
高向东 教授,博士生导师,生命科学与技术学院 院长 主要经历 1963年7月生,毕业于中国药科大学
高向东 教授,博士生导师,生命科学与技术学院 院长
1983年留校任教以来,一直从事教学、科研和管理工作。现任中国药科大学微生物与生化药学教授(博士生导师)、中国药科大学生命科学与技术学院院长。为 国务院学位委员会第六届学科评议组药学组成员,国家食品药品监督管理局新药、保健食品评审专家,中国药学会生化与生物技术药物专业委员会委员,中国生物化 学与分子生物学会工业生物化学与分子生物学分会常务理事,中国微生物学会海洋药物委员会理事,《中国药科大学学报》、《药物生物技术》、《药学进展》、 《食品与药品》等杂志编委。
在以上研究领域已主持完成了国家重大新药创制项目、国家863项目、国家自然科学基金项目、教育部重点项目、江苏省重点项目等国家及省部级课题24项。目前正主持“十二五” 国家重大新药创制项目、海洋863项目、国家自然科学基金、博士点基金等项目6项。
荣获第四届教育部“高校青年教师奖”,享受政府特殊津贴,江苏省教学名师,江苏省“三八”红旗手,“江苏省优秀教育工作者”,江苏省高校“红杉树”园丁奖,江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”中青年科学技术带头人,江苏省“六大人才高峰”优秀人才。 国家级教学团队“生物制药工艺学课程教学团队”带头人,国家精品课程《生物制药工艺学》课程负责人,获江苏省教学成果一等奖、二等奖各一项。
1. Guo W, Luo C, Wang C, Zhu Y, Wang X, Gao XD. Protection against Th17 Cells Differentiation by an Interleukin-23 Receptor Cytokine-Binding Homology Region. 2012, 7(9): e45625
2. Chen S, Liu AR, An FM, Yao WB, Gao XD. Amelioration of neurodegenerative changes in cellular and rat models of diabetes-related Alzheimer’s disease by exendin-4. AGE. 2012, 34(5):1211-1224
3. Jin L, Guan X, Liu W, Zhang X, Yan W, Yao WB, Gao XD. Characterization and antioxidant activity of a polysaccharide extracted from Sarcandra Glabra. Carbohydr Polym. 2011, 90(1): 524-532
4. Niu YG, Wang HY, Xie ZH, Whent M, Gao XD, Zhang X, Zou S, Yao WB, Yu LL. Structural Analysis and Bioactivity of a Polysaccharide from the Roots of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch) Bge. var. mongolicus (Bge.) Hsiao. Food Chem. 2011, 128(3): 620–626
5. Wang JJ, Zhao H, Zheng Y, Liu W, Zhou H, Han ARN, Gao XD. Monoclonal Antibodies to Sea Cucumber Polysaccharide and Their Use in a Sandwich ELISA Assay. Hybridoma. 2011, 30(4): 381-385
6. Sun JJ, Song XD, Tian H, Jin YH, Gao XD, Yao WB. Synthesis of a novel Histidine-Targeting poly (ethylene glycol) and modification of lysozyme. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2011, 119(4): 2183-2188
7. Ren M, Yan W, Yao WB, Jin L, Gao XD. Enzymatic degradation products from a marine polysaccharide YCP with different immunological activity and binding affinity to macrophages, hydrolyzed by α-amylases from different origins. Biochimie. 2010, 92(4): 411-417
8. Liu W, Wang HY, Yao WB, Gao XD, Yu LL. Effects of Sulfation on the Physicochemical and Functional Properties of a Water-Insoluble Polysaccharide Preparation from Ganoderma lucidum. J Agr Food Chem. 2010, 58(6): 3336–3341 (IF2.469)
9. Liu W, Xie ZH, Zhang BC, Wang Q, Yao WB, Gao XD and Yu LL. Effects of Hydroxypropylation on the Functional Properties of Psyllium. J Agr Food Chem. 2010, 58(3): 1615–1621
10. Liu W, Zhang BC, Wang Q, Xie ZH, Yao WB, Gao XD and Yu LL. Effects of Sulfation on the Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Psyllium. J Agr Food Chem. 2010, 58(1): 172–179
11. Liu W, Wang HY, Pang XB, Yao WB, Gao XD. Characterization and antioxidant activity of two low-molecular-weight polysaccharides purified from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum. Int J Biol Macromol. 2010, 46(4): 451-457
12. Tong Y, Zhong K, Tian H, Gao XD, Xu XY, Yin XJ, Yao WB. Characterization of a mono PEG20000-Endostar. Int J Biol Macromol. 2010, 46(3): 331-336
13. Ma C, Gao MM, Liu WC, Zhu J, Tian H, Gao XD, Yao WB. Intein-mediated Expression and Purification of an Analog of Glucagon-like Peptide-1 in Escherichia coli. Protein Pept Lett. 2010, 17(10): 1245-1250
14. Gao MM, Ma C, Liu WC, Zhu J, Tian H, Gao XD, Yao WB. Production and purification of an analog of glucagon-like peptide-1 by auto-induction and on-column cleavage in Escherichia coli. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2010, 26(9): 1675–1682
15. Gao MM, Tian H, Ma C, Gao XD, Guo W, Yao WB. Expression, Purification, and C-terminal Site-Specific PEGylation of Cysteine-Mutated Glucagon-Like Peptide-1. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2010, 162(1): 155-165
16. Liu W, Xu J, Jing P, Yao WB, Gao XD, Yu LL. Preparation of a hydroxypropyl Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide and its physicochemical properties. Food Chem. 2010, 122(4): 965–971
17. Zou S, Zhang X, Yao WB, Niu YG, Gao XD. Structure characterization and hypoglycemic activity of a polysaccharide isolated from the fruit of Lycium barbarum L. Carbohydr Polym. 2010, 80(4): 1161-1167
18. Song XD, Sun JJ, Tian H, Gao XD. Gold nanoparticles combined with highly expressed amber suppressor tRNA: a future antibacterial agent. Irn J Med Hypotheses Ideas. 2010, 4: 6
19. Xu J, Liu W, Yao WB, Pang XB, Yin DK, Gao XD. Carboxymethylation of a polysaccharide extracted from Ganoderma lucidumen hances its antioxidant activities in vitro. Carbohydr Polym. 2009, 78(2): 227–234
20. Chen S, Yin DK, Yao WB, Wang YD, Zhang YR, Gao XD. Macrophage receptors of polysaccharide isolated from a marine filamentous fungus Phoma herbarum YS4108. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2009, 30(7): 1008-1014
21. Yin DK, Yao WB, Chen S, Hu RF, Gao XD. Salidroside, the Main Active Compound of Rhodiola Plants, Inhibits High Glucose-Induced Mesangial Cell Proliferation. Planta Med. 2009, 75(11): 1191-1195
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