在甘蔗与病原菌互作机制及功能基因挖掘与鉴定方面有系统的研究,在BMC Genomics、Frontiers in Plant Science、Plant Cell Reports、Scientific Reports、International Journal of Molecular Sciences、作物学报、应用与环境生物学报等国内外期刊发表学术论文70多篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文30篇(SCI收录17篇)。培养/协助培养学生获得国家奖学金、严家显奖学金、福建农林大学第十八届及第十九届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖和三等奖、校优秀本科毕业论文、校优秀硕士学位论文。
1. 研究方向:作物遗传育种与生物技术
2. 研究领域:植物与病原互作、基因挖掘及功能鉴定、植物分子育种
1. 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:31501363),主持人;
2. 国家重点研发计划子专题(项目编号:2018YFD1000500),主持人;
3. 农业部农业技术试验示范(种植业)项目(项目编号:K4215003A),主持人;
4. 福建省自然科学基金(项目编号:2015J05055),主持人;
5. 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划项目,主持人;
6. 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(项目编号:JA15165),主持人;
7. 福建农林大学杰出青年基金(项目编号:xjq201630),主持人;
8. 福建农林大学A类人才科研启动项目(项目编号:KXR14007A),主持人;
9. 福建农林大学作物科学学院高层次拔尖人才项目,主持人。
1. Yachun Su, Xinhuan Xiao, Hui Ling, Ning Huang, Feng Liu, Weihua Su, Yuye Zhang, Liping Xu, Khushi Muhammad, Youxiong Que*. A dynamic degradome landscape on miRNAs and their predicted targets in sugarcane caused by Sporisorium scitamineum stress. BMC Genomics, 2019, 20: 57.
2. Feng Liu#, Ning Huang#, Ling Wang, Hui Ling, Tingting Sun, Waqar Ahmad, Khushi Muhammad, Jinxin Guo, Liping Xu, Shiwu Gao, Youxiong Que*, Yachun Su*. A novel L-ascorbate peroxidase 6 gene, ScAPX6, plays an important role in the regulation of response to biotic and abiotic stresses in sugarcane. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 8: 2262.
3. Zhu Li#, Yachun Su#, Qing Yu, Yun Chen, Shiwu Gao, Yonggang Zhang, Youxiong Que, Liping Xu. Molecular insights into brown rust resistance and potential epidemic based on the Bru1 gene in sugarcane varieties and new elite clones. Euphytica, 2018, 214: 189.
4. Ling Wang, Feng Liu, Xu Zhang, Wenju Wang, Tingting Sun, Yufeng Chen, Mingjian Dai, Shengxiao Yu, Liping Xu, Yachun Su*, Youxiong Que*. Expression characteristics and functional analysis of the ScWRKY3 gene from sugarcane. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19(12): 4059.
5. Tingting Sun, Feng Liu, Wenju Wang, Ling Wang Zhuqing Wang, Jing Li, Youxiong Que, Liping Xu, Yachun Su*. The role of sugarcane catalase gene ScCAT2 in the defense response to pathogen challenge and adversity stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19: 2686.
6. Feng Liu, Tingting Sun, Ling Wang, Weihua Su, Shiwu Gao, Yachun Su*, Liping Xu, Youxiong Que*. Plant jasmonate ZIM domain genes: shedding light on structure and expression patterns of JAZ gene family in sugarcane. BMC Genomics, 2017, 18: 771.
7. Yachun Su, Yuye Zhang, Ning Huang, Feng Liu, Weihua Su, Liping Xu, Waqar Ahmad, Qibin Wu, Jinlong Guo, Youxiong Que*. Small RNA sequencing reveals a role for sugarcane miRNAs and their targets in response to Sporisorium scitamineum infection. BMC Genomics, 2017, 18: 325.
8. Yachun Su, Liping Xu*, Zhuqing Wang, Qiong Peng, Yuting Yang, Yun Chen, Youxiong Que*. Comparative proteomics reveals that central metabolism changes are associated with resistance against Sporisorium scitamineum in sugarcane. BMC Genomics, 2016, 17: 800.
9. Yachun Su, Zhuqing Wang, Feng Liu, Zhu Li, Qiong Peng, Jinlong Guo, Liping Xu*, Youxiong Que*. Isolation and characterization of ScGluD2, a new sugarcane beta-1,3-glucanase D family gene induced by Sporisorium scitamineum, ABA, H2O2, NaCl, and CdCl2 stresses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 1348.
10. Yachun Su#, Zhuqing Wang#, Liping Xu*, Qiong Peng, Feng Liu, Zhu Li, Youxiong Que*. Early selection for smut resistance in sugarcane using pathogen proliferation and changes in physiological and biochemical indices. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 1133.
11. Yachun Su, Yuting Yang, Qiong Peng, Dinggang Zhou, Yun Chen, Zhuqing Wang, Liping Xu*, Youxiong Que*. Development and application of a rapid and visual loop-mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of Sporisorium scitamineum in sugarcane. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 23994.
12. Yachun Su, Liping Xu*, Shanshan Wang, Zhuqing Wang, Yuting Yang, Yun Chen, Youxiong Que*. Identification, phylogeny, and transcript of chitinase family genes in sugarcane. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 10708.
13. Yachun Su#, Jinlong Guo#, Hui Ling, Shanshan Chen, Shanshan Wang, Liping Xu*, Andrew C. Allan, Youxiong Que*. Isolation of a novel peroxisomal catalase gene from sugarcane, which is responsive to biotic and abiotic stresses peroxisomal catalase gene from sugarcane, which is responsive to biotic and abiotic stresses. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(1): e84426.
14. Yachun Su, Liping Xu*, Zhiwei Fu, Yuting Yang, Jinlong Guo, Shanshan Wang, Youxiong Que*. ScChi, encoding an acidic class III chitinase of sugarcane, confers positive responses to biotic and abiotic stresses in sugarcane. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15(2): 2738-2760.
15. Yachun Su, Liping Xu*, Bantong Xue, Qibin Wu, Jinlong Guo, Luguang Wu, Youxiong Que*. Molecular cloning and characterization of two pathogenesis-related β-1,3-glucanase genes ScGluA1 and ScGluD1 from sugarcane infected by Sporisorium scitamineum. Plant Cell Reports, 2013, 32: 1503-1519.
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- 2020-03-23【福建农林大学】真题、资料、经验、感悟(感谢分享)
- 2019-11-22福建农林大学2011-2012年园林学院规划设计真题
- 2019-09-26福建农林大学2013年马克思主义学院初试真题
- 2018-04-24本人本科研究生皆为农大,愿为大家答疑解惑
- 2018-03-1518考研之福建农林大学精华推荐帖汇总【入版必看】
- 2016-05-18关于农大复试,给将要过来复试的同学参考,仅供参考!
- 2015-04-242012年福建农林大学研究生录取通知书
- 2015-03-04【汇总】福建农林大学考研信息汇总