姓名:詹红兵 性别:女 职称:教授 学院:材料科学与工程学院 电话:************* E-m
1987 年7 月毕业于浙江大学材料科学与工程系,获工学学士学位。1990 年1 月于浙江大学材料科学与工程系,获工学硕士学位,同年任教于福州大学材料学院。2004 年3 月毕业于浙江大学材料与化工学院,获博士学位。2006 年8 月-2008 年8 月在英国剑桥大学材料与冶金系从事科学研究工作。现为福州大学教授、博士生导师。
[1] M Feng, RQ Sun, HB Zhan*, Y Chen*, Decoration of carbon nanotubes with CdS nanoparticles by polythiophene interlinking for optical limiting enhancement, Carbon 2010, 48, 1177-1185
[2] M Feng, HB Zhan*, Y Chen*, Nonlinear optical and optical limiting properties of graphene families, Applied Physics Letters 2010, 96, 033107-9
[3] M Feng, RQ Sun, HB Zhan*, Y Chen*, Lossless synthesis of graphene nanosheets decorated with tiny cadmium sulfide quantum dots with excellent nonlinear optical properties, Nanotechnology 2010, 21, 075601-7
[4] C Zheng, M Feng, YH Du, HB Zhan*, Synthesis and third-order nonlinear optical properties of a multiwalled carbon nanotube–organically modified silicate nanohybrid gel glass, Carbon 2009, 47, 2889-2897
[5] M Feng, Y Chen*, LL Gu, N He, JR Bai, Y Lin, HB Zhan*, CdS nanoparticles chemically modified PAN functional materials: Preparation and nonlinear optical properties, European Polymer Journal 2009, 45, 1058-1064.
[6] C Zheng, YH Du, M Feng, HB Zhan*, Shape dependence of nonlinear optical behaviors of nanostructured silver and their silica gel glass composites, Applied Physics Letters 2008, 93, 143108-1-3
[7] M Feng , Y Chen*, N He , LL Gu , LL Gao , Z Hu , Y Lin , Z XD huang , HB Zhan*, Ultrasound-assisted bulk synthesis of CdS-PVK nanocomposites via RAFT polymerization, Journal of Polymer Science Part A - Polymer Chemistry 2008, 46, 5702-5707
[8] C Zheng, M Feng, X Zhen, J Huang, HB Zhan*, Materials investigation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes doped silica gel glass composites, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2008, 354, 1327- 1330
[9] C Zheng, AM Lin, X Zhen, M Feng, J Huang, HB Zhan*, Structural and textural evolution of dimethyl-modified silica xerogels, Materials Letters 2007, 61, 2927- 2930
[10] C Zheng, AM Lin, X Zhen, M Feng, J Huang, HB Zhan*, Microstructures and properties of ORMOSIL comprising methyl, vinyl, and c-glycidoxypropyl- substitued silica, Optical Materials 2007, 29, 1543- 1547
[11] C Zheng, M Feng, X Zhen, J Huang, HB Zhan*, Effect of doping levels on the pore structure of carbon nanotube/silica xerogel composites, Materials Letters 2007, 61, 644-647
[12] HB Zhan, C Zheng, WZ Chen, MQ Wang, Characterization and nonlinear optical property of a multi-walled carbon nanotube/silica xerogel composite, Chemical Physics Letters 2005, 411, 373-377
[13] HB Zhan, C Zheng, WZ Chen, MQ Wang, Study on the optical limiting mechanism of metallo-phthalocyanine/silica gel, Materials Letters 2005, 59, 1395 -1399
[14] HB Zhan, C WZ hen, MQ Wang, CL Zou, C Zheng, Optical limiting properties of peripherally modified palladium phthalocyanines doped silica gel glass, Chemical Physics Letters 2004, 389, 119 -123
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