (2010) S384
[23] 程萍,高峰,陈向东,杨继平*,“偏置电场对聚对笨乙烯激发态弛豫特性的影响”,《物理学报》,59 (2010)2831.
[22] O. Schalk, Ji-Ping Yang, A. Hertwig, H. Hippler, A.N. Unterreiner, “Vibrational cooling in the liquid phase studied by ultrafast investigations of cycloheptatriene”, Molecular Physics, 107 (2009) 2159.
[21] CHEN Xiang-dong, DING Chen, CHENG Ping,WANG Rui, , GAO Feng, YANG Ji-ping* “Size Dependence of Electron Transfer Efficiency for Oligothiophenes/ Fullerenes Mixtures in Solution”, 复旦大学学报, 48 (2009) 391.(通讯作者)
[20] J.-P. Yang, A.N. Unterreiner“Femtosecond Two-Pulse Cross Correlation in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Evedence of Intersubband Transitions and Role of G-band-Assisted Transitions”, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9, (2009)1479 – 1482.
[19] Ch. Rensing, O.T. Ehrler, Ji-Ping Yang, A.N. Unterreiner, M.M. Kappes, “Photodissociation Dynamics of IrBr62- Dianions by Time-Resolved Photoelec-tron Spectroscopy”, J. of Chem. Phys.130 (2009) 234306.
[18] M. Klinger, A.N. Unterreiner, Ji-Ping Yang, F. Hennrich, M.M. Kappes, “Ultrakurzzeitspektroscopie des ersten elektronisch angeregten Zustands von einwandigen (9,7)-Kohlenstoffnanorören”,德国2009年春季物理学年会, Hamburg/Germany
[17] 陈向东,高峰,王锐,程萍,杨继平*,“四噻吩/富勒烯混合膜和混合液中的荧光猝灭研究”,复旦大学学报,47 (2008) 668. (通讯作者)
[16] 陈向东,王锐,程萍,高峰,杨继平*,“低聚噻吩/富勒烯混合液中富勒烯吸收对荧光猝灭效率影响的校正方法”, 中国科技大学学报,38 (2008) 1123.(通讯作者)
[15] O.T. Ehrler, J.P. Yang, A.B. Sugiharto, A.N. Unterreiner and M.M. Kappes, “Excited state dynamics of metastable phthalocyanine-tetrasulfonate tetraanions probed by pump/probe photoelectron spectroscopy”, J. of Chem. Phys.127 (2007) 18430.
[14] J.-P. Yang, M.M. Kappes, H. Hippler and A.-N. Unterreiner, “Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Their Ultrafast Optical Switching Behavior”, Solid State Phenomena Vols. 121-123, (2007) pp. 905.
[13] O.T. Ehrler, J.-P. Yang, C. Hättig, A.-N. Unterreiner, H. Hippler and M.M. Kappes ,“Femtosecond pump/probe photoelectron spectroscopy of isolated C60 negative ions”, J. Chem. Phys. 125 (2006) 074321.
[12] J.P. Yang, M.M. Kappes, H. Hippler and A.-N. Unterreiner, “Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of single-walled carbon nanotubes in aqueous surfactant suspensions: Determination of the lifetime of the lowest excited state” PhysChem.ChemPhys. (PCCP), 7 (2005) 512.
[11] H. Hippler, A.-N. Unterreiner, J.-P. Yang, S. Lebedkin and M.M. Kappes, “Evidence of ultrafast optical switching behaviour in individual single-walled carbon nanotubes” PhysChem.Chem.Phys.(PCCP), 6 (2004) 2387.(通讯作者)
[10] J.P. Yang, W. Paa, S. Rentsch, “Femtosecond Investigations of Photophysics of Ultrafast Intersystem Crossing in Terthiophene by Wavelength Dependent Excitation”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 320 (2000) 665.
[9] J.P. Yang, W. Paa, S. Rentsch, “Size Dependent Ultrafast Dynamics of Oligothiophene with 1 - 4 Monomer Units”, Synthetic Metals, 101 (1999) 624.
[8] S. Rentsch, J.P. Yang, W. Paa, E. Birckner, J. Schiedt and R. Weinkauf, “Size Dependence of Triplet and Singlet States of Oligothiophenes”, Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics, 1 (1999) 1707
[7] J.P. Yang, “Transient spectral investigations of two-photon absorption in poly(p-phenylenevinylene) ”, Chemical Physics Letters, 243 (1995), 129.
[6] H. Meyer, J.P. Yang, D. Haarer, “ Measurement of the Mobility Edge of Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) with Photobleaching Experiments ”, Synthetic Metals, 64 (1994), 277.
[5] H. Suzuki, H. Meyer, J. Simmerer, J.P. Yang, D. Haarer, “ Electroluminescent devices based on poly(methylheylsilane) ”, Adv. Mater., 5 (1993), 743.
[4] R.F. Mahrt, J.P. Yang, H. Bässler, “ Spectroscopic assessment of the role of disorder and polaron formation on electronic transport in molecularly doped polymers ”, Chemical Physics Letters, 192 (1992), 576.
[3]J.P. Yang, S. Rentsch, “ Ultrashort double pulse excitation of PPV derivatives ”, VII International Symposium on Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Bayreuth, Germany, 10. 1991.
[2] R. Mahrt, J.P. Yang, H. Bässeler, “ Site-selective-fluorescence spectroscopy of poly(p-phenylenevinylene)s and oligomeric model compounds ”, Markromol. Chem., Rapid Commun., 11 (1990), 415.
[1] J.P. Yang, S. Rentsch, M. Lenzner and H. Li, “ Formation, relaxation and recombination of polarons and bipolarons in poly(1,4-phenylene-1-phenylvinylene ) in the picosecond time region ”, Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy, Vol.49 of Springer Proceedings in Physics, edited by E. Klose, B. Wilhelmi, 6. Internat. Symp., Neubrandenburg 1989 (Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg 1990 ), pp.300.
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