姓名:李保军 性别:男 所在部门:成都信息工程学院数学学院 职称:副教授 出生年月:1974年6月 电子邮件:b
姓名:李保军 性别:男
1.子群与群的结构研究,国家自然基金(批准号:11071229, 2011.0-2013.12), 主研
1.Baojun Li(李保军), Wenbin Guo. On F-covering subgroups of finite groups, Proc F Scorina Gomel Univ. 2004, 6(27), 11-15.
2.Wenbin Guo, Baojun Li(李保军). On modular identity for local Fitting classes, Proceedings of the F. Scorina Gomel State University, 2006, 3(36), 84-87.
3.W. Guo, X. Liu and B. Li(李保军). On F-radicals of finite π-soluble groups, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2006, 3, 49 – 54
4.Wenbin Guo, Baojun Li(李保军). On Shemetkov problem for Fitting classes, Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 2007, 48(1), 281-289.
5.Wenbin Guo, Baojun Li(李保军), On the injectors of finite groups, J. Group Theory, 2007,10: 849-858.(SCI期刊)
6.N. Tang, X. Liu, B. Li (李保军). Supersolubility of factorized finite groups, J. Appl. Algebra Discrete Structures, 2007.5(2),93-99.
7.Baojun Li(李保军), Alexander Skiba. New characterizations of finite supersoluble groups. Science in China Series A, 2008, 51(5): 827-841.(SCI期刊)
8.X. Liu, B. Li(李保军), X. Yi, Some Criteria for Supersolubility in Products of Finite Groups, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2008. 3(1): 79-86(SCI期刊).
9.Baojun Li(李保军), Wenbin Guo, Bin Hu. Conditions for p-supersolubility and p-nilpotency of finite soluble groups. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2008, 38(9): 1057-1062.
10.Baojun Li(李保军), Zhirang Zhang. The influence of s-conditionally permutable subgroups on finite groups. Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2009, 52( 2),301-310 (SCI期刊).
11.李保军,张志让,有限群的s-条件置换子群. 四川大学学报(自然科学版)2009,46(5),1233-1236.
12.Wenbin Guo,Fengyan Xie, Baojun Li(李保军). On some open questions in theory of generalized permutable subgroups, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2009, 52 (10), 2132-2144(SCI期刊).
13.Baojun Li(李保军), Bin Hu,Yi Lu, Groups satisfying the Sylow tower property,Math. Sci. Res. J. 2009. 1,21-26.
14.B. Li(李保军), W. Guo and J. Huang, Finite groups in which Sylow normalizers have nilpotent Hall supplements, Siberian Math. J., 2009,50(4), 667-673(SCI期刊).
15.B. Li(李保军), W. Guo. On some open problems related to X-permutability of subgroups, Comm. Algebra, 2010,39(3), 2011, Pages 757 - 771. (SCI期刊).
16.Baojun Li(李保军). On Π-property and Π-normality of subgroups of finite groups, J Algebra, 2011, 334(1), 321-337 (SCI期刊).
17.Guo Wenbin Tang na, Li Baojun(李保军), On F-z-supplemented subgroups of finite groups, Acta Math. Sci. 2011, 31(1) , 22-28.
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