主持国家自然科学基金委项目1项 、归国留学人员项目1项、校青年基金项目1项。
1. Xu Haitao*, Xu Zhenliang. “A Microporous Coordination Polymer of 2,6-Naphthalenedicarboxylate and Cobalt(II) Showing Reversible Structural and Functional Transformation” Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2012, 157, 33-36.
2. Haitao Xu*, Osamu Sato, Zhihua Li, and Jianping Ma “A thermally reversible photoinduced magnetic trinuclear complex [Cu2(bpmen)2][MoIV(CN)8]?8H2O” Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 2012, 15, 311-313.
3. Xu Haitao, GergelyJuhasz, KazunariYoshizawa, MasashiTakahashi, ShinjiKanegawa and Osamu sato. “Mixed-metal complex [Fe(bipe)(Au(CN)2)2?MeOH] with gold clusters: a novel two-dimensional polyrotaxane net clipped by aurophilic interaction”. CrystEngComm. 2010, 12, 4031-4034.
4. Xu Haitao*, Li Zhihua. “Microporous rare-earth coordination polymers constructed 3 by 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate”. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2008, 115, 522-526.
5. Han Lingfeng, Xu Zhenliang, Cao Yue, Wei Yongming, Xu Haitao. “Preparation, characterization and permeation property of Al2O3, Al2O3-SiO2 and Al2O3-Kaolin hollow fiber membranes”. Journal of Membrane Science. 2011, 372, 154–164.
6. Xiao-Hua Ma, Zhen-Liang Xu, Fan Wu and Hai-Tao Xu. “PFSA-TiO2(or Al2O3)-PVA/PVA/PAN difunctional hollow fiber composite membranes prepared by dip-coating method”. Iranian Polymer Journal. 2012, 21, 31-41.
email: xuhaitao@ecust.edu.cn
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