
姓名 李晓雷 性别 男 职称 副教授 研究方向 现代光测实验技术和数字
姓名 李晓雷
性别 男
职称 副教授
1、Application of the digital moiré method in fracture analysis of a cracked rubber sheet
2、A study on the digital moiré technique with circular and radial gratings
3、Application of the wavelet transform in simulating digital moiré
5、An Experimental Method for the In-Plane Deformation Measurement in a Sample of Transparent Polymeric Material
6、Experimental Investigation of Large Deformation Fracture for Rubber Materials
7、A statistical method to determine the volume fractions of inclusions in polymer composites
- 2020-03-02河北工业大学理学院物理学状元405分高质量经验贴
- 2019-10-08河工大 控制科学考研经验
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