
邵晓红副教授 理学院 女, 1972年出生, 中共党员, 在读研究生:硕士 5人 电子信箱:shaoxh@mail
邵晓红副教授 理学院
女, 1972年出生, 中共党员,
在读研究生:硕士 5人
1、Shao Xiaohong, Experimental measurements and computer simulation of methane adsorption on activated carbon fibers, Carbon, 2007, 1(45):188-195 (SCI收录)
2、Shao Xiaohong, Separation of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in activated mesocarbon microbeads with high specific surface, Acta Phys.- Chim. Sin., 2007, 23(7):1080-1084 (SCI收录)
3、Shao Xiaohong, Measurements of Diffusion Coefficients for Methane and Carbon Dioxide in Activated Meso-Carbon Microbeads,Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering, 2006, 57(8): 1891-1896 (EI收录)
4、Shao Xiaohong, Adsorption of Methane and Hydrogen on Meso-carbon Microbeads by Experiment and Molecular Simulation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2004, 108, 2970-2978;(SCI收录)
5、Shao Xiaohong, Adsorption Study of Methane on Activated Meso-carbon Microbeads by Density Functional Theory, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2004, 22, 142-147;(SCI收录)
6、Shao Xiaohong, Separation of CCl4 from Air by Kierlik-Rosinberg’s DFT Method on Activated Carbon,Acta Chimica Sinica,2003,61,1740-1746;(SCI收录)
7、Shao xiaohong, Comparison of Density Functional Theory and Molecular Simulation Methods for Pore Size Distribution of Mesoporous Materials,Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,2003,19,538-542;(SCI收录)
1. 踏实做事的耐心
2. 独立思考问题的习惯
3. 一定的计算机编程能力
4. 团结协作精神
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