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  纪 红,博士,教授,博士生导师。中国通信学会高级会员,全国青联IT青年联谊会理事,IEEE VTC’2008 TPC,北京市高校青年教师教学基本功比赛评委。曾获得北京市爱国立功标兵、北京市高校第二届青年教师教学基本功比赛工科组一等奖、北京市高等学校优秀青年骨干教师、北京邮电大学企业特聘教授等奖励。近年来一直从事宽带信息网络、移动通信、无线P2P、无线分布式网络、无线异构网络、无线中继网络、认知网络等方面的研究工作。2006年加拿大UBC访问学者。近年来完成国家863、国家自然科学基金、企业合作项目多项。目前正承担国家自然基金重点项目、国家自然基金面上项目、国家863 计划项目和企业合作项目等多项。出版教材及专著多部,在国内外重要学术刊物及会议上发表学术论文180余篇,其中60余篇被EI和ISTP收录。申请国家发明专利21项,其中已授权3项。研究方向为:无线通信与网络.
  Hong Ji received the B.S. degree in communications engineering, M.S. degree and PhD degree in information and communications engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China, in 1989, 1992 and 2002, respectively. From June to December 2006, she visited the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada as a visiting scholar. She is currently a professor at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. She is also with national science research projects including Hi-TECH Research and Development Program of China (863 program) and The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) etc. Her research interests include heterogeneous networks, P2P protocols, wireless relay networks and cognitive radio.
  郭志刚,教授,硕士生导师。中国通信协会会员。长期从事通信与信息系统专业的教学与科研工作。主要研究方向为:光骨干传输网与光城域网组网理论与应用技术研究、光宽带及无线宽带接入理论与应用技术研究、3G无线接入网技术比较研究等,通信协议与性能参数测试功能终端的研究等。曾主持和参加过国外品牌手机厂商新机型开发和无线接入解决方案研究工作,参加了多项国家自然科学基金、国家863计划和部级项目等。现主要研究课题:宽带全业务光接入网理论与应用技术,光与无线融合接入网系统解决方案,3G高速无线接入解决方案,智能手机嵌入功能开发等。研究方向:光接入/无线接入、网络测试与优化、移动智能终端嵌入功能开发、 网络监控与管理
  Guo Zhigang, Professor, a member of China Institute of Communications, has engaged in teaching and researching communication and information system for many years. His main research field include: optical backbone transmission networks and optical metropolitan area networks, broadband access with optical and wireless technologies, 3G wireless access networks, communication protocols and performance testing, etc.. He hosted and participated in development of new phone models of many brand-name mobile phone manufacturers and wireless access solutions research, participated in a number of projects, including National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National 863 Program and ministerial projects. Recently, He has been working on broadband full-service optical access network, convergence of optical and wireless access network, 3G high-speed wireless access solutions, smart phone embedded feature development.
  寿国础,教授,硕士生导师,中国通信学会、中国仪器仪表学会以及北京通信信息协会的高级会员。长期从事通信与信息系统专业的科研与教学工作,先后获省部级科技进步奖4次。曾负责或主研完成国家自然科学基金、国家“863” 、国家科技攻关项目等8项,部级与企业合作项目10余项。1996年在我国首次研制成功了V5接口用户光纤通信系统和V5接口规程测试仪,并担任1997年中国电信接入网现场测试组组长,促进了接入网在我国的规模化应用。2005年与企业合作完成了多功能一体化移动监控系统,系统获得批量应用。2006年负责起草完成的CCSA标准:EPON测试方法由信息产业部批准实施,EPON应用在我国全面展开。现负责国家“863”、国家自然科学基金和企业合作等项目。研究方向:光接入/无线接入、高速网络安全、网络测试与优化、移动互联网与智能终端应用。电话:************;电子邮箱:gcshou@bupt.edu.cn。通信地址:北京邮电大学228信箱;邮政编码:100876
  Shou Guochu, Professor, senior member of China Institute of Communications, China Instrument & Control Society, and Beijing Information & Telecommunication Association, engaged in teaching and researching communication and information system for many years. He has received provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological progress awards 4 times. He was responsible for or play a significant role in a number of projects, including National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC), the National 863 Program, National Key Technologies R&D Program, and MPT/MII and enterprise cooperation project. His team developed the V5 interface optical fiber subscriber system and V5 protocols tester in China firstly in 1996, and he was responsible for access network field testing in China telecom network in 1997. His team successfully developed mobile monitoring system in 2005, and then the system was used in mobile network in high-volume. He was the main drafter of CCSA Standard “EPON Test Method” that has approved by MII in 2006. Recently, he has been working on next-generation optical access network, high-speed network security, network testing and optimization, application of mobile Internet and smart phone.







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