李道本 男,汉族,1939年3月20日生,北京邮电大学信息与通信工程学院教授,博士生导师,国家有突出贡献专家
男,汉族,1939年3月20日生,北京邮电大学信息与通信工程学院教授,博士生导师,国家有突出贡献专家。1956年至1961年就读于北京邮电学院无线电通信与广播专业,毕业后继续攻读信息理论专业研究生,1964年研究生毕业至今在北京邮电大学工作。八十年代曾在美国夏威夷大学、洛山矶大学、东北大学做访问学者、教授。其研究领域是信息论、调制与编码、未来移动通信等。主持多项国家级科研项目:其中国家自然科学基金重点项目三项,国家 “863”项目两项,国家科技重大专项两项等。申请国际PCT专利50余项,发表专著两本、译著五本,及100多篇论文。历任中国通信学会通信理论专业委员会委员,中国航天航空学会信号与信息处理专业委员会委员。
Dao ben Li, male, Han nationality, was born in March 20, 1939. He is a professor, and the tutor of a Ph.D. student in Information and Communication Engineering school of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), and the national expert with outstanding contributions.
From 1956 to 1961 he studied in BUPT with radio communication and broadcasting major, and continued to pursue Master’s degree in the field of information theory after graduation. In 1964 he graduated from BUPT and worked in BUPT so far. In the eighties, he was a visiting scholar and a professor of the University of Hawaii, Los Angeles University, Northeastern University in the United States, whose research areas were information theory, modulation and coding, and the future of mobile communications etc. He presided over several national research projects, included three key projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, two National "863" projects two National key high tech. projects and so on. He applied more than 50 PCT patents and published two monographs, five translations, and more than 100 papers. Besides, he was the committee member of Communication Theory Professional Committee in China Institute of Communications, and the committee member of Signal and Information Processing Professional Committee in China Institute of Aerospace.
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