
姓名:许丽生 所在部门:成都信息工程学院电子工程学院(大气探测学院) 职称:教授 【个人简介
许丽生,教授,1964年毕业于北京大学地球物理系大气物理专业。1982-1985年,被教育部派到美国 Wisconsin大学空间科学与工程中心(SSEC),分别跟了两位著名的大气辐射和卫星遥感专家Prof. Weinman和Prof. Smith从事大气辐射和卫星遥感研究。中国科学院大气物理研究所研究生导师,美国纽约科学院院士。系统地从事了大气辐射、卫星遥感和辐射与气候等基础理论研究,建立了一系列理论模式,改进和发展了非球形粒子光散射理论;发展了卷云大气的卫星遥感反演理论;提出了新的水云短波辐射参数化方案;提出了位于远红水汽吸收带新的红外探测通道等。现已在国内外学术刊物上发表论文90多篇,其中国际核心刊物论文10多篇。对大气辐射、卫星遥感和辐射与气候等学科的发展做出了重要的贡献,得到了国内外同行的高度评价。目前,正在将卫星遥感与非线性物理学相结合,进行学科交叉,研究大气中水汽含量的时空分布、暴雨等极端天气气候事件的监测和预报,以及气候变化的非线性时间序列分析。从1991年起,经国务院批准享受政府特殊贡献津贴。
1 风云三号卫星红外窗区通道大气削弱订正及原型软件研发(国家级)
2 卫星遥感与非线性科学相结合研究大气水含量的时空分布(省级)
3 可降水分:卫星遥感与非线性科学相结合研究大气水含量的时空分布(国际合作)
1.Xu, L., J. Ding, Q. Zhang, and Andrew Y. S. Cheng , Scattering matrix characteristics of polydisperse, randomly oriented, finite circular cylindrical ice crystals in infrared region,in Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles: Halifax Contributions, ARL, Maryland,(2000) p.159-162.
2.Ding, J., L. Xu, and Q. Zhang, Some studies on numerical calculations of T-matrix approach for light scattering by nonspherical particles, J. Chengdu Univ. Informat. Technol., 16 (1), 1-7 (2001).
3.Ding, J. and L. Xu, Convergence of the T-matrix approach for randomly oriented,nonabsorbing, nonspherical particles, Part II: Spheroids, J. Chengdu Univ. Informat. Technol. Vol. 16 (3), 159-168 (2001).
4.Borovoi, A., G. Czerwinski, J. Ding, U. Oppel, and L. Xu, How precisely an equation must describe the return signal of a space-borne lidar system to allow for the retrieval of cloud parameters? in Proc. VIII Inter. Symposium on Atmos. & Ocean Optics. Atmos. Physics, Irkutsk, June 25-29 (2001).
5.Ding, J., and L. Xu, Linear polarization characteristics of light scattering by Polydispersions of randomly oriented small ice crystals in infrared region, J. Chengdu Univ. Informat. Technol., 17 (1), 155-165 (2002).
6.Xu, L., and J. Ding, Light scattering characteristics by small ice particles with different size distributions and aspect ratios in visible and 1.38 m wavelengths, in Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4539, 311-319 (2002). ( 在EI中收录)
7.Ding, J. and L. Xu, Scattering characteristics by small ice particles in infrared wavelengths,in Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4539, 320-328 (2002). ( 在EI和ISTP中收录)
8.U. G. Oppel, A. Y. S. Cheng, J. Ding, S. M. Prigarin, M. Wengenmayer, and L. Xu, Representation of a multiple scattering lidar return from layers of clouds by a multi-dimensional distribution characterizing the contributions of the diffusion of the emitted beam, in Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4539, 169-179 (2002). (在EI和ISTP中收录)
9.Xu, L., J. Ding, and Andrew Y. S. Cheng, Scattering matrix of infrared radiation by ice finite circular cylinders, Appl. Opt. 41, 2333 2348 , (2002). (在SCI和 EI中收录)
10. Ding, J. and L. Xu,, Light scattering characteristics by small ice circular cylinders in visible,1.38m, and some infrared wavelengths, Optical Engineering , 41, 2252-2266 (2002) (在SCI和 EI中收录)
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