
学校: 中南林业科大
专业: 工学->化学工程与技术->应用化学
年级: 2019
招生人数: 1
招生状态: 正在招生中
中南林业科技大学理学院的张宁老师接受化工,化学工程与技术的学硕考生,达到国家a类分数线,理科的化学类考生也可考虑,但是要加试高等数学。3月底面试,欲调剂的同学电联*********** qq:2277976341
个人介绍:张宁,男, 1986年3月生,博士,教师。
[1] 湖南省教育厅科研项目一般项目:强酸浓硫磷浸出液中相似元素钨/钼的微观差异基础研究(17c1639)、2017/09-2019/09,在研,主持,1.0万。
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:高钼白钨矿硫磷混酸协同浸出液中钨钼酸化络合微观差异及其质子化耦合的自组装机制研究(51704338),2018/01-2020/12,在研,主持,25万元。
[3] 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目:基于硫磷混酸协同浸出白钨矿的溶液微观结构及质子化耦合自组装机制研究(2018jj3883),2018/01-2020/12,在研,主持,5万元。
[1] 国家973计划项目: 非传统资源的组元特性与分子行为(2014cb643401)、2014/01-2019/01,参与,100万。
[2] 国家自然科学基金重点项目:难处理钨矿物资源高效利用物理化学(51334008)、2014/01-2019/12,参与,300万。
[1]ning zhang, haibo yi, dewen zeng*, zhongwei zhao, wenlei wang, francesca costanzo. structure evolution of mononuclear tungsten and molybdenum species in the protonation process: insight from fpmd and dft calculations. chem. phys. 2018, 502: 77-86.
[2]ning zhang, wenlei wang, jo?l brugger, dewen zeng*. species fine structure of transition metal cu(ii) in aqueous chloride-bearing solutions: insights from x-ray absorption spectroscopy and ab initio xanes calculations. j. mol. liq. 2017, 230: 200-208.
[3]ning zhang, dewen zeng*, jo?l brugger, young ngothai. effect of solvent activity on solute association: the formation of aqueous nickel(ii) chloride complexes studies by uv-vis and exafs spectroscopy. j. solution chem. 2015, 44(6): 1320-1338.
[4]ning zhang, jo?l brugger*, barbara etschmann, yung ngothai, dewen zeng*. thermodynamic modeling of poorly complexing metals in concentrated electrolyte solutions: an x-ray absorption and uv-vis spectroscopic study of ni(ii) in the nicl2-mgcl2-h2o system. plos one 2015, 10(4): e0119805.
[5]ning zhang, dewen zeng*, glenn hefter*, qiyuan chen. chemical speciation in concentrated aqueous solutions of cucl2 using thin-film uv-visible spectroscopy combined with dft calculations. j. mol. liq. 2014, 198: 200-203.
[6]ning zhang, quanbao zhou, xia yin, dewen zeng*. trace amounts of aqueous copper(ii) chloride complexes in hypersaline solutions: spectrophotometric and thermodynamic studies. j. solution chem. 2014, 43(2): 326-339.
[7]hong chen, jianhui lin, ning zhang, liangzhe chen, shuiping zhong, yao wang, wengong zhang, qidan ling. preparation of mgal-edta-ldh based electrospun nanofiber membrane and its adsorption properties of copper(ii) from wastewater. j. hazard. mater. 2018, 345: 1-9.
[8]siwen ju, ning zhang, zhiqiang wang, ruiting zhang, dewen zeng, xiaopeng shao, ke lin. contacted ion pairs in aqueous cucl2 by the combination of ratio spectra, difference spectra, second order difference spectra in the uv-visible spectra. chin. j. chem. phys. 2017, 30: 657-663.
[9]liyuan chai, jinqin yang, ning zhang, p. wu, qingzhu li, qingwei wang, hui liu, haibo yi. structure and spectroscopic study of aqueous fe(iii)-as(v) complexes using uv-vis, xas and dft-tddft. chemosphere 2017, 182: 595-604.
[10]haijun han, lijiang guo, dongdong li, ouyang dong, yan yao, ning zhang, dewen zeng. isopiestic measurements of water activity for the mcl?cacl2?h2o (m=na, k) systems at 323.15 k. j. chem. eng. data 2015, 60(8): 2285-2290.
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