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  温向明,男,1959.4,教授,博士生导师,北京邮电大学信息与通信工程学院通信网中心责任教授。现任北京邮电大学副校长,中国通信学会组织委员会副主任,北京市大学生电子竞赛委员会主任。近五年来发表论文100余篇,在研项目7项,已结题项目8项,其中国家级项目3项,省部级项目7项,均为项目负责人,曾获邮电部科技进步二等奖。 研究方向:宽带移动通信理论、多媒体通信和信息处理(博士)移动通信、多媒体通信、LTE及IMS网络融合技术、信息检索与过滤技术(硕士)。 电子邮箱:xiangmw@bupt.edu.cn
  Wen Xiang-ming, male, born in April 1959, professor of Communication Network Center in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), and now he is vice president of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, vice director of the Organization Committee of China Telecommunication Association, and the director of the Committee of College Students' Electronic Competition in Beijing. In the past five years, more than 100 papers are published. He has seven projects in the researching, eight finished, of which there are three state-level projects, seven provincial-level projects. Prof. WEN are both project leader.
  His current research is focused on broadband mobile communication theory, multimedia communications and information processing (Ph.D. students), Mobile communication, multimedia communication, LTE and IMS network convergence technology, information retrieval and filtering technology (Master). E-Mail:xiangmw@bupt.edu.cn
  武穆清,男,1963.7,博士,教授,博士生导师,在北京邮电大学·信息与通信工程学院·通信网教研中心·宽带通信网络实验室工作。1981年进入北京邮电大学,获电信工程专业工学学士学位,通信与电子系统专业工学硕士学位,通信与信息系统专业工学博士学位。由法国科学院资助在法国巴黎阿尔卡特研究中心和法国高等电力学校(Supelec)做博士后研究工作,从事第四代移动通信新技术的研究工作。目前主要从事宽带通信网中业务流量控制与性能分析、无线自组织网络、特宽带通信技术(UWB)、定位技术与业务等方面的研究与开发工作,以及通信网理论的教学工作。现任北京邮电大学国际合作与交流处处长,北京邮电大学·信息与通信工程学院·通信网教研中心·宽带通信网络实验室主任。中国通信学会高级会员。研究方向:宽带网络理论与信息处理(博士)宽带无线移动通信、下一代网络及信息处理(硕士)联系电话:************ 电子邮箱:wumuqing@bupt.edu.cn
  Wu Muqing, male, born in July 1963, professor, received Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications Engineering, Master of Science in Telecommunications and Electronic Systems, and Doctoral Degree in Telecommunications and Information Systems at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT).
  He conducted research in 4G Mobile Telecommunication Innovation Technologies at French Alcatel Research Center(Marcoussis)and Supélec(École Supérieure d'Électricité)under the research program supported by French Academy of Sciences.
  His current research is focused on Ad Hoc wireless network, UWB, traffic control and performance analysis in high-speed network, A-GPS locating techniques and services, teaching in basic theories of telecom networks.
  Now he is the senior membership of China institute of communications, director of the Broadband Communications Network Laboratory (BCNL) of Information and Telecommunication Engineering School, and the director of International Office, BUPT.
  Tel:86-10-62282273 E-Mail:wumuqing@bupt.edu.cn
  刘勇,男,1962.10,教授,博士研究生导师,毕业于北京邮电大学,获博士学位。曾在德国大学进修计算机网络安全,在日本进修数据通信,在美国硅谷进行多媒体通信项目的合作开发。在科研方面,作为项目负责人和主研人,承担过多项国家级,部级以及横向项目。目前所在的研究领域和所从事的主要研究方向: 移动通信和多媒体通信技术,移动通信网络新技术和新业务的研究应用,多媒体通信协议,图像压缩,识别和检索技术的研究和应用。研究方向:移动通信、多媒体通信和信息处理(博士)移动通信、多媒体通信(硕士)联系方式:电话:************ E-mail:liuyo@bupt.edu.cn
  Liu Yong, male, born in Oct. 1962, professor, received Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications Engineering, Master of Science in Telecommunications and Electronic Systems, and Doctoral Degree in Telecommunications and Information Systems at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT).
