张现仁副教授 化学工程学院 男, 1969年出生, 群众, 在读研究生:硕士 6人 ,博士3人 电话:010-64
张现仁副教授 化学工程学院
男, 1969年出生, 群众,
在读研究生:硕士 6人 ,博士3人
博士, 2001, 北京化工大学化学工程专业
2005 见习教授, 2008 博士生导师
1. Yue T. T. and Zhang X. R., Molecular understanding of receptor-mediated membrane responses to ligand-coated nanoparticles, Soft Matter, 2011, 7,9104-9112.
2. Bai D. S., Chen G. J., Zhang X. R., and Wang W. C., MicrosecondMolecular Dynamics Simulations of the Kinetic Pathways of Gas Hydrate Formation from Solid Surfaces, Langmuir, 2011, 27, 5961–5967.
3.Yue T. T., Jiang G. F., Zhang X. R., Spontaneous pattern of linear molecules in strongly con?ned spaces, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011, 13, 12497–12505.
4. Men Y. M., Zhang X. R., and Wang W. C., Rupture kinetics of liquid bridges during a pulling process: A kinetic density functional theory study, J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 134, 124704.
5. Yue T. T., Li S. Y., Zhang X. R., and Wang W.C. The relationship between membrane curvature generation and clustering of anchored proteins: a computer simulation study, Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 6109-6118.
6. Tian F. L., Luo Y., and Zhang X. R, Curvature modulates the self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules, J. Chem. Phys. 2010, 133, 144701. (also appeared in the October 18, 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)
7. Chen X. M, Dong W., and Zhang X. R., Self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules: A review on the recent computer simulation results, Science China: Chemistry, 2010, 53, 1853-1861.
8 Hu Y. X., Zhang X. R., and Wang W.C., Boundary Conditions at the Liquid?Liquid Interface in the Presence of Surfactants, Langmuir 2010, 26,10693-10702.
9 Li S. Y., Zhang X. R, and Wang W.C., Cluster Formation of Anchored Proteins Induced by Membrane-Mediated Interaction, Biophysical Journal 2010, 98, 2554-2563.
10 Gao J. J., Li S. Y., Zhang X. R., and Wang W.C., Computer simulations of micelle fission, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 3219 – 3228.
勤奋, 爱钻研, 英语较好。
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