
李志林教授 材料科学与工程学院 男, 1964年出生, 中共党员, 黑龙江铁力市人, 在读研究生:硕士 8人
李志林教授 材料科学与工程学院
男, 1964年出生, 中共党员, 黑龙江铁力市人,
在读研究生:硕士 8人 ,博士1人
导师寄语: 天道酬勤!寻找正确的方向,一直前进,必有成就。
1981-1985 吉林工业大学金相专业,工学学士
1988-1991 哈尔滨工业大学金属材料及热处理专业,工学硕士
1996-1999 东北大学材料物理化学专业,工学博士
1985-1988 锦州工学院材料系助教
1991-1999 辽宁工学院材料系讲师、副教授、教授
1999-2001 北京航空航天大学材料系博士后
2001- 北京化工大学材料学院金属表面工程系教授,系主任,博士生导师
Journal of Physical Chemistry,
Surface and Coatings Technology
Materials Science and Engineering,
Journal of alloys and Compounds,
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,
Science in China,
1.Zhilin Li, Huibin Xu, Shengkai Gong. Texture formation mechanism of vapor deposited f.c.c thin film on polycrystal or amorphous substrate. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2004, 108(39):15165-15171
2.Zhilin Li, Wei Liu, Jun Caiqi. Effect of electrochemically induced annealing on pitting resistance of metastable austenite stainless steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2006, 37(2): 435-439
3. ZhiLin Li, Wei Liu, Yuanqi Wu. Influence of yttrium on the interface valence electron density of thermal barrier coatings. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2007, 105(2-3): 278-285
4. Zhilin Li, Jin Xu, Baoqin Fu, Wei Liu. Influence of aluminium on the valence electron density of the interface between the bond-coat and the thermally grown oxide of thermal barrier coatings. Solid State Sciences, 2008, in the press
5. Zhilin Li, Jinghui Shang, Wei Liu, Bo Fei. Electrochemically induced surface annealing without electrolyte immersion and its influence on pitting resistance. Sureface and Coatings Technology, 2008, in the press
6. Li Zhilin, Huang Qin, et. al. Application of the C-Me segregating theory in solid alloys to ceramics. Science in China E, 2007, 50(4):462-471
7. Li Zhilin, Li Zhifeng, et. al. Relationship between the orientation of texture and heteroepitaxy of diamond and related materials films on silicon single crystal and the valence electron structure of the interface. Science in China E, 2007, 50(5): 664-673
8.Li Zhilin, Xu Huibin, Gong Shengkai. Interface conjunction factors of thermal barrier coatings and the relationship between factors and composition. Science in China E, 2003, 46(3):234-244.
9. Li Zhilin, Liu Zhilin, et. al. Interface conjunction factors of the second phase particles in alloys and their effects. Science in China E, 2002, 45(2):195
10. Li Zhilin, Liu Zhilin, Liu Weidong. Valence electron structure of cementite phase and its interface and the tempering phenomenon. Science in China E, 2002, 45(3):282-290.
1. “固相合金中的C-Me偏聚理论的研究”辽宁省政府科学技术进步一等奖。
1. 愿意从事专业研究,工作积极主动,有协作精神。
2. 对无机材料(金属、陶瓷)的结构与性能有基本了解。
3. 能阅读专业外文资料,能撰写论文更佳。
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