  Research: Mobile Telecommunications and Multimedia Telecommunications: Research and application of new technology and new services in Mobile communication network; Multimedia communications protocol, research and application of image compression, image identification and image search.
  Tel:86-10-62283591 E-Mail:liuyo@bupt.edu.cn
  张智江,男,1963.8,博士,教授,兼职博士生导师,享受政府特殊津贴专家,新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,光华工程科技奖获得者,现任中国联通技术部总经理。1994年在中山大学计算机系获得科学计算与计算机应用专业博士学位,并在中山大学完成信号处理与计算机应用方面的博士后研究工作。负责完成了多项国家和部委的重大科研项目;已获授权的国内外发明专利10项;著有技术专著16部;被国际标准组织采纳文稿27篇;获得国家科技进步一等奖1项、二等奖1项;省部委科技进步奖16项,其中一等奖6项。 目前主要从事移动通信网络、移动终端以及移动增值业务等方面的研究与开发工作,以及移动通信和终端方面的教学工作。担任信息产业部科技委专家咨询组成员、信息产业部通信设备进网评审专家组成员、第三代移动通信评估专家组成员、中国通信学会成员、中国标准化协会专家咨询委员会委员、北京邮电大学信息与通信工程学院兼职教授等。研究方向:移动通信与终端(博士) 联系电话:************电子邮箱:zhangzhj@chinaunicom.cn
  Professor Zhijiang Zhang, male, general manager of the Technology Department in China United Network Communications Group Company Limited, was borne in 1963. In 1994, he obtained his PhD in Scientific Computation and Computer Application in Computer Science Department of Sun Yat-Sen University. He then furthered his research in signal processing and computer application aspects for his post-doctorate degree. He was awarded with the professorship in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
  He is awarded with the title of National Specialist, who enjoys the special national funding award. He is also the candidate of the New Century Million Talent Project (national grade) and owner of the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Price. He completed several major national projects and patented 10 inventions (both national and international). He has also contributed 16 books and 27 journals (accepted by the international standard organization) to the telecommunication industry. He was awarded with the National Technology Progressive Award (one each for both 1st Class and 2nd Class). He was also awarded with 16 Municipal Technology Progressive Award and 6 of them were 1st Class.
  Currently, his primary researches are on mobile communication networks, mobile terminals, and added value services on mobile device. He contributes his experience in mobile technology to the university.
  In addition, he also associates to the following institutes:
  1. Member of expert advisory panel of scientific and
  technological committee, Ministry of Information Industry
  2. Member of expert panel for network access examination and approval of communication equipments, Ministry of Information Industry
  3. Member of expert panel for evaluation of 3G mobile communication
  4. Member of China Institute of Communications
  5. Member of expert advisory committee of China Communications Standards Association
  6. Visiting researcher of China Academy of Science
  Research direction for applicants (PhD only): Mobile Telecommunication and Terminal Devices
  Tel: ************ Email: zhangzhj@chinaunicom.cn

  徐春秀,女,1962.12,硕士生导师,高级工程师,中国通信学会高级会员。毕业于北京邮电大学,获电信工程专业工学学士学位,通信与信息系统专业工学硕士学位。先后进行过IP网络电话,语音压缩编码,ATM网络流量控制及宽带无线接入系统等技术的研究。目前在北京邮电大学·信息与通信工程学院·通信网教研中心·宽带通信网络实验室从事特宽带无线通信(UWB),Ad Hoc路由算法,定位技术与业务等方面的研究。研究方向:宽带无线移动通信、下一代网络及信息处理.联系电话:************ 电子邮箱:xuchunxiu@bupt.edu.cn
  Xu Chunxiu, female, born in Dec. 1962, senior engineer, received Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications Engineering and Master of Science in Telecommunications and Electronic Systems at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT).She conducted research in IP phone, Voice coding, Traffic control in ATM networks.Her current research is focused on Ad Hoc wireless network, UWB, traffic control and performance analysis in high-speed network, A-GPS locating techniques and services, and teaching in principles of communications.Now she is the senior membership of China institute of communications, does her researches in Broadband Communications Network Laboratory (BCNL) of Information and Telecommunication Engineering School, BUPT.Tel:86-10-62281551 E-Mail:xuchunxiu@bupt.edu.cn






